2: Research

Nearly twenty years have passed. My mother's strong dislike of advanced chimps and gorillas has only fueled my curiosity about them. I majored in anthropology with a minor in zoology. Not exactly lucrative fields, but it lets me pursue my interest in advanced chimps and gorillas. There are towns now that are basically entirely inhabited by advanced chimps and gorillas. They mostly still work those jobs humans believe they're too good to do. But they're paid now and are no longer dragged around in cages. They live in houses now and drive vehicles like anybody else.

I've decided to do my master's thesis on them. I'm going to call it Almost Human. But I need to do more research, have personal experience directly with them. I need to be in a position where I can observe and interact directly with them. So I've taken a job with a construction company as an on-site medical assistant and truck driver and whatever else the company decides to train me to do. I got perfect scores on their tests so someone mentioned something about possibly training me to run a bulldozer too.

I've purchased a piece of a vehicle I'm driving to the training facility where I'll leave it because I'm to pick up the other construction workers. I get to drive the bus to transport them to the construction site. But the piece of a vehicle is so I don't alienate myself by seeming too well off. Most of the humans that work for construction companies are the CEOs, presidents, supervisors and foremen. But it happens that someone just doesn't fit in well in everyday society or goes through financially difficult times and you will often find them working for construction companies and working jobs that they once thought they were too good for. But most any job is better than no job. Just like part-time is better than no time.

Wow, who's the hot blond on the motorcycle? Maybe it's because I have black hair and brown eyes, but I've got a thing for men with blond hair. And his hair is long too, pulled back into a ponytail at the nape of his neck. He has a nice build too. And he's smiling at me. I can't stop myself from smiling back.

Remember Eleanor, you're here to do research, not to have fun. So stay focused. I guess that's what happens when you haven't dated for a while, you get easily distracted. But after that last jerk I dated, I decided I need a long break from dating. So I haven't been out with anyone for a couple of years. I'm just tired of liars and cheats. I've just been focusing on my education and work.

I learned that the advanced chimps came from common and Bonobo chimps. They started with just common chimps, but decided the males had a tendency to be too aggressive. Then they switched to the Bonobos. So our current advanced chimps that look pretty much like anyone else came from both common and Bonobo chimps, mostly Bonobos. The advanced gorillas, on the other hand, still look very gorilla-ish. As for the breeding process to create advanced chimps and gorillas, it's a big secret.

I've spent just over a month training. My instructors are very impressed with how well I've done. I've made a couple of friends, a couple of other human women who are having hard times financially. Just like the rest of the employees, we'll go where the work is. The company transports the workers to the site and provides food and housing. Like I said, tomorrow I'm driving the bus to transport all of the workers to our work site.