The Badge of a Class 2 Soul Engineer

"Teacher Zhou's coming!" Xiao Xiao shouted. When Cao Jinxuan and Zhou Sichen heard this, they immediately became frightened. They both shivered, then quickly returned to their seats and quickly sat down. However, it was unknown whether or not Xiao Xiao had really gained the ability to see the future, as before she had the chance to make fun of them, Zhou Yi actually walked into the room.

Zhou Sichen and Cao Jinxuan couldn't help but turn towards Xiao Xiao and give her a thumbs up.

"This…" Xiao Xiao, who'd only intended to tease them, didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Zhou Yi walked in wearing the mask she always wore, showing the same expression. She swept the room with her cold gaze. Forget about the students, even teacher Wang Yan felt a chill on his back.

Wang Yan quickly walked up to Zhou Yi and whispered, "Teacher Zhou, Huo Yuhao came today."

Zhou Yi glanced towards Huo Yuhao, then whispered, "Teacher Wang, what do you think we should do?" She naturally would not admit to the fact she already knew what was going on.

Wang Yan frowned and replied, "Quite a few people already know that Huo Yuhao wasn't here yesterday. At the same time, Huo Yuhao's group had a verbal clash with Dai Huabin's group this morning. At this point, it's impossible for us to cover this up. We'll just have to shoulder the responsibility for it. The two of us will simply have to work together; no matter what, we can't allow Yuhao to be expelled. Even though the academy's rules are strict, Yuhao did enjoy the treatment of a core disciple before this. If both of us insist that he stay, the academy will definitely have to consider our opinions."

Zhou Yi couldn't help but reveal a look of admiration after hearing him say this. Wang Yan didn't even know why Huo Yuhao had been late, yet the first thing he'd done was try to think of a way to prevent Huo Yuhao from being expelled. He'd done this without even asking any questions! Even Zhou Yi felt somewhat ashamed when she compared herself to Wang Yan on this matter. Once she did so, she couldn't bear to hide the truth from him anymore. She whispered, "Teacher Zhou, were you aware of Yuhao taking elective classes at the Soul Tool Department last year?"

Wang Yan nodded and replied, "I'm aware. However, I'm not sure how his studies there are going."

Zhou Yi said, "His grades are very good. In fact, Fan Yu has already taken him on as his disciple. Fan Yu decided to take him in as a core disciple of the Soul Tool Department, thus you don't have to worry, Yuhao won't be expelled."

"What?!" Wang Lin's pitch immediately elevated as he exclaimed, "How can this be?"

Earlier, when they'd just been whispering to one another, the students hadn't been able to hear them. However, when Wang Lin raised his voice, he caught the attention of all the students.

Wang Yan realized that he'd lost control of his voice for a moment and said, "Teacher Zhou, let's talk outside." He quickly left the classroom once he'd finished speaking.

Zhou Yi let out a sigh. Sorry Teacher Wang. I did all of this for my husband. All I can do is not lie to you. When her thoughts reached this point, she turned and looked at the shocked students, then proceeded to follow Wang Yan out of the classroom.

"Teacher Zhou, what's going on? How come I didn't hear of this? I know that you're Fan Yu's wife, but don't forget that you're still a teacher for the Martial Soul Department! This isn't possible, it absolutely can't be possible! I won't allow it!" Wang Yan was somewhat agitated.

Zhou Yi let out a sigh, then said, "Teacher Wang, please don't get so worked up. Please, listen to me first. In our eyes, Yuhao is a extremely good student. He can even be described with the words 'unlimited potential'. However, do the higher-ups of the academy see him like this? Whether it's Dean Yan, Director Du, or even old Xuan, who you found to examine him…none of them think that Yuhao has enough future prospects to be worth investing in. As such, they refused to give him the position of a core disciple. What sort of thoughts do you think he had? He was the team leader of the team that won the freshmen exam, yet he wasn't even given the position of a core disciple in the Martial Soul Department. If you were the same age as him, and the same thing happened to you, would your heart be at peace?"

