Rewards and the Core Disciples

However, Du Weilun naturally had enormous mental fortitude as the Director of Studies for the outer courtyard. After feeling depressed for a brief moment, he quickly regained his composure and exposed a somewhat helpless smile on his face.

"I have to say, you were all extremely outstanding. I've lost face because I underestimated the strength of your fusion skills. I can't blame anyone else for this fault of mine. I won't even charge a fee for allowing all of you to see my back today."

Once he spoke, laughter immediately rang out from the tall stage. One definitely had to admit that Du Weilun was extremely charismatic. With just a simple sentence, he'd already gotten rid of his embarrassment. In addition to his self-derision, the teachers above were even praising him inwardly. If it were them in this sort of situation, could they be as calm and collected as Du Weilun was?

Du Weilun continued, "I know, there will be doubts in everyone's hearts if I don't explain everything clearly. First of all, I need to reaffirm my previous words. I made no mistake; the final champions are Wang Dong, Xiao Xiao, and Huo Yuhao. They've performed spectacularly to obtain the final victory in this year's freshmen assessment, and they are entirely worthy of their positions as champions."

He repeated his previous announcement, causing the expressions of Dai Huabin's trio to become even uglier.

Du Weilun continued, "Everyone saw what just happened. As a teacher, I must do all I can to prevent the death of outstanding freshmen. Both sides were using fusion skills, so it was impossible for even the two Deans to determine the victor of this match via eyesight alone. Thus, I had no choice but to receive both attacks with my body. I know, I was injured by Dai Huabin and Zhu Lu's Netherworld White Tiger, so they should've obtained the win. However, I ask all of you: As a Soul Douluo, is my defense really that weak? They were using a fusion skill, but it was still a fusion between a Soul Elder and Soul Grandmaster. If they were actually able to directly wound me, even when I'd used my soul power to protect myself, then I might as well resign from my position of Director."

The anger and discontent in Dai Huabin's eyes gradually vanished as he listened to Du Weilun's words. Right! As an eight-ringed Soul Douluo, how could their fusion skill actually injure him? That was truly somewhat inconceivable.

Du Weilun continued, "With this, everyone should've guessed the answer to this question. The reason why the Netherworld White Tiger was able to injure me was because I'd taken on another fusion skill. Wang Dong and Huo Yuhao, I still don't know the name of your fusion skill. As a person who personally took on your fusion skill, don't I have the qualifications to know what it's name is?"

Wang Dong laughed softly. "Teacher Du, you're the first person to receive our fusion skill. This is also the first time we've used it in an actual battle after testing it out."

Du Weilun was somewhat astonished as he looked at him. "I'm extremely honoured to have been the first to receive it. Then, can I know its name?"

Wang Dong nodded. "Of course. Yuhao, you tell him."

Huo Yuhao gazed towards the distant Dai Huabin, then spoke slowly with a calm voice, "Our fusion skill is called 'The Golden Road Amidst Withering Resplendence.'"

Du Weilun cast his gaze downwards, and a trace of shock flashed through his eyes. A 30-meter long, half-meter deep gorge had appeared in the ground of the Assessment Arena, which flickered with a dazzling golden luster that couldn't be concealed beneath the sun's rays.

Previously, the teachers atop the tall stage had only been paying attention to the outcome of the battle. Thus, they only noticed the dazzling golden road after Huo Yuhao mentioned it. The golden trail stretched all the way to where Du Weilun was standing.

Du Weilun nodded slightly. "I have to admit, your fusion skill is one of the most peculiar ones I've ever seen. The fact that you two were able to release this much power with your current cultivation ranks has already exceeded the range of my research towards fusion skills. I believe that your compatibility rate is definitely extremely high."

With that, he turned back towards Dai Huabin's trio. "There's only one reason why your Netherworld White Tiger was able to injure me. Before your attack reached me, I was struck by their Golden Road. Only after that did your attack arrive. The effect of a fusion skill is a soul master's secret, so that's all I can say about their attack. The other two Deans were also there just now, and I believe that they were able to tell whose skill was superior from the fluctuations in my soul power the instant I was struck."

