
It all began when my mother died. She was a beautiful soul that married an unfortunate man. Deep in my bones I knew he was killing her, but she was blinded by love. From a glance you could tell he was not a good man. Short, pudgy, deceitful look on his face.

"Listen to me, my love things will always happen in life, it's what you make it." she whispered softly into my ear.

Tears falling down my cheeks like waterfall.

Deep down I feel like I fail my mother. Nothing I can do will help her. The one that gave me life is now losing hers'.

"There is not much time now,sir." the doctor look over that man.


Why I thought, Why!!


The worst sound in history. Her face pale as snow, smiling as if she lived a wonderful life.

"Let wrap this up now" he snapped his nasty little fingers at the doctor. I turned around and punch him in the face


Blood on my fist, anger filled my eyes. I clenched my fist as tight as I can.

" You bastard! how could she ever love a thing like you."

He sat on the floor astonished, holding his nose bleeding everywhere.

"How dare you hit me, you little bitch!" " Watch, what is about to happen"

He got up and left the room with one of the doctors.

I signed the document and left. Grief weighed heavy on me. I wish I did not have to stay with that man.


I walked slowly to the house door. All the lights were still off. Maybe he's not home. I opened the door and turned on the lights.

I felt a presence but couldn't see no one.

It felt wrong. I turned around to run out and there stood a man behind me. God I wondering how long he was there. Before I could act, he threw a hood over my head.


I woke up to a chill creeping around me, a dark room, light only above me.

"Finally you're up" I could see a figure standing in the dark. I stared blanking at it

" She is perfect as you describe" he continue "How much should I give you".

That devil man come out with the biggest grin "What you promise me" The figure came out the dark. Snow white hair and silver eyes that can pierce the soul.

" You know what to do". Two men walked up to me and pick me up

"You bastard, I hope you get yours" I spit in his direction.

"Oh what a fiery personality, she'll make a great candidate" he chuckled.

The smell of damp basement filled the air. Bars all down the halls. They took me to the end of the corridor. One of the guys opened the gate, while the other pushed me in.

"Good Luck" he laughs

"Come back! Come back! Where am I?" I yelled

"You should be quiet or they will beat you" a voice from the dark spoke. I turned around quickly, my eyes still adjusting to the dark. I could I see the girl laying on a dirty bed. What stood out the most was her green hair and eyes.

"Who are you?" I questioned

"They call me: Allison" "You need to be more careful"

"Why what else can they do, I'm stuck here in a dark cell"

She just smirked and sat up on the bed. She patted the side next to her "Come here". I hesitated but went anyways. I was beyond nervous, my heart racing. I wish I was with my mom.

"It's okay" Allison wrapped one arm around me. A wave of sadness took control over me, bursting into tears. I shoved my face into her chest. From all that; I passed out.

"My beautiful baby girl look at you. Oh how mommy miss you" "You are going to go through a lot"

"Mom I miss you" I yell reaching out for her. She started to fade away, to appear in my face


I snapped back to reality with the feeling of sharp pain


Looking at my surroundings; seeing three blurry figures above me, strapped down to an operating bed.

"Get me the scalpel" "Serum"

I could feel the injection stab into my skin, a warmth covered me. Then a fire burning within my veins. Pain swept through me. I couldn't form words, giving up I could hear my mother words replying in my head. I struggle to get my words out

"W-wh-what are you doing?" I questioned

"Okay, everything in order, stitch her up and put her back".

There so much pain, I black out...