As he grabs the sword, he was surprised that he lucked out, he truly managed to grab the handle, he then used the power of the sword and flew towards Quinn.

Quinn's expression changed as she knew she would be taken out, she was now in a vulnerable state.

Since it's like this she decided to go out, using her own attack.

Boom! The glowing white circle under them activated and a pillar of ice appeared on the stage that reached to an incredible height.

Inside the ice pillar the archer and Quinn was frozen inside.

Rad's other sword was also frozen within it, Shadowslash then broke the ice pillar and knocked the two unconscious.

With this both group lost a member but since the main archer of The Tank Master was still in the stage there was still hope for the group to win.

Just as the audience were focused on the fight of the two archers and swordsmen a burst of pressure came in the stage.