"Your Netherworld White Tiger is extremely strong. In a situation like that, you undoubtedly would've won if you were able to dodge their Golden Road. However, you were stunned after being hit by Xiao Xiao's soul skill. In other words, you would've been unable to dodge it. Under those circumstances, you would've definitely lost after taking their Golden Road head-on. Alright, that's all I can say. The freshmen assessment has ended. The freshmen meeting will occur tomorrow afternoon, and the top three teams will receive their prizes while we divide you all into your classes for your first year."

"If you win, don't be arrogant; if you lose, don't be discouraged. This is a necessity if you want to improve. You're all a part of the most outstanding students I've seen in this year's freshmen; I don't wish for this match to affect your future growth. Alright, let's end it here."

With that, Du Weilun turned away and hurriedly left the Assessment Area.

Dai Huabin's body swayed slightly. He was only able to avoid falling down with Zhu Lu's help. The obstinance and arrogance that had once filled his face had been swept away, with disbelief and an intense unwillingness taking its place.

I lost, I actually lost. I lost to two opponents who had cultivations far below mine. How is this possible? How could this be possible?

Huo Yuhao's eyesight was exceedingly good, which allowed him to clearly see the changes in Dai Huabin's expression. A hard-to-describe feeling of elation rose in his heart, and he suddenly discovered that beating Dai Huabin at his most conceited state seemed to be a very good way of obtaining revenge.

"We won!"

"We're the champions!"

Xiao Xiao and Wang Dong's exuberant cheers rang out, and the two of them grabbed ahold of Huo Yuhao and flung him into the air.

Three people, one team. They had finally become the champions of the freshmen assessment. But, who was the true nucleus of their team? Xiao Xiao and Wang Dong were fully aware of who it was.

Without a doubt, Wang Dong and Xiao Xiao's powerful strength had been completely displayed during their many matches, attracting the attention of all of the teachers. However, were it not for Huo Yuhao's Spiritual Detection and Spiritual Shock, as well as his grasp of the battlefield and his movements at the vital points of their battles, and were it not for Huo Yuhao and Wang Dong's fusion skill, how could they have reached their current position?

Huo Yuhao was extremely weak by himself, but even a Soul Grandmaster wouldn't have been able to do better than he had! Disregarding their friendship, Wang Dong and Xiao Xiao both truly admired him. Huo Yuhao had an astonishing amount of both talent and diligence, but only the two of them knew of that fact.

Zhou Yi had already left the tall stage and was running towards them. The always-strict teacher currently looked as excited as a child as she hugged Huo Yuhao's trio and cheered exuberantly.

The teacher in charge of Dai Huabin's class had also walked over to their team to console the trio. However, the expression on Dai Huabin's face hadn't changed at all. From time to time, he'd glance viciously towards Huo Yuhao's trio with his fists tightly clenched. Next time, I won't lose!

The results for the freshmen assessment's final round spread throughout the entire school extremely fast. However, Huo Yuhao once again decided to skip selling roasted fish. Instead, he went into the wilderness alongside Wang Dong, Xiao Xiao, Bei Bei, and Tang Ya, and roasted some fish for them.

Bei Bei and Tang Ya hadn't expected Huo Yuhao's trio to become the champions; they'd given up the concept when they heard that there'd be three Soul Elders participating in the knock-out tournament. And yet, despite the odds, Huo Yuhao had managed to give them an enormous surprise.

"Wang Dong, do you still want to join our Tang Sect?" Tang Ya only recalled Wang Dong's wish to join the Tang Sect after she'd finished gorging herself on roasted fish.

Wang Dong hurriedly nodded. "Of course I'd still like to join!"

Tang Ya giggled. "Alright, seeing as you guys were able to become the champions, this Sect Master can't renege on her words. I'll let you join the Tang Sect like I promised. Xiao Xiao, what about you? Are you interested as well?"

Xiao Xiao blinked and mumbled, "The Tang Sect?"

Tang Ya replied, "Right! The Tang Sect. Our Tang Sect doesn't have many benefits to offer you if you do join, but we value all of our disciples. Our Tang Sect will definitely impart all of its secret techniques to its disciples for them to cultivate."

Xiao Xiao smiled. "That sounds good. I'll join as well. In any case, I don't have a sect I'm tied to. Sister Tang Ya, I want to learn that footwork technique that Yuhao used."

