The Three Dark Flames


Within the Lower Realm, there were a large group of Demon Gods, often cataloged as "Mad Gods" by other local Gods due to their insane tendencies.

They were mostly Gods born from monsters of the ancient Genesis, beings that thrive with animalistic and savage instincts, and as they grew stronger and developed "intelligence" such tendencies only intensified, to the point of becoming part of their very selves and even embody their divinities.

The exception to these rules might have been Thanatos and the other Gods of his Pantheon, although, in the end, Kinesis seemed to still be incredibly vicious, and betrayed them at the end, showing that it was very hard to find Demon Gods who held some level of sanity or reason within their minds.

And as they grew older, such madness simply became worse, more animalistic, savage, and monstrous.

The only time that such Gods would decide to not act savagely is if their very lives depended on it.