[Forsaken Labyrinth Conquest] 59/69; Grand Kasha Overlord




"We have reached it, finally! The Ninth Boss, were my remains are contained bellow the floor… The Ninth Boss of this Dungeon is named… Grand Kasha Overlord; Karna, a gigantic Kasha that has grown to an immense size, its body is massive, being over fifty meters tall, its limbs are incredibly sturdy and its fur seems to be made of adamantine… Its entire body is covered in Tattoos that increase the potency of its Fire attacks, and it can also summon Fire Spirits to fight at its side, most of them being highly evolved Blazing Wheels (Wa Nyudo). It has a powerful physical strength, and it was also able to meet other souls with its fire… I was killed by it due to one of its devastating Claw Skills… Please, be careful. And please, retrieve my remains…" Said the Rank 4 Winter Ghost Geraldine, as her sapphire eyes gleamed in a saddened light.

Amiphossia was at her side and patted her shoulder.