When he heard her question, Wang Yan immediately became silent. Zhou Yi's words may have been the truth, but Director Du also had his reasons.

Zhou Yi continued, "If that had been the only thing, it wouldn't have been to big of a deal. With the two of us taking care of him, I believe that, with Yuhao's talent and diligence, he definitely would've had the chance to showcase his abilities in the future. In a few years, he could've still become a core disciple, and maybe even an inner courtyard disciple. However, he decided to study soul tools. I've heard from my husband that his performance within the Soul Tool Department can only be described as astonishing. His talent even managed to catch the attention of Dean Qian. In fact, Dean Qian has personally approved Huo Yuhao becoming a core disciple of the Soul Tool Department."

Wang Yan was still a bit anxious and replied, "That's impossible. He's only been in contact with the Soul Tool Departement seven to eight months, right? Normally. only Year 4 students or higher can become core disciples of the Soul Tool Department! Besides a handful of students who were specially recruited by the Soul Tool Department, there's never been an exception to this! Yuhao's only been going there to study after school; how great could his achievements truly be?"

Zhou Yi let sighed yet again and said, "Wang Yan, you know my personality. It's true that I favor Fan Yu in my heart; he is, after all, my man. However, what you've said is correct: I'm still a teacher of the Martial Soul Department. If our Martial Soul Department had paid enough attention to Yuhao, I never would've agreed to Fan Yu's request for Yuhao to become a core disciple of the Soul Tool Department. However, what has our Martial Soul Department done to him? We broke that child's heart. Do you know how hard Yuhao has worked? Every day, in addition to his classes, he spent two hours studying at the Soul Tool Department, rain or shine. Look, I won't lie to you. Before the school year ended last year, before Yuhao even had his second soul ring, he'd already managed to become a Class 2 soul engineer. You know how strict Fan Yu is, yet it was Fan Yu who personally rated him as a Class 2 soul engineer. He attained this in eight months. Even at Yuhao's young age, he only needed eight months to become a Class 2 soul engineer. He's set a new record within the Soul Tool Department. Do you really think that the Soul Tool Department wouldn't be in a rush to accept him as a core disciple in this sort of situation?"

Once he heard this, Wang Yan suddenly became speechless. The Martial Soul Department was the one that had refused to give Huo Yuhao a core disciple position. In addition to this, Huo Yuhao had displayed an amazing amount of talent in the Soul Tool Department. As such… what reason did he have to stop him? He clearly remembered the powerful sadness and disappointment that had appeared in Huo Yuhao's eyes when he realized that he hadn't been announced as a core disciple. After thinking back to that moment, he didn't know how to refute Zhou Yi's words.

It was also at this moment that, on Sea God's Island, two crafty old men were discussing a similar topic.

Qian Duoduo sat down on a large leather couch and said to Yan Shaozhe, who was currently behind a large desk, "Old Yan! You can pay me back for the bet you lost now."

Yan Shaozhe placed a hand on the desk and leaned slightly forward. He revealed a shocked expression as he said, "I lost a bet against you? What bet? How come I don't remember this?"

"What? You forgot?" Qian Duoduo's eyes suddenly widened, "Old Yan, do you still have any face? You're too thick-skinned. Last year, during the freshmen exam, we bet on which team would win in the end. Have you forgotten about how you lost to me? Do you really believe that I won't turn this place upside down to remind you?"

Yan Shaozhe looked towards Qian Duoduo, who looked like someone had stepped on his tail, and said with a smile, "Fine, fine. However, did you really need to personally come all the way here for such a small matter? I'm extremely busy, thus why should I remember such a trifling matter? Speak, which student of my Martial Soul Department has caught your eye? I must remind you, our agreement was that you couldn't take any core disciples. Those students are precious to this dean, so don't even think about it."

