The Losses and The Preparations

"To start with Akhil then. Akhil is a 'Shinigami' who has unbelievable powers at his side, rivaling even me in Reiatsu and pure strength, and has the capability of taking on all Gotei 13 Captains with ease. He has huge arsenal of weapons, along with his own developed Kido Spells which he foolishly named " Hado #100." He wears a pure white cloak with black. military-like clothing under it. He also has its own Zanpakuto, that has its own Shikai release, and I am certain that he has his own Bankai Release. He seems to have no companions, as he caused all of this destruction alone. He also killed the East Gate Guardian, also killed off the strongest Noble Family, along with eradicating the history of the Soul Society. That is for my part, I would like you all to report our casualties in this battle. Unohana, you can start. " Yamamoto says as he has all of his eyes open, at all times, which seem to be cautious at all times.

"... We have lost the East Gate Guardian, more than half of Shinigami forces in 6th and 13th Division, less than half of Shinigami in every Gotei 13 Division, although we have many injured Shinigami. Also our infrastructure has been heavily damaged. We do not know precise numbers, but they number tens of thousands. The 4th Division is working at all time high with the intruder named Orihime Inoune helping us as well with her power to heal every wound as long as the individual is not dead. That is all I can say and report. " She says as she returns back to her position.

"Alright, Mayuri, I want a detailed report on the findings regarding the events in the void between the dimensions and that man, since I think they are connected. " Yamamoto says with even more serious eyes.

"Yes sir. I can already confirm that the new energy that appeared in the void and the energy Akhil is using are at least connected, if not outright the same, but there is one problem... " Mayuri says as he scratches his head.

"... And what might that be? " Yamamoto asks.

"We haven't been able to study this energy, given our many tries. Everytime we try to study it, the energy just disappears. Like it has it's own free will and refuses to be examined, studied, you name it. The same goes for the energy source Akhil usesd, which I discovered after examining some of the corpses of the shinigami that were affected by this energy. Either this energy that Akhil uses, and the energy that appeared in the void have this natural property of not reacting to anything, or the man himself has made it that way, Akhil that is." Mayuri says as he starts counting numbers on his fingers for no apparent reason.

"... And which one do you think is correct, Mayuri? " Yamamoto asks with curious expression.

"... To be honest, I think both are correct, but I would need to try and research this a little more to give a more precise answer. " mayuri says a she finds is he's counting with his fingers.

"... Alright, you are free to go and do your thing. " Yamamoto says. As Mayuri hears that, he immediately dissapears from the place.

"Now the next thing we need to do is select the new Captains, because most of them are either dead or have betrayed us. As for Aizen and his betrayal, we will have a separate meeting for this. I can say for certain that Renji Abarame will be the next 6th Division Captain, since he already has Bankai. " Yamamoto says, to which Renji bows down and thanks him for the honor.

"As for others, we can decide that on due time. The other thing I wanted to say that we will have a great, honorary funeral for all people who have proudly died protecting the Soul Society from this threat. It will be held as soon as possible. " He says as he looks at Toshiro who was just looking at a blank space without any emotion in his eyes.

"As for other intruders, since they are helping us, accommodate them accordingly, that girl has a great power, so make sure she's alright at all times, and for that Kenpachi Zaraki will be responsible. " Yamamoto says as he sees Kenpachi leave with indifferent look in his face, probably sad he didn't fight Akhil at all.

"Unohana, you and your division will be responsible for healing everyone injured. Soi Fon, you and your division are to explore and watch over the entire Seireitei in case Akhil ever comes back for a second round. I will also conduct an investigation on the symbols most of us have received from Akhil., along with Mayuri. We also ne-" He wanted to say, but then he noticed one of older Shinigami running and quickly kneeling In front of Yamamoto.

"Captain Commander Sir! The Royal Guards that protects the Soul King have descended from the Royal Palace! "


As I return to the living world, I quickly open another rip in space and time and enter the Chaos World, while closing the rip behind me, I calls for my friend.

"Hey Seg, I am back! " I shout as Seg immediately appears besides me.

"Hey there Akhil. You seem to have had so much fun? " He says as he looks at my eye that is exposed.

"Yeah, killed pretty much any hope of them winning this battle. In any case, I think we are ready for the first phase of the plan. " I say as I throw my Hogyoku towards him, which he picks up.

