Banjo smiles "Cowardly, I think not, Desolate Sovereign, you should know that both my brother and I have just recently ascended, for us, it is not hiding from the enemy but just us returning home."

"We do not feel that much sense of belonging in this realm, we would rather stay in the lower realm together with our family."

The old dragon was stunned, he then quickly recalled that Banjo is an ascender, what he had just said was true, he is not a native but an ascender.

He laughs bitterly "I forgot such important information, no wonder you and your family do not care about living in the lower realm, that is where you were born and lived most of your life, that is your home."

He then sighs "I finally realize the reason why you are not reluctant, most of us natives disdain living in the lower realm, this is the reason why many of the dragon clans are divided."