Qian Duoduo sat back down on the sofa angrily when he saw Yan Shaozhe own up to the bet and said, "As long as you remember. You're such a miser. If I really tried to take a core disciple from you, wouldn't you fight me to the death? Don't worry, it's only an ordinary student."

Yan Shaozhe suddenly became more vigilant. The more indifferent Qian Duoduo acted, the stranger he felt. "Old Qian, don't use your nickname to describe me. I'm definitely not as stingy as you. Your Soul Tool Department has so much money, yet you still haven't forgotten to exploit me. Tell me, who did you discover with your expert eyes?"

Qian Duoduo looked helpless as he said, "What do you mean 'discover with your expert eyes'?! When you say it like this, I feel somewhat depressed. This is an internal matter of your Martial Soul Department, but it seems that I'll have to use this bet that I finally won against you. It seems that I've lost big time this time."

"Oh?" When he heard Qian Duoduo say this, Yan Shaozhe became somewhat interested and asked, "What's going on?"

Qian Duoduo replied, "You know Zhou Yi from your Martial Soul Department? That girl who always make herself look like an old woman? She's Fan Yu's wife, and there's a student in her class that she likes who was late in registering for his classes. According to the academy rules, that student would normally be expelled. You know Du Weilun's shitty personality; he treats the academy rules like they're his father, thus it's impossible to discuss this matter with him. Zhou Yi, that girl, went home last night and complained about it. Fan Yu originally didn't intend to deal with this matter, but he couldn't handle the fact that his wife wouldn't let him sleep in his own bed! As such, he came to me. He wanted me to use the bet that I won against you to bring that kid over and make him a core disciple of our Soul Tool Department. You know that Fan Yu is the candidate to be the next Dean, and as such I can't simply ignore his request. In any case, since it's been awhile since I won our bet, if I don't make you pay up now, you really might not be able to play in the future. That's why I came over."

Yan Shaozhe looked towards Qian Duoduo with an puzzled expression. "A late student is enough for you and Fan Yu to make such a fuss? What's this student's name?"

Qian Duoduo sincerely replied, "His name is Huo Yuhao."

Yan Shaozhe's eyes flickered. "I seem to remember that name."

Qian Duoduo smiled cunningly. "He's a brat from the champion team of last year's freshmen assessment. His teammates are core disciples now, and he's the only one who's not because of his ten year soul ring. When Fan Yu came looking for me just now, I felt that he was somewhat undeserving of becoming a core disciple. However, after I thought about it, this brat still did help me beat you in a bet. Beating you in a bet isn't easy for this daddy! If I'm able to see this kid in my Soul Tool Department, I'll remember how I beat you. That'd feel really good. Thus, I reluctantly agreed. I just came over to say hi to you. I don't care about the specifics of this event; I'll let Fan Yu handle it. Whatever, I'm going back. I still have a lot of things to do."

With that, he stood up and left, slapping his butt as he did so.

Yan Shaozhe used his eyes to follow Qian Duoduo as he left, inwardly feeling that something wasn't right. Picking up a microphone-type soul tool from his table, he pressed a button and poured his soul power into it.

"Weilun?" Yan Shaozhe spoke in a low voice.

Du Weilun's voice rang out from the telephone, "Dean Yan, it's me."

Yan Shaozhe said, "Help me check something. Is there a student called Huo Yuhao who registered late?"

Somewhat astonished, Du Weilun said, "What a coincidence. There were a few students who just made a complaint to me, saying that this Huo Yuhao entered the classroom in a grandiose manner even though he came in late. I was just about to take care of this matter."

Yan Shaozhe said, "Tell me what you know of this Huo Yuhao. What's his talent like?"

Du Weilun said, "He has a bit of talent. Last year, he was one of the champions of the freshmen assessment, along with Wang Dong and Xiao Xiao. His martial soul is called the Spirit Eyes, and his soul skill should be something similar to a spiritual attack. His abilities can be considered to be ordinary, but he has the signs of possessing a Body Soul. Because he was one of the champions of the freshmen assessment, he was able to enjoy the temporary treatment of a core disciple last year. However, it's been withdrawn from him this year. His being late has violated the academy's rules, so he will be expelled."

