The King is Coming Pt II

Alexander P.O.V

"Now while the crimes won't stick with us for a very long time it will affect us in a negative way for example we're still in our very early stages and to lose me at this time will be detrimental to us no matter which way we look at it." Taking a moment to make sure they are both following along and understanding the gist of what I am saying I continue. "Without my guidance the other Factions in Chicago will see us as disorganized and easy picking so any deals we make during that time will be cautious at best downright treacherous at worst. Now that's just the picture with me out of the way but besides me we will also most probably be losing 2 or so of my lieutenants weakening our position even further. And that is where you two come in with me and 2 if not more of my top brass unable to make street calls I want Lincoln to handle that anyone or organization caught damaging our image is to be handled is that part understood."

Lincoln with a viscous and downright murderous look upon his face perhaps the most emotion I have seen him show tonight nods his head in the affirmative letting me know my orders had been received and would be carried out with ruthless Efficiency just what i needed in order to rise to the top. With a slight smirk upon my face I continue outlying the plan I wish for them to use "Now while enforcing so to say the will of 4ES will be your main responsibility don't forget that making money will also have to be a focus for you but don't worry with your position in the organization a 40-60 split will be more than acceptable to me." Lincoln with a surprised look on his face responded "Thank you no normal boss would dare give that much money even to their second in command. It truly means alot to me" I wave him off once he finishes speaking "you never have to thank me I told you we will be brothers i would never live in luxury and you not live the same those words I said mean more than just hot air."

Giving him a firm nod and determined stare to ensure him of how serious I am the room descends into silence as we try to show our sincerity to each other through our eyes and demeanors after all if my brother cannot trust my eyes to always hold the truth in them for him how would he dare and trust my words. After a few minutes of this we finally broke the staring contest it had basically devolved into, and I turned my attention to Aveline only to find her staring off into space with a dazed look, so I snapped my fingers in front of her face in hopes of gaining her attention. It seemed to do the trick as her focus snapped back to reality very quickly and her body tensed up for a second letting me know her instincts are still there at the very least. "Why did you snap so suddenly, especially in front of my face you could have called my name to gain my attention you know."

"Yes I do know that but watching you tense up is pretty amusing to me now let's focus on the task I wish for you to complete." What she doesn't know and probably won't ever need to know is that while i could have called her name is that I wished to test her see how fast her attention snaps back to present moments and the tensing in her muscles let me know that at any point from the second I acted til her focus was regained she was completely ready to defend herself a subconscious move many who have been in life or death situations do. While our attention may seem to be somewhere else a subconscious piece of our brain is fully aware of what is happening in our surroundings giving us the ability to act if our instincts say we are in danger. While this doesn't happen in every situation as sometimes the shock of something is too much for our instincts and subconscious mind to allow us to react. But by the tensing in her muscle he could tell she was ready and more than willing to use deadly force.

"As you know My organization does not currently have a deep information network or a group of individuals who can give certain people I cannot touch outright a hand in passing along. I wish for you to begin the process of making these things we do not have as something we do have." After finishing giving her the breakdown of what I wish for her to do I lean back in my chair and wait until she finishes thinking somehow I just know it won't take long though and lo and behold the moment these thoughts pass through she responds. "Yes This can be made a reality but it will need funding and time to even have a foundation plus we will need professionals at this as while I can do mostly everything I am but one person."