Xiao Xiao nodded graciously. "No problem. I'll teach it to both of you when we get back." Despite how carefree she appeared to be, she was actually extremely happy right now. There was no need to doubt Wang Dong's strength; a large part of why Huo Yuhao's team had been able to become champions had been due to his strength. On the other hand, Xiao Xiao's talent didn't lose out to Wang Dong's in the slightest; she had twin martial souls! Tang Ya had never expected her to agree to join the Tang Sect so easily.

In reality, the reason that Xiao Xiao had been willing to join the Tang Sect was due to Huo Yuhao and Wang Dong, but Tang Ya didn't know that. The fusion skill that Huo Yuhao and Wang Dong had unleashed had simply been too breathtaking to her; the more she stayed with them, the more favourable her impression of them became. Huo Yuhao's strength and looks were much inferior to Wang Dong's, but his calmness and unswerving determination were things that Wang Dong didn't have. Xiao Xiao believed that the future Huo Yuhao would definitely wouldn't lose out to Wang Dong in the slightest, and being in a team with them would definitely be a good thing, regardless of whether it was for her cultivation or for her future.

Good companions were a must in the world of soul masters, and Xiao Xiao had already gotten used to the carefree and uninhibited way of fighting that Huo Yuhao's Spiritual Detection allowed. Furthermore, the three of them were getting more and more coordinated with each other; if they were able to enter Shrek Academy's inner courtyard, they'd have to stay together for ten years at the very least. If they continued to work together like this, their team would be incomparably steadfast once they left Shrek Academy.

However, in the end, Xiao Xiao was still just a little girl who'd only thought about her future and having companions that she could trust. She hadn't thought too deeply about the seriousness of her decision to join the Tang Sect. On the other side of the equation, Tang Ya had been able to conveniently get another member at a huge bargain.

As of now, the Tang Sect had become a five-person sect, which was more than twice the size of its original two. Although they weren't very old, the Tang Sect had finally increased in size.

Bei Bei said, "Now that you've all passed the freshmen assessment, you'll be split into your respective classes. The assault and control systems are all part of the same family, and you three are on the same team, so you'll probably be placed in the same class. I don't need to repeat this to Yuhao, but you two should've heard that our Tang Sect is famous for our hidden weapons. However, the appearance of soul tools has gradually caused hidden weapons to disappear from the stage of history. That's the main reason that our Tang Sect has fallen into decline. As such, we need to redefine our hidden weapons in order for the Tang Sect to reemerge, but they can't be as simple as our previous hidden weapons. The only way that we can reforge our glory is by combining hidden weapons with soul tools. What do you two think about soul tools? After you formally becoming first year students, you should choose to study them."

Wang Dong and Xiao Xiao glanced at each other, furrowing their brows slightly. Xiao Xiao replied in a soft voice, "Since I have two martial souls, I won't have enough time to cultivate if I have to research and create soul tools. I feel that soul masters should focus on cultivating as their main priority. Research soul tools is something that only soul masters with subpar talent or martial souls are willing to do, no?"

Wang Dong nodded. "I agree with Xiao Xiao. I don't really feel like learning how to forge a soul tool either."

After speaking their mind, the two of them originally thought that Bei Bei and Tang Ya would be unhappy. However, they unexpectedly began to laugh. Helpless, Tang Ya replied, "It's no wonder that you two are outstanding students of the Martial Soul Department! That's the typical way of thinking for a student from the Martial Soul Department. In fact, you're not the only ones who think that way. Even Bei Bei and I think that you wouldn't have enough time to cultivate if you were to study soul tools as well. There won't be a lot of time for you two to carefully study soul tools, thus, just do as you wish. The Tang Sect won't force everyone on to a specific path of cultivation. I was just wondering whether any of you were interested in it. You all have exceptional talent, so it won't be too good if you're distracted. We'll just have to recruit a few disciples that are specialised in cultivating soul tools in the future."

However, at that moment, Huo Yuhao suddenly opened his mouth, "Teacher Xiao Ya, I wish to study soul tools."

Tang Ya's eyes lit up. "Yuhao, you're willing to?"

Huo Yuhao nodded. "Soul tools have their own unique fascinating aspects. Since they were able to replace our Tang Sect's hidden weapons and become the most valued weapons in the world, they definitely can't be weak. I want to try them out. If I don't have the talent for them, then nevermind. But if I do have the talent for them, I want to learn as much as I can about them."