Yan Shaozhe said, "If memory serves me right, he only has a ten year soul ring. Am I right?"

Du Weilun said, "Right. He was able to enter the academy due to the Tang Sect specially inviting him, and not because he was able to pass the entrance exam. Reportedly, his soul power was only at Rank 13 when he entered the academy. Right now, it isn't clear as to whether he's reached Rank 20. It's very possible that he hasn't reached it. And if that's the case, he'll be expelled anyway. As for his Body Soul, Wang Yan went over to Elder Xuan, who personally inspected this student. In the end, Elder Xuan was very disappointed. He said that this student had no talent, and that he wasn't worth cultivating. After that, this student was able to reveal a fusion skill with Wang Dong during the freshmen assessment; this is his only strong point. Because of this, Wang Yan went over to Elder Xuan again. After taking another look at him, Elder Xuan verified that there was no chance he could awaken his Body Soul. After that, we didn't pay much attention to this student."

Heraing Du Weilun's words, Yan Shaozhe immediately revealed a hint of a smile. Du Weilun's abilities were still worthy of recognition. Huo Yuhao was such an ordinary student, but he was able to immediately speak about his abilities in addition to a few of his experiences after entering the academy. He was definitely qualified to be the Director of Studies.

"Fine, then let's do it this way. You don't have to take care of this matter anymore. Earlier, Qian Duoduo came over to talk to me. He wants to use that time I lost to him to bring this student called Huo Yuhao into his Soul Tool Department. Supposedly, Zhou Yi requested this from Fan Yu, who then brought it up with him. Since this student's so ordinary, let's just give him to the Soul Tool Department. I can stop Qian Duoduo from bothering me about this."

"Qian Duoduo wants a student from you? This is truly somewhat strange. Why don't we wait until the advancement tests to verify his abilities?" Du Weilun asked cautiously.

Yan Shaozhe said, "Whatever. It's hard to say whether he'll even be able to pass the advancement test. Even if he has the strength of a two-ringed Soul Grandmaster, with his spiritual attribute, his second soul skill won't be too strong. His first soul ring's only a ten year one, so he isn't worth training. Let's just give him to Qian Duoduo to stop him from nagging me next time. Our Martial Soul Department has to show a bit of magnanimity. Let's just do it this way."

"Yes, Dean." Du Weilun replied, and the two simultaneously hung up.

Just as Yan Shaozhe didn't attach much importance to Huo Yuhao, neither did Du Weilun. There were many outstanding geniuses in Shrek Academy, and the ability Huo Yuhao had revealed on the surface wasn't enough to attract their attention.

However, they didn't know that Qian Duoduo had immediately erupted into uproarious laughter after leaving the Sea God's Island to go back to the Soul Tool Department's outer courtyard. A pleased look filled his face, so much so that it even exceeded the expression he'd shown when he'd beaten Yan Shaozhe in their previous bet.

"Old Yan, Old Yan. I really feel bad for you; you've been tricked again. I didn't think that my Soul Tool Department would actually have a day when we'd get a twin-souled student. This Huo Yuhao really is my lucky star; he's allowed me to take advantage of Old Yan again. He took eight months to become a Class 2 soul engineer, has twin martial souls, and a top-ranked Ice Jade Scorpion, which is at the pinnacle of the ice attribute. Perfection, perfection. Wahahaha…"

Huo Yuhao had no idea that he had been quibbled over by the Soul Tool Department and the Martial Soul Department. At this moment, he was seriously listening to Zhou Yi explain the rules of the advancement test. Other than the freshmen who'd just entered the academy, the advancement test was of utmost importance to every single student of the outer courtyard. If they couldn't pass it, they'd have to pack their bags and leave. Even core disciples weren't an exception to this. Naturally, the situation of a core disciple failing to pass the advancement test had never occurred in the past.

