Significant Development




I decided to continue checking my Status and see things in more detail, the thing I wanted to check out was now my Attribute Particles! These attribute particles had increased handsomely since I began to accumulate and refine energy all around the place, and also through the ability to eat these fruits that the plants in the attribute particle garden create!


[Attribute Particles]

[Basic Attributes: [Earth: 250.700], [Fire: 279.900], [Water: 239.300], [Wind: 256.800], [Space: 265.500], [Time: 253.000], [Life: 440.000], [Death: 370.700], [Dark: 383.600], [Light: 390.000]

[Diverged Attributes: [Illusion/Emotions: 385.400], [Dream/Nightmare: 377.500], [Phantom: 332.500], [Blood: 322.000], [Poison: 262.500], [Soul: 750.000], [Nature: 366.200], [Thunder: 233.900], [Ice: 228.900], [War/Strength: 377.500]

[Greater Attributes: [Chaos: 950.000], [Fate: 470.000], [Void: 360.000], [System: 460.000], [Law: 450.000]