"Good! Good!" Tang Ya was overjoyed. "Soul tools truly do fit you. You have a mental-type martial soul, which makes it so that you're lacking a way to attack your opponents at the moment. If you had a soul tool with you, your combat power would increase exponentially. Furthermore, the strength of your soul tools will increase as your comprehension of them increases as well."

Bei Bei reminded him, "Junior brother, you have to manage your time well. Your martial soul has a lot of potential, thus you can't spend too much time on your soul tools. After all, both soul power and soul rings are the foundation of a soul master. Some stronger soul tools even require soul power to activate."

"Yes, Senior Brother." Huo Yuhao answered hurriedly. He already had his own plans in mind. After witnessing the domineering might of a stationary soul tool, his interest in soul tools had been piqued. He knew that the target of his revenge was extremely strong, so he needed to use every bit of strength he could. How could he know how strong soul tools were without studying them beforehand?

He didn't know this at the moment, but his way of thinking would be verified in the not too distant future. The study of soul tools would eventually open a huge door for him.

Tang Ya mused, "Now that I think about it, you might not be able to cultivate in the Soul Tool Department even if you wanted to. Aih, there are many prizes that come along with winning the freshmen assessment, but there are no lack of problems either! Yuhao, you should continue to cultivate properly if you can't get into the Soul Tool Department."

Huo Yuhao was briefly stunned, "Teacher Xiao Ya, why wouldn't I be able to enter the Soul Tool Department?"

Tang Ya replied, "Do you know what the rewards for the freshmen assessment are?"

When they heard the word 'rewards', Huo Yuhao, Wang Dong, and Xiao Xiao's eyes lit up. They weren't able to conceal their desire much because of how young they were. Shrek Academy was the number one soul master academy in the world, and they had managed to become the champions of the freshmen assessment. How could their rewards be lacking in any way?

Wang Dong impatiently asked, "Teacher Xiao Ya, what will our rewards be?" He'd already started to call Tang Ya 'teacher', just like Huo Yuhao, despite having just joined the Tang Sect.

Tang Ya replied, "There's a slight difference between each year's rewards, but they'll generally be the same. Generally speaking, the rewards are determined based off the quality of the entire batch of freshmen. I don't know about past years, but I've never seen a Soul Elder in a batch of freshmen during the few years that I've been in Shrek Academy; you're the first batch of freshmen I've ever seen that has had Soul Elders among them. Because of that, I reckon that you'll get extremely good rewards. I don't know about the other rewards you'll receive, but there's always a specific reward given to the champions of the freshmen assessment, and that is—the opportunity to become a core disciple."

"A core disciple?" This wasn't the first time they'd heard of the term. Teacher Zhou had mentioned it in the past.

Tang Ya nodded. "You're the champions of the freshmen assessment, so there wouldn't be any problems for you to become a core disciple of the Martial Soul Department. However, once you become a core disciple of the Martial Soul Department, the Academy will give you even more resources in order to ensure that you diligently pursue your studies and become an even stronger soul master. Because of this, the Martial Soul Department will naturally not allow you to enter the Soul Tool Department. After all, the Martial Soul Department has always held a leading role in our academy."

Only then did Huo Yuhao's trio understand what Bei Bei had meant. Huo Yuhao couldn't help but feel happy when he recalled the nutritious meals core disciples ate everyday.

When Bei Bei glanced towards Huo Yuhao, a trace of worry flashed through his eyes. Still, he didn't say it out loud. Instead, he thought to himself, I hope that I'm just worrying for nothing.


It was another bright and beautiful morning, while the air within Shrek Academy was both clean and extremely moist due to the presence of the Sea God's Lake.

All of the students who'd passed the freshmen assessment were gathered in Shrek Plaza, waiting for to be assigned to their classes.

The Director of the Martial Soul Department—Du Weilun—quickly walked to the front of Shrek Plaza, alongside ten or so other teachers. Huo Yuhao only recognised two of the teachers who were following him. One of which was naturally their previous class's teacher, Zhou Yi, while the other was Teacher Wang Yan. He only had a vague impression of the other teachers.

Du Weilun held a folder in his hands and swept his gaze over the small group of students with a smile on his face. "I'm sure that everyone already knows this, but the freshmen assessment's knock-out tournament has now ended. The top three places have also been decided. As such, I will now formally announce the the top three teams and hand out their prizes. Third place in the freshmen assessment goes to Team Huang Chutian. Team members: Huang Chutian, Lan Susu, and Lan Luoluo. Please step forward."