Zhou Yi stood behind the podium as she spoke, "The advancement test for Year 1 students entering Year 2 is relatively easy. When compared to the advancement tests the upper year groups have, your test is much more simple. The test we'll be undergoing is identical to Class 2's test. As for Classes 3 and 4, they'll have a different test due to the strengths of their martial souls."

"Our test will be held in the academy's Beast Duelling Area. I'm sure that many of you still don't know where that is. Now, I'll tell you guys where it is. The Beast Duelling Area is to the south of the Soul Duelling Area, within the tall, castle-like gray walls. The Beast Duelling Area contains many different-ranked soul beasts that have been captured by the academy throughout the years. It's specialised in helping the upper year groups cultivate. If you're able to enter Year 4 in the future, you'll be able to train yourselves in the Beast Duelling Area. The live combat classes that are held there will be the most important tests you guys will take for the sake of your future accomplishments."

"For the advancement test this time, you'll have to fight against a soul beast in the Beast Duelling Area. At the same time, you'll also be able to choose the soul beast you'll be fighting against. Different soul beasts will have different points assigned to them, and the stronger the soul beast you challenge, the higher the chance you'll be able to obtain a high score in the test. This test will be graded by teachers from the Martial Soul Department's upper year groups. It'll have a maximum score of a hundred, and the people who are able to obtain more than sixty points will be able to pass the advancement test."

"Now, I have a few things I want to warn you guys about. Number one, don't be too cautious. If the soul beast you choose is too weak, you might not be able to pass even if you're able to defeat it. Number two, don't be overly impetuous. If the soul beast you choose is too strong, in the event the proctor can't make it in time to save you during a fight, then…"

With that, a cold light flickered through Zhou Yi's eyes, causing the students present to feel a shiver up their backs. They had all seen soul beasts in the past, but not everyone had faced a soul beast in single combat. They were still young, and practically all of them had had the assistance of their teachers when they had obtained their soul rings. A prodigy like Huo Yuhao, who had obtained his rings through his own power, couldn't be seen everywhere.

"Number three, you have to keep in mind that losing the battle doesn't automatically eliminate you. If the soul beast you're fighting is strong enough, and your performance during the battle is worthy of praise, your final score might not necessarily be low. Furthermore, the standards required for control-type and assault-type soul masters are different. During a 1v1 test like this, assault-type soul masters will have higher requirements; your aim will be to defeat the soul beast you challenge. On the other hand, control-type soul masters will aim to control the soul beast. How long you're able to keep fighting will determine how many marks you obtain."

Huo Yuhao was listening very seriously; he had to listen seriously! After all, they had made a bet against Dai Huabin. The stakes of this bet were for the losing party to kowtow and admit that they were wrong. Although this only involved a matter of face to other people, this had a completely different meaning to him. If he were able to make Dai Huabin kneel in front of him and kowtow, it was equivalent to him having completed a tiny part of his revenge. Therefore, he had to win this bet no matter what.

Right at this moment, the sound of knocking on the door being suddenly rang out.

Normally, disruptions wouldn't occur during class time unless the academy had certain special arrangements. Wang Yan and Zhou Yi were stunned. Wang Yan, who was standing by the door, turned to open it.

A teacher stood outside the classroom. She was a very unfamiliar person to the students, and even Huo Yuhao didn't know that it was this teacher who'd given him the Secret Law Soul. Right, the teacher who'd come was exactly the Teacher Mu Jin who'd lost a bet against Zhou Yi. Furthermore, there were two teachers in charge of the Teaching Department standing behind her.

Zhou Yi's face sank. "Teacher Mu, why aren't you teaching in your Class 2? What are you trying to do by coming to our Class 1?"

It was unknown whether she was deliberately setting herself up against Zhou Yi, but after Zhou Yi became the teacher in charge of Year 1's Class 1, Mu Jin became the teacher in charge of Class 2.

