"It is already great that you managed to save some of our soldiers, that bxstard Shadowslash is behind all of this, he knows that the black hole is not able to survive against an all out attack from a Planetary Lord." They feel furious being duped like this.

"Head commander, the number of soldiers that have died from the explosion is close to five thousand, if this situation occurs once again, the number of low ranking soldiers that we have will decrease exponentially." Reported by one of the Planetary Lords.

"I understand, I will ask the demon mages to find a solution against the artificial black hole, we can only hope that they find a solution as soon as possible."

The bull demon sighs "It is because any type of experiment regarding black holes and worm holes are considered forbidden class, unless we have access to our hidden bases back in home world, we will not be able to quickly find a solution."