Right, Team Huang Chutian, who Huo Yuhao's team had previously defeated, had obtained third place in the freshmen assessment. They'd lost to Dai Huabin's team during the semifinals, but they'd been able to obtain third place by beating Zhou Sichen's team. In actual fact, they'd been extremely lucky. During their match with Team Zhou Sichen, the Lan sisters had recovered the ability to use their fusion skill, allowing them to defeat their opponents. Otherwise, they wouldn't have been able to win based on their individual strength alone.

The three walked up to Du Weilun with Huang Chutian standing in front. Their young faces were slightly flushed due to their excitement. Obtaining third place in the freshmen assessment had far surpassed their expectations!

The first year students immediately let out a thunderous applause. After the knock-out tournament, there were only around three hundred students left in Year 1. This was a third of the number of students who'd been present at the beginning of the year.

"Second place goes to Team Dai Huabin. Team members: Dai Huabin, Zhu Lu, and Cui Yajie. Step forward."

Applause rang out yet again, but Dai Huabin's team had no traces of excitement on their faces as they stepped forward. This was especially so for Dai Huabin; his expression was clouded, and his head was lowered slightly, as if he had something else on his mind. His eyes were even somewhat bloodshot.

After pausing for a brief moment, Du Weilun used a slightly louder voice to continue speaking, "Next, can everyone enthusiastically cheer for the first place champions of the freshmen assessment! They are—Team Wang Dong! Team members: Wang Dong, Xiao Xiao, and Huo Yuhao."

The crowd immediately burst into enthusiastic cheers, but Huo Yuhao's trio were somewhat stunned when they heard Du Weilun's announcement.

According to the name that Class 1 had handed in to the academy, their team should've been called Team Huo Yuhao, as Huo Yuhao was the leader of their team! However, the trio didn't dare to slow down under the cheers and applause from the many Year 1 students. They hurriedly stepped forward, but Wang Dong and Xiao Xiao deliberately slowed down as they walked, allowing Huo Yuhao to remain in front.

A smile appeared in Du Weilun's eyes as he watched the three of them walk forward, indicating for them to stand in the middle. Huo Yuhao towards Dai Huabin, but Dai Huabin himself was actually looking at Wang Dong. He clearly didn't think that his loss had anything to do with Huo Yuhao.

Du Weilun said, "Alright, I will now announce the prizes for the top three teams of the freshmen assessment. First, each of the members of the top three teams will receive a prize from the Academy itself. All of them will be able to request assistance from the Academy in order to obtain a soul ring that he or she can withstand when the time arises. Furthermore, it will be a soul ring that is most suitable for them."

Once he finished speaking, the students of Year 1 immediately let out astonished gasps. This prize was equivalent to the Academy promising them that their next soul ring would definitely be an optimum one. For example, if Huo Yuhao could withstand a seven hundred year soul ring for his second one, the Academy would find a suitable seven hundred year soul ring for him. This would be the case for every single member of the top three teams. This prize was extremely valuable.

Du Weilun continued, "In light of both Team Wang Dong's exceptional performance, and their lossless win-streak throughout the entire tournament, the Academy has also decided to award them something special. However, this reward will be kept secret by the Academy. When the class-division has been finished, the three of you can follow me to collect it."

A special reward on top of what they'd already received? This really showcased the difference between the champion team and the second and third place teams. Huo Yuhao's trio immediately became excited; even the awkwardness that they felt from Du Weilun calling them 'Team Wang Dong' had diminished greatly.

Nobody had any objections to Huo Yuhao's team obtaining an additional reward, as they'd managed to defeat teams led by the Soul Elder-ranked Ning Tian, Xie Huanyue, and Dai Huabin throughout the course of the tournament. The three great Soul Elders among the freshmen had all lost to their team; it wasn't simply luck that they'd become champions. For them to receive even more rewards would definitely be within reason.

Du Weilun said, "Alright, you all can return."

Huo Yuhao and the other eight students returned to their original positions.

Du Weilun then said, "The quality of this year's students exceeds that of previous years, thus I hope that you all can continue to work hard. The Heavens reward the diligent, so I hope that all of you will be able to smoothly graduate while obtaining excellent results. Now then, seeing that a few outstanding students have appeared in this year's freshmen assessment, the Academy has decided to promote a few students to core disciples. I will now announce the names of the students that've been promoted."