Mu Jin laughed indifferently. "I'd heard that there was a student from your class who turned up late, but still came in for class. I specially came over to see who it was. I didn't come over to find you; it was these two teachers from the Teaching Department who were looking for you."

A cold light flickered through Zhou Yi's eyes as she walked towards the door. The two teachers from the Teaching Department had already walked into the class, and the middle-aged male teacher on the left said, "Teacher Zhou, Teacher Wang, we received the student reports. A student called Huo Yuhao from your class didn't manage to register yesterday, but he turned up to class today. You two should know the academy's rules as well. We now have to take this student away and handle his leaving procedures."

Wang Yan looked towards Zhou Yi, who laughed indifferently. "Teacher Li, Teacher Lu. What you say is indeed the case. However, this student, Huo Yuhao, is a core disciple of the Soul Tool Department. Though he reported in late, he was completing a task assigned to him by the Soul Tool Department. The Soul Tool Department will explain this matter to you."

The two teachers from the Teaching Department were stunned. "A core disciple of the Soul Tool Department?" Teacher Lu asked disbelievingly.

Mu Jin was already itching to interject. "Zhou Yi, if you're going to make up excuses, at least make up realistic ones. Since when has our academy had a core disciple from the Soul Tool Department who's only been a Year 1 student? Who doesn't know that the Soul Tool Department only takes in core disciples once they've completed their Year 3 advancement tests in the Martial Soul Department? Who do you think you're fooling with such an excuse!?"

The two teachers from the Teaching Department were briefly stunned. Teacher Lu then turned to Mu Jin and said, "Teacher Mu, we'll take care of this matter. You should return to Class 2 and look after your students." Zhou Yi's excuse was so inconceivable that they actually suspected it to be the truth. At the same time, having Mu Jin fan the flames of conflict would clearly be detrimental to the harmony between teachers.

Mu Jin snorted resentfully. "I hope the academy will notify me of the results once everything has been settled."

"I'll tell you the the results right now. Huo Yuhao is my disciple and he's also a core disciple of the Soul Tool Department." A tall figure appeared by the door to the classroom, it was Fan Yu who was even accompanied by Director Du Weilun.

"Director." The two teachers from the Teaching Department hurriedly greeted Du Weilun.

Du Weilun entered the classroom and spoke with a solemn voice, "With the approval of both Dean Yan Shaozhe and Dean Qian Duoduo, Huo Yuhao will no longer remain a temporary core disciple. Instead, he will now formally assume the role of a core disciple of the Soul Tool Department. The reason for his tardiness was due to a task assigned to him by Teacher Fan Yu. Hence, this matter concludes here. Huo Yuhao will stay in Class 1 and continue to learn the various types of foundational knowledge in the Martial Soul Department until Year 3, at which point he will transfer to the Soul Tool Department."

Upon hearing Du Weilun's announcement, the other teachers remained silent. Mu Jin's eyes were filled with an incredulous look. From her perspective, even if Fan Yu had wanted to help Zhou Yi out, he would never have used a method like this! Furthermore, he'd actually managed to convince Du Weilun.

"No, this can't be right. Director Du, which of the qualifications to becoming a core disciple of the Soul Tool Department does Huo Yuhao meet? Becoming a core disciple of the Soul Tool Department requires one to be extremely talented and experienced in the various aspects of soul tool creation!" Mu Jin said, unwilling to concede.

Fan Yu snorted coldly, then shouted, "Huo Yuhao, stand up and come here."

Huo Yuhao immediately stood up and strode forwards. Although he was confused as to why Mu Jin was targeting him, he wasn't nervous in the slightest when facing so many teachers. On the contrary, he felt inwardly warm. Zhou Yi, Wang Yan, and Fan Yu were all protecting him, causing him to be filled with confidence.

Fan Yu flipped his wrist, causing a octagonal blue badge to appear in his palm. The badge had two diamond-like stars embedded within it.

