Fire Dragon King and Baika did not immediately believe what they had heard but they are going to keep it in mind, the only information that they are going to share for now is the fact that their enemies had invaded the lower realm.

This left a bitter taste in their mouths, they are actually surrounded, what is worse is that, if what Shadowslash had said is true, then that means that, their enemies were holding back during their first confrontation.

Shadowslash can see the struggle in their eyes, he waves his hand and says "You two have a lot of things to think about, I suggest that you return to your abode and think about the information I have shared with you."

The two absentmindedly nodded, they stood up and left, Banjo even had to chase after Dragon King, after the two left, Shadowslash heaved a sigh of relief before taking out the orb that Fire Dragon King had given him.