Shrek Plaza immediately became completely silent. After all, core disciples didn't only come from the top three teams! Du Weilun hadn't said it outright, but who didn't know that core disciples would receive a large amount of resources from the Academy? This issue concerned every single student present, thus, they all listened attentively, in fear that they'd miss their own name being called.

Du Weilun opened the file he'd been carrying, then began to read through the names of the students who'd been promoted to core disciples, "In accordance with the performance of the students during the freshmen assessment, the Academy has decided to choose these following students as core disciples: Wang Dong, Xiao Xiao, Dai Huabin, Zhu Lu, Zhou Sichen, Cao Jinxuan, Lan Susu, Lan Luoluo, Ning Tian, and Wu Feng."

The instant that Du Weilun had mentioned core disciples, Huo Yuhao, Wang Dong, and Xiao Xiao simultaneously thought inwardly, Teacher Xiao Ya's information was actually correct.

When Du Weilun called out Wang Dong and Xiao Xiao's names at the very start, the two of them clearly became excited. However, this was followed by astonishment when they realized that Du Weilun hadn't called out Huo Yuhao's name. Instead, he'd directly skipped to Dai Huabin. How was this possible? Huo Yuhao was their leader!

They still held a trace of hope in their hearts as Du Weilun continued down his list, but Huo Yuhao's name still wasn't announced.

Huo Yuhao was also astonished. In that instant, he felt as if something had been wrenched out from his heart, and his face immediately turned pale white.

Ever since he'd entered Shrek Academy, he'd cultivated with all his might, and had worked tirelessly to improve himself. When the others were resting, he'd been cultivating; when the others had been slacking off, he'd still been cultivating. When the freshmen assessment had begun, he'd put his all into working together with his teammates, which had allowed him to obtain the highest form of glory a freshmen could receive. But why? Why wasn't I chosen as a core disciple? Why?

On the surface, Huo Yuhao's expression hadn't changed. However, his heart had a dark side that ordinary children wouldn't have. The darkness that had gradually accumulated during his childhood had nearly exploded out when he saw Dai Huabin, but he'd forcefully suppressed it. However, right now, he once again felt like he was going to lose control of himself. Why, why did they have to do this to me? He finally realised why Du Weilun had referred to their team as 'Team Wang Dong' instead of 'Team Huo Yuhao' during his speech. This had all been planned from the start!

Wang Dong and Xiao Xiao were naturally able to sense how strangely Huo Yuhao was acting. Wang Dong hurriedly grabbed ahold of Huo Yuhao's arm, fearing that he'd act rashly. However, he didn't know what to say at the moment. Both he and Xiao Xiao had become core disciples, but Huo Yuhao hadn't. How would he be feeling right now?

At this point, Du Weilun continued, "However, although a few students are currently somewhat lacking in terms of their talent and ability, they still performed exceptionally well during the freshmen assessment. As such, the Academy has decided to temporarily let them enjoy the benefits of a core disciple until the school year finishes. If they're able to make a breakthrough by next year's promotion assessment, the Academy will consider making them formal core disciples. These students are as follows: Huo Yuhao, Cui Yajie, Huang Chutian, Long Xiangyue, and Nanmen Yun'er. The announcement is now finished."

Huo Yuhao's gaze was somewhat vacant, but the anger in his heart gradually receded. That's right! My abilities are still somewhat lacking. Of all the people that were chosen as core disciples, I'm the only one who's yet to reach Rank 20. A pained look flashed through his eyes. Lowering his head, Huo Yuhao buried his sadness deep in his heart.

If it weren't for the fact that I'm able to release a fusion skill with Wang Dong, maybe I might not have even received the temporary treatment of a core disciple. But, who can I blame? I can only blame the fact that I'm not strong enough yet, and the fact that my first soul ring is only a ten year soul ring in their eyes. A self-depreciating smile appeared at the corner of Huo Yuhao's lips, but when he raised his head back up, his smile had disappeared, and a trace of coldness had appeared in his eyes.

"Yuhao, are you okay?" Wang Dong whispered.

Huo Yuhao softly shook his head, then forced himself to smile. "I'm fine. I just don't have the qualifications to become a core disciple. After all, I'm only a Rank 17 Soul Master."

Wang Dong hurriedly replied, "No, that's not it! They don't know how important you are…"

Xiao Xiao nodded her head in agreement.