"Huo Yuhao has learnt the art of soul tool creation under me ever since the freshmen assessment ended. After eight months, he was able to pass the test required to become a Class 2 soul engineer under my guidance. In accordance with the academy's status within the world of soul engineers, I asked Vice-Dean Qian Duoduo from the Soul Tool Department for help. With his confirmation, I awarded him the badge of a Class 2 soul engineer. All it took him was eight months of time to advance from an ordinary soul master to a Class 2 soul engineer. This level of talent has already created history within Shrek Academy's Soul Tool Department. Thus, how could we not take him in as a core disciple?"

At this moment, even Du Weilun was astonished. He hadn't known a thing about Huo Yuhao's involvement in the Soul Tool Department!

He had only taken eight months to become a Class 2 soul engineer? Even the word 'genius' was insufficient to describe this level of talent. After all, Huo Yuhao was still only twelve years old! Even in the Sun Moon Empire, which highly valued soul engineers, a twelve-year-old Class 2 soul engineer was an incredibly rare existence.. How was this possible?

However, it was already too late for him to try to stop the Soul Tool Department from taking Huo Yuhao as a core disciple, they had just announced it to the world. Du Weilun was certain that Fan Yu couldn't have made all this up. But the more he believed this story, the more depressed he felt. He could only console himself with the fact that that Huo Yuhao was only talented in the matter of soul tools No wonder Dean Qian had personally gone to fetch Dean Yan; there was actually a foreshadowing like this! A mistake, they had made a large mistake! If they had known about this earlier, they would've told Dean Yan about it earlier. Even if he still agreed to Huo Yuhao becoming a core disciple of the Soul Tool Department, he might have at least been able to obtain a few more advantages from Dean Qian.

Even if Shrek Academy's Martial Soul Department had a status that far surpassed that of the Soul Tool Department, their financial state was incredibly pathetic. Oftentimes, the Martial Soul Department had to rely on the Soul Tool Department in order to increase the funding they got.

Zhou Yi coldly swept her eyes towards Mu Jin, "Director Du, Mu Jin is the teacher in charge of Class 2, but nonetheless she has come over to my Class 1 to stir up trouble. Doesn't this seem inappropriate?"

Du Weilun immediately woke up from his regret. Since the situation had already reached this point, there was no longer any use for regret. He spoke in a solemn voice, "Teacher Mu, return to your class immediately. You will not receive a second warning."

Mu Jin looked at Zhou Yi hatefully, then glanced at the expressionless Fan Yu before finally stamping her foot and leaving.

Zhou Yi said indifferently, "Director Du, I honestly feel that Teacher Mu's attitude isn't too suitable for a teacher in charge of a class. We wouldn't want her wasting the time of those outstanding students."

Du Weilun furrowed his brows, "This is a matter for the academy to decide. Okay, you can continue with your class. The advancement test will start in the afternoon, and I shall personally attend and observe how the test goes for your Year 2." With that, he nodded towards Fan Yu and left along with the two teachers from the Teaching Department.

Fan Yu patted Huo Yuhao's shoulder before following Du Weilun away. He'd finally been able to announce that Huo Yuhao was a core disciple, and he had even done this with the approval of Dean Yan Shaozhe. This matter was already settled and now the Martial Soul Department couldn't renege on their words even if they wanted to. After leaving the classroom, the hint of a faint smile appeared on the corners Fan Yu's mouth. Even if the Soul Tool Department wasn't able to have a rise to glory in his generation, it would definitely be able to do so in Huo Yuhao and He Caitou's generation.

Under the awestruck gazes of the other students, Huo Yuhao sat back down in his original seat. Other than Xiao Xiao and Wang Dong, who'd known in advance, today's events had had stunned the entire class.

