Shadowslash was startled, it seems that he had stumbled on an important piece of information, he became excited, he knew that if what they are talking about would affect the entire Battle Whale Clan, destroying it or disrupting it would be beneficial for his plan.

Killing intent flashes on his eyes but it was deeply concealed, he knew that he must bide his time, he already decided to kill the girl in front of him.

He and the girl were then escorted to the palace, Shadowslash summons multiple clones to rescue the devil octopus, he had them transform into the exact same form as his water dragon form.

According to the information he had obtained, there is a race on this world that is equal to the Battle Whale Clan in terms of both prestige and strength, he'll use this to his advantage.

Just like he had thought, when the water dragons were seen, they gave quite a shock because all the members of the whale clan instantly recognized them.