"You are too young." Says the black scorpion as he starts attacking with his pincers, each blow creates a dull thud in John Loyd's carapace.

BAM! BAM! BAM! The powerful blows continue to rain down in John Loyd's body but strangely, he seems to not care.

Suddenly, multiple sharp sands pierces through the tentacles, letting him escape but after escaping, he does not attack immediately, just looks at his opponent calmly.

"It seems that you have focused on a different path, I always wanted to know if the path I choose will be proven useful to my family, now, I can test it!" He slams his pincers into the sand and a sandstorm appears.

"Trifling!" Screams the black scorpion as he exhales a vast amount of black fog that envelops the sandstorm.

The two attacks explode and when everything settles down, John Loyd is no longer present, the black scorpion is actually shocked.