Having studied together for a year, everyone knew that Huo Yuhao was an orphan who didn't have any background to rely upon. However, it seemed as though he'd been treated generously by everyone ever since he had entered Shrek Academy. First, Zhou Yi hadn't hesitated to expel two core disciples for him. This time around, the Soul Tool Department had taken him in as a core disciple and had even given him the badge of a Class 2 soul engineer. Just with his qualifications as a Class 2 soul engineer, Huo Yuhao would be able to be hired for a generous salary in any country on the continent. A soul engineer was a talent that was desperately required by every country, so much so that they could be referred to as strategic resources.


"What?! A Class 2 soul engineer?" Yan Shaozhe looked disbelievingly at Du Weilun. Various thoughts flashed through his mind and he couldn't help but furrow his brows for a moment.

After leaving Class 1, Du Weilun had immediately rushed back to report to him.

"Dammit, we were tricked. We were tricked by that old bastard Qian Duoduo." Yan Shaozhe smacked his table violently, a look of regret on his face.

Du Weilun said, "Dean Yan, it isn't that serious. If that kid Huo Yuhao's only talented in the field of soul tools, allowing him to become a core disciple of the Soul Tool Department can be considered to be making full use of our resources."

Yan Shaozhe waved his hand. "No, it can't be that simple. You've forgotten something; if it's just as you said, why would the Soul Tool Department be so impatient to take him? It would be fine for them to just announce that they're taking him as a core disciple by the time he reaches Year 4. A student who's outstanding in the field of soul tool creation definitely won't attract our attention. As for why he was late this time, Zhou Yi and Fan Yu could've found another excuse to settle this matter. However, Qian Duoduo personally came over to deal with this matter with me, and he even used the bet that I lost to him last time. Haven't you realised what this means?"

Du Weilun was astonished as well, "You're saying that, other than the strong points the Soul Tool Department values highly, he also has a few areas which we of the Martial Soul Department value?"

Yan Shaozhe nodded, "That's definitely the case. Otherwise, Qian Duoduo wouldn't have come over to look for me straightaway. It's no wonder I felt something was off. I didn't think that I'd be schemed against by that cheapskate."

Du Weilun smiled bitterly. "Dean, the matter's already done and dusted. The Soul Tool Department has already announced that he's one of their core disciples, so we can only acknowledge that. In the end, he's only a single student. There are many outstanding talents among their generation, so we should just pay a bit more attention in the future so as to not be taken advantage of by the Soul Tool Department."

"Yup." Yan Shaozhe nodded, "Let's do it this way. This afternoon, participate in the entirety of their advancement test. Other than checking up on a few core disciples, pay special attention to this Huo Yuhao. In the event he really performs exceptionally, let me know immediately. Right, we can't renege on our deal via normal means, but what if this kid reneges on it by himself and chooses to leave the Soul Tool Department?"

With that, Yan Shaozhe couldn't help but reveal the hint of a crafty smile on his face. I can't directly take him in as a core disciple, but what if he takes the initiative to request it from us? Then that's a different story. This matter isn't something that's completely non-manipulable!


For once, the afternoon class ended before the bell rang. After explaining the various important topics regarding the afternoon's advancement test, Zhou Yi dismissed the class. This was to allow them to go back and prepare, adjusting the conditions of their bodies to their most optimum states for the sake of taking their test in the Beast Duelling Area in the afternoon.

Placing the badge of a Class 2 soul engineer on his shirt, Huo Yuhao couldn't help but feel a strong feeling of success in his heart. The workmanship of the blue, octagonal badge was extremely exquisite, and the two diamonds embedded on it were even more brilliant.

"Stop showing it off shamelessly." Wang Dong couldn't help but tease him, "You're grinning from ear to ear."

Huo Yuhao chuckled, "Supposedly, having this thing is considered to be the same as receiving the approval of the Soul Engineering Association. You'll be able to get a decent job wherever you go with this. At the very least, I won't have to worry about food and clothing in the future."

Wang Dong unhappily said, "Just look at how much you're bragging. Let's go back and cultivate now."

Huo Yuhao had an amazed look on his face. "Has the sun risen from the west? When have you become this hard-working?"

Wang Dong snorted, "I've always been very hard-working, alright?"