All Harpy Siblings Evolve!




Ocypyne was quite proud of her growth, but I didn't quite get why she felt so proud, I think letting them mingle with the mortals in the city below has made them slightly more attached to social media and such things. Perhaps restricting their access to the internet and what it offers could work… Or not, let's think about that later.

Anyways, my girl was beautiful so that was fine, she didn't awaken any insectoid genes and was still strongly a harpy, though I wonder if we'll ever get a harpy-fairy hybrid, one day, maybe?

For now, she was gorgeous as she was.

[Your Son {Caellaeno} has Evolved into the [Star-Shadowing Cursed Cosmic Dark Fire Little Harpy Prince]!]

[Your Son {Caellaeno} has developed the Unique Skill: [Star-Shadowing Little Harpy Prince's Cursed Cosmic Dark Fire Authority: {Shadows & Cursed Fire}: Lv1]!]

"Woah, what's this?"