Evil Soul Master

e hit him. Let bygones be bygones. We're all in Shrek Academy to cultivate. You're now a member of the Guardian team, so we'll be brothers-in-arms and fellow soldiers from now on. I hope you won't hold any more grudges in your heart, and speak up if you need help. I'll repay what Huabin owes you on his behalf."

Dai Yueheng worded his sentences too beautifully. If it wasn't for the fact that Huo Yuhao had truly felt the maliciousness and strong killing intent coming from Dai Yueheng before, he might've really felt embarrassed by his actions before because of what Dai Yueheng said. However, he could only sneer at the other party in his heart now. Is Dai Yueheng trying to rope me in?

"Senior brother, I am actually in the wrong as well. You're right. Let bygones be bygones." Huo Yuhao really couldn't mask his expressions like Dai Yueheng; he couldn't put such a sincere look on his face. He could only try his best to remain calm. How could a few apologetic sentences settle the grudge he held towards them for killing his mother, along with the miserable and hard life that he'd faced since he was a child? What's more, Huo Yuhao's perception was sharper than most people's. With the Spiritual Detection, Huo Yuhao saw that Dai Yueheng's pulse was calm all throughout when he was talking a moment ago, with nothing out of the ordinary. That also meant that he was in a stable frame of mind, which was incompatible with how one would usually be a little excited when being sincere.

Dai Yueheng was slightly more pleased when he heard what Huo Yuhao said. He could see that Huo Yuhao still harboured ill feelings in his heart, but from his point of view, Huo Yuhao was only a child who didn't reveal his emotions regardless of how talented he was. Conversely, it was normal for him to show reluctance and hesitation in his expression. However, it wasn't a bad start, since he was willing to let the previous matter pass. From his point of view, it wasn't that difficult to rope in a child. Moreover, Huo Yuhao's skill was quite good, but his level of cultivation was too low after all was said and done. At the moment, his level of cultivation was still far from a level that could threaten him. Thus, Huo Yuhao was far worse than Dai Huabin if he were to compare the both of them.

Dai Yueheng smiled faintly and said, "That would be for the best. Once we spend more time together, you'll get to know what kind of person I am."

If Huo Yuhao had been who he was before he entered Shrek Academy, he might not have been able to mask his emotions, and would definitely have been at a loss when confronting Dai Yueheng. However, he had matured a lot over the past year. He knew that it was definitely not possible for him to get his revenge in such a short time. Since that was the case, he could only feign civility.

"Senior brother, I heard senior sister Ma mention an evil soul master just now. What's that?" Even though Huo Yuhao wasn't at Dai Yueheng's level of cultivation, he hardly needed to expend a great deal of effort in running now. As a result of that, he could still use soul power to protect his nose and mouth to speak.

Dai Yueheng chuckled and said, "I knew you were going to ask that question. Evil soul masters are also soul masters, but they're very scary." Even with his cultivation and self-confidence, Huo Yuhao actually caught a smudge of fear in Dai Yueheng's eyes when he uttered the words 'evil soul master'. Huo Yuhao had originally asked this question without thinking it through. However, he was secretly shocked that an elite of Shrek Academy like Dai Yueheng was actually afraid of an evil soul master.

"Evil soul masters have been in existence since long ago. It is said that Ancestor Tang San, who was part of the first generation of Shrek's Seven Devils encountered a powerful evil soul master one year. What's more, that individual was also an evil Douluo. He was nevertheless able to obtain a domain-type ability from the other party. A so-called evil soul master is a soul master who has a few very exceptionally evil martial souls."

Huo Yuhao was shocked when he heard this and said, "There are evil martial souls too?"

Dai Yueheng nodded and said, "Martial souls can be anything. There's no distinction between good and evil if you view a martial soul on its own. But when the martial soul needs to be cultivated through special means, then that martial soul must definitely be evil. You'll understand when I give you an example."

"More than six hundred years ago, a powerful evil soul master appeared on the continent. He eventually became a Titled Douluo powerhouse, and granted himself the title of Blood Baby. His cultivation method was extremely unique, and his martial soul only awakened when he was eighteen years old. After his martial soul awakened, he had a certain craving for babies. He needed to suck a baby's brain and swallow a baby's heart before he could cultivate. Don't you think this kind of soul master is evil? How many babies did he need to kill to cultivate from being a normal soul master to a Titled Douluo?"

Huo Yuhao felt a shiver run up his spine, all the way up to his scalp. That feeling that resembled pins and needles almost made him cry out in surprise. He never thought that a soul master like that actually existed in this world.

Dai Yueheng had a same look of fear in his eyes, "Titled Douluo Blood Baby was tyrannically strong. In a short span of twenty years, he attained the rank of a Titled Douluo through that evil cultivation method of his before he even turned forty. When he was using his soul power, a blood baby would appear, and with it would come incomparably frightening firepower and corrosive abilities. Amongst all of his nine soul rings, the lowest one was a thousand years old, and he even had two ten thousand-year soul rings. Later on, the previous commander of the academy's Guardian squad personally undertook the task of disposing of him. It took him five whole years to find him before eradicating him from the face of the earth. Before that, he had killed tens of teachers and students from our academy. What do you say, isn't this evil soul master frightening?"

