SWISH! SWISH! SWISH! Multiple sharp roses rain down on her location, even the tough carapace of the insects are pierced but not thoroughly, they all hiss at the one that is responsible for the attack but Rose just smiles at them with a hint of cruelty in her eyes.

The ruler of the Plant Plane shouts "Why are you attacking me in this situation?! We should put our differences aside and deal with the greater threat!"

Rose starts laughing, tiny tears can be seen in the corner of her eyes, she truly finds the proposal laughable.

She cannot help but roll her eyes, she then sneers at her "Your plane is nothing but a useless baggage to us, do you really think that you can be of any help to us?"

Her expression becomes red, she snarls at her but unfortunately, Rose ignores her, she is actually worried about Leafinia.

She is dealing with Poison Ivy because of her authority on this plane, she does not want anything to go wrong.