Creating A New Dao!




[Day 465]

Today in the morning everyone woke up and ready to create their Egos. After we had a nice and hearty breakfast filled with enough dishes to feed an entire country for a month, we moved forward into more important business. I left my family in a line, all of them slowly began to spend the Divine Points they had saved and created Egos.

Each person could at least create a low-grade Ego, and they created them rather swiftly, making them up in a few seconds and then infusing them into their favorite piece of equipment or weapon, I saw that most of my family placed the Ego inside of weapons.

Rimuru was able to create several Egos as a Supreme Goddess, being able to make… wait, she can only make one. That's because she can make new ones starting from Rank 2, then 3, and so on… Oh, I didn't knew this. I guess she needs to Rank Up first. She might be close to it, so eventually she'll do.