As he picked the Hogyoku up, he seems to close his eyes and concentrates, after some short 5 minutes, my, Hogyoku glows slightly, but just as quickly stops glowing.

"Alright, I collected and copy-pasted all the info this bad boy has collected, now I have so much to read. " He says as he looks at my Hogyoku.

"You said we should begin huh? Alright, give me a second. " He says a she starts to float just above the ground and he spreads his hands. After some 10 or so minutes, the ground starts to shake so much that it feels like an earthquake that will destroy all reality is appearing. As that happens, the landscape, the sky, everything changes. The sky begins to change from its combination of all colors to some mix of purple and blue color. As the sky changes, the landscape also changes, with multiple mountains, hills, trees, oceans and rivers appearing left and right.

"Wow... " Was the only thing that I could manage to say as I even noticed some animals have appeared. Some are familiar, while some are out right weird and I wouldn't ever thought they would exist.

Seg then looked at me with a proud face and pointed at his right eye that was glowing blue now

"Told you, it helps me manage things around here. " He says as he throws me my Hogyoku back.

"I did my part, now do yours. " He says as he seems to be out of breath and he sister in his couch that he just now materialized.

"Now... This better work, otherwise this is all for naught. " I say quietly as I envelop my Hogyoku with unusually high amounts of Chaos and even more amounts of Reiatsu. I command both of them to enter every single soul inside this Hogyoku and to influence them. With this, it should be possible for me to have these Souls able to use both Reiatsu and Chaos, although the ability and control of their usage of Chaos eill be decided by their potential, which can be random.

As for how will I reincarnate these souls in this world, I will make human bodies in quantity according to how much souls there is inside this Hogyoku, which is precisely 293.418 souls, so exact same number of bodies which will be made so they are able to survive the conditions of this world, aka the unimaginable amounts of Chaos withing the atmosphere and air.

"Hah... Hah... Hah... I think... It is done... " I say as I again command with my eye to create numerous bodies that are just like humans in appearance. As I do that, incredibly huge amounts of Chaos is used to create the bodies AND disperse them among this world.

As I finally finish that, I deactivate my eye, but suddenly my head starts to hurt and burn, which causes my entire body to burn alongside it, even though I do not. To all of this, Seg is just looking at me with curious expression and says.

"Hmmm... This is as I expected, he is changing. " He says as a notification appears.

[Please name the new species you have created : ______? Your race will also be changed/added to existing races accordingly. ]

As I look at the notification, everything makes sense to me and my body starts to calm down and I feel the burning sensation in my body dissapear.

"... Name it... Avilians. " I say with a smile on my face.


After that, my status automatically appeared inside my mind.


[Name : Akhil]

[Race : Soul, Avilian]

[Level : 92]

[World : Zera (Bleach) ]

[Strength : 2508]

[Speed : 2499]

[Dexterity : 2387]

[Intelligence : 3001]

Passive Abilities : [Left Eye of Chaos] , [Spiritual Sensing] , [Zanjutsu]

Active Abilities : [Reiatsu Manipulation] , [Bakudo/Hado Spells (#1-#100)] , [Shunpo], [Boidoseparētā] , [Shikai:Kaosu no tanjō] , [Weak Time Manipulation] , [Bankai:Kaosuinsājenshī] , [Kuresentodesusutoraiku] , [Missklang Bestowal (Curse/Blessing)


"Wow... I have grown for sure, but LVL 92 ?! That's much, but I am not complaining.

" Alright then... Let the show begin... " I say as I release all the souls that reside in my Hogyoku out, with each of them taking a single body that I have made, which can either be of an old man, or a child/baby. As they enter the bodies, they wake up to a sight of a completely new world.

"Well... Almost forgot... " I say as I use Chaos to summon a huge Missklang syblot that appeared into the air. I made it so everyone could see it

"... Activate! " I shout as the symbol starts to glow, which causes everyone's eyes to glow, which makes them suddenly have a memory on how should they speak, how to move, that is common sense etc...

On that very moment, every Kaoticans has gained their own, unique personality and started to explore this...

"... Brand new World... I will name it... "

"... Zera... "


EDIT : Changes the race and world name, since my naming sense kind of sucks, so here you go.

Avil meaning : Renewal

Zera meaning : New Begginings