Huo Yuhao's smile became slightly more natural. "I'm really fine. Didn't Director Du say that I'd still be able to enjoy the treatment of a core disciple? That's already an extremely good reward. I'll continue to work hard. Who knows? I might be able to formally become a core disciple by the time the promotion assessment comes around."

Wang Dong sighed softly as he released Huo Yuhao's arm. He'd been together with Huo Yuhao for a long time, and they were companions who shared a fusion skill. He understood Huo Yuhao's personality to some extent by now: Huo Yuhao had a calm appearance and a gentle temperament on the surface, but he was actually a very strong-minded person. When he'd heard of Huo Yuhao's background, Wang Dong had gradually begun to understand the obstinance and unbending will that Huo Yuhao had buried deep within his heart. However, no one else would be able to help him. If he wanted to cross this threshold in his heart, he'd have to rely on himself.

Following that, the division of classes began. Year 1 was split into four classes: Class 1, which had assault-type and control-type soul masters, Class 2, which had defense-type and agility-type soul masters, Class 3, which had auxiliary-type soul masters, and Class 4, which had food-type, healing-type, and other unique types of both Battle and Tool Soul Masters.

Without a doubt, the strongest class was naturally Class 1. Huo Yuhao, Wang Dong, and Xiao Xiao were all placed in this class. In Class 2, the strongest student in it was undoubtedly the defense specialist, Xie Huanyue. His Rubberdon truly stood out as a uniquely defensive martial soul. Class 3 was an auxiliary-type class, but it didn't consist of only auxiliary-type soul masters. Instead, it was meant for both Battle and Tool Soul Masters who could directly aid their teammates during a battle. An example would be Ning Tian, who had the Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda. As for Class 4, it consisted of a diverse range of soul masters. Comparatively speaking, they had no combat power whatsoever. Instead they had unique abilities that fit within certain special fields. Of them, the most important soul masters in Class 4 were food-type and healing-type ones.

Almost all year groups were split this way, with the classes from higher years having fewer students in each class. Shrek Academy's expulsion rate had always been extremely high; the number of students who were able to successfully graduate from the outer courtyard each year didn't exceed fifty. In other words, if 20% of the current three hundred or so students were able to graduate, that would be an extremely good result.

When everyone had been placed in their classes, the teachers in charge of each class introduced themselves. The only piece of good news for Huo Yuhao was that Zhou Yi was one of the teachers in charge of Class 1. Every class had two teachers, and the other teacher in charge of Huo Yuhao's class was Wang Yan, who'd viewed him highly.

Wang Yan, who'd originally intended to teach the higher years, had actually chosen to come to Year 1's Class 1 and teach alongside Zhou Yi for the sake of Huo Yuhao, but not even Zhou Yi knew that.

"Alright, follow your new teachers and return to the school buildings. Wang Dong, you three follow me and claim your prize." Director Du Weilun announced.

Huo Yuhao seemed to have returned to normal. At the very least, one wouldn't be able to see that his emotions had been affected based on his external appearance alone. The three proceeded to follow Du Weilun to the teacher's offices, which were located behind the higher year's school buildings.

Du Weilun's office was situated on the top floor, and his office was much bigger than Zhou Yi's. Although it didn't have any fanciful decorations, there were four bookcases inside, which were filled with an abundant number of books.

Du Weilun smiled and pointed towards the sofa. "Come, sit. Huo Yuhao, don't let this burden you. You've seen it as well. It wasn't just you; there were also a few students from the top three teams who weren't able to become core disciples. You performed extremely well, especially considering the fact that you were able to help Wang Dong release a fusion skill. However, your individual ability still needs to be improved. When you need your second soul ring, you can request assistance from the Academy in order to ensure that you obtain an optimal soul ring. If you also manage to perform exceptionally well during your Year 2 promotion assessment, the Academy will consider formally accepting you as a core disciple."

Wang Dong began, "Director Du, it's not like that! Huo Yuhao wasn't helping me, it was…" At that point, he was suddenly stopped by Du Weilun, who'd raised his hand. In Du Weilun's opinion, this was merely a show of friendship between two young kids.

Huo Yuhao also tugged on Wang Dong's sleeve, then replied respectfully to Du Weilun, "Director Du, I'll definitely work hard. Thank you for your concern."