Life at The Bottom

"Farmer's Scripture: Rat Extermination 4" the farmer says as he points towards the rat with his index on one hand and holding the glowing book on the other, an explosive bullet bolts out of his index, barely missing the rat. I guess that's what that one meant by "magic".

"Oh bollocks, I'm too drunk to aim. Let's choose an easier one ehhh...let's see." He flips rapidly through the pages till he stops on another one.

"Farmer's Scripture: Rat Entrapment 16" he shouts as a net springs forth from his index onto the running rat, only this time it was an actual hit and the rat became unable to move.

I stood there watching from the bushes. Not knowing what to do? I should probably run. That seems to be the safest option. But I don't know the way. And as a rat I imagine I'm prey to all sorts of animals. Cats especially seem particularly scary right now. What should I do?

As I deliberated the farmer grabbed the net and lifted it up looking at the rat.

"You came at the right time boy. My snakes are hungry." He says laughing. As soon as the rat heard him he began sprawling around manically trying to escape the net, but to no avail.

The farmer began walking back to his house.

What should I do? This is now or never....AGHHHH damn it.

I lunge forward erratically towards the farmer aiming for the very small bit of exposed skin in his leg where he curled his pants up not to get wet.

I'm going from behind so he can't see me.

As soon as I got close to his leg I could see its hairy dirt-covered exterior. But this was no time for vanity. I'm blinded by adrenaline.

I lunge at his ankle and bite it as hard as I could.

"Aghhhh" the farmers screams dropping the net down and releasing the rat, afterwards he swung his foot and flanged me off. I landed on my back but it doesn't hurt at all. I guess rats really are built a different way.

"You rotten pest. I might have to chop that leg now! I'll kill you!" He shouts manically as he brings out his book again. "Farmer's Scripture: Rat extermination 4!" He shouts pointing at me. I stand there frozen in place. I know what's about to happen. But I can't believe it. Is this really it?




Nothing happens.

"Huh? Rat Extermination 4!" He shouts again but nothing comes out. "What the hell?" It''s not working!

I don't wait to find why and immediately look at the rat next to me and shout.


On my shout he immediately runs towards my direction and we sprint away from the farmer.

"Farmer's Scripture: Rat Extermination 4 Rat Extermination 4 Rat extermination 4 Rat extermination 4!!" He shouts like a mad man with explosive energy-like bullets bolts out of his hand at incredible speeds towards us, but his aim is abysmal. None of them hit us and we manage to run far enough through the grass fields for him not to be visible.

"Phew. That was close one wasn't it amigo? He almost had us there." The rat said smiling while breathing heavily.

"You are a bloody moron!" I shout. "An utter and complete moron. What the hell were you thinking you stupid stupid idiot." I start to boil over. What in the hell was he thinking. It scared me to death. It hasn't been an hour through my incarnation and I've already risked my life and got saved by god knows what.

"H-hey where did that come from?" He asks with his tiny eyes wide open.

"Where did it" I start to boil in anger. "You listen to me. From now on its my rules you get it?"

"W-what rules of what?" He hesitantly replies.

"I don't know but from now on no more random running until we go 'home' get it?"

"Y-yes kinda sound like the chief."

"The who?"

"Don't worry you'll meet him soon. Anyhow let's go."

"No." I reply. "I say when we go."

"Oh oh right. Well...are we going now...?"

"Yes we are."

"You're a weird one aren't you?"

Wait what? What did he just say? I'm the weird one? Me? ME?

He notices his last comment has flipped my switch and starts walking ahead of me. Wise decision. Really wise decision.

We start to walk again with me following his lead. We walk for about an hour before stopping again.

"It's right ahead from here." He says.

"Alright, also what's your name?"

"My what sir?"

"No don't keep calling me sir, it feels weird, I said your name."

"What's a name amigo?"

"You went from sir to amigo?" I sigh but continue. "Name name. You know....the thing I call you with. Kinda like a title but unique to each person.

"I don't really know what you mean."

"Ok ok never mind, I'll just call your corn for now."

"Corn? Corn where?" He stops and looks around frantically.

"Hey! Did you forget what we talked about? Eyes on the road!" I shout.

"Oh...sorry heh heh...." he laughs self-deprecatingly then continued on over on his way.

After what's probably another half hour he screamed.

"This is it this is it amigo. We arrived! Our home."

He said.....

Pointing to a bee hive....

I should've let him get eaten.