Qi Nulong looks at her surrounding and said "I think that master wants to use this world as a tempering ground for us."

"You have been on Thousand Race Empire, you should realized that the geniuses there are people that have participated in numerous battles and multiple life and death situation."

Qi Maolong nodded, he knew that what his sister have said is true, he and the elites of Martial Beast Sect might have undergone many battles but their numbers are too little.

To uphold their title as the strongest sect of Murim World, these elites have always been training hard but they cannot carry every sect members of their sect, that is why, even though undergoing a tempering might be dangerous, he approves of it.

Don Don floats above them, looking around and finding that the rest of the disciples have started traveling towards different direction, he told his plan "I have the rest of you to remain because all of you have a different duty."