After watching them for a while, he realized that the two were quite swamped with work, it seems that they really need help organizing the documents, also they needed to interact with their subjects, he could only turn off his stealth to catch the attention of the two.

The two immediately noticed his aura, after all, it was their love, they quickly abandoned what they are currently doing and leap into his embrace, he hugged the two while at the same time using his Qi to get rid of their fatigue.

He then adviced "I have been watching the two of you for a long time, I realised that you have your work cut out for you, I suggest that you hire capable scholars to help you in managing this kingdom."

He puts his hand on their faces and said in a gentle and caring manner "Seeing the two of you frowns for hours really hurt my heart, the two of you could train a couple of Sea Fairies to help you in this work."