"Perhaps evil soul masters weren't born evil, but the strength and power of every soul master is the same, and so it is very easy for one to walk the path of darkness. Who can resist the temptation of obtaining such powerful and readily available power? In the end, one can only follow the devil's path and fall from grace. These evil soul masters are the biggest enemies of the Guardian squad, and they are also the most difficult for us to deal with. But once we realise that an evil soul master has appeared, we must quickly eradicate them as fast as we can, because not only are they extremely destructive, but their growth is very rapid. Even though it is very difficult for an evil soul master to live too long a life, they can cause massive destruction in the years that they walk the face of the earth."

Huo Yuhao suddenly felt enlightened, "So it's like that! Thank you, senior brother!" Even though he'd been on his guard around Dai Yueheng from the start, he couldn't help but admit that as an inner courtyard disciple, Dai Yueheng's knowledge and experience was far greater than his.

"Senior brother, I still have a question. Senior sister Ma said that we have to complete this mission in three days. We've been progressing very quickly, but our academy is in the Heavenly Soul Empire, bordering the central north region of Star Luo Empire. On the other hand, Ming Dou Mountain is to the west of Star Luo Empire, and is more than a thousand miles away. We might not be able to hurry there in three days even if we were to give it our all! Let's not even talk about killing the enemy!"

Dai Yueheng gave him a mysterious smile. "Don't be impatient, you'll know all about it in the afternoon. I believe that every single member of the preparatory team shares the same doubts as you. We're just an academy, but the amount of strength we have hidden is much greater than you can imagine. Regardless of whether we're talking about current students or ones who've already graduated, every single person related to the academy is a source of wealth. This includes manpower, and connections."

After a simple conversation, Huo Yuhao gradually got used to talking with Dai Yueheng. At the same time, he did his best to suppress his hatred to the depths of his heart. The two quickly became familiar with each other. Dai Yueheng wasn't as serious as he looked from the outside, and unlike his silent brother Dai Huabin, he was much more entertaining. During the journey, he shared a few interesting stories about his assignments as a Guardian, opening Huo Yuhao's eyes to the larger world. After all, travelling ten thousand miles was better than reading ten thousand books. Huo Yuhao began to recognise that he simply knew too little about the world. When compared to the entire Douluo Continent, he was still a piece of white paper which only had an outline of a drawing sketched on it.

The swift journey lasted all the way till midday before they stopped to rest. The students from the inner courtyard all had normal expressions, and their breathing was only slightly hurried at most. However, other than He Caitou, who'd flown the entire journey with the assistance of a soul tool, the other three Soul Ancestors from the outer courtyard were drenched with sweat.

Jiang Nannan was an agility-type soul master, and she had a nimble and agile body. As a result, she was left in a slightly better state. Though her sweat dripped from her body, her clothes weren't drenched. However, the assault-type Bei Bei and the defense-type Xu Sanshi were left in a miserable state. This was especially true for Xu Sanshi. He was the heaviest of the four, and he left a huge mark of water when he landed on the ground.

"Huo Yuhao, show off some of your abilities." Ma Xiaotao put Wang Dong down, then turned towards Huo Yuhao.

"Ah? Show what off?" Huo Yuhao asked, astonished.

Ma Xiaotao laughed. "What else? Food, of course! I don't think everyone here knows this, but at the very start, he sold roasted fish by the entrance to the academy every night to pay off his school fees."

"Right, right. I approve. Yuhao's the best at this." Xu Sanshi, who was panting violently on the ground, raised his hands and feet. His appearance looked somewhat comical.

Bei Bei laughed, "You really look like an overturned tortoise. It's no wonder you're the Xuanwu Turtle!"

"Psh…" Jiang Nannan couldn't help but laugh after hearing Bei Bei's words.

Xu Sanshi was about to explode, but he immediately changed his expression after hearing Jiang Nannan's laugh. He said angrily, "Seeing as you amused the goddess in my heart, I'll forgive you."

At this moment, the gazes of everyone present were gathered on Huo Yuhao. Even Elder Xuan wasn't an exception to this. When everyone had been travelling earlier, there were no traces of him to be seen. When everyone stopped to rest, however, his alcohol-drinking, chicken-eating figure immediately appeared.

Somewhat embarrassed, Huo Yuhao said, "But, I have no ingredients. Actually, I only know how to make a few simple dishes. I don't know how to make any complicated ones. I only brought a few seasonings."

"Simple." Elder Xuan suddenly appeared by Huo Yuhao's side, and the latter was startled the moment he opened his mouth.

"Xiaotao, you're in charge of lighting a fire. Dai Yueheng, Chen Zifeng, I'll give you a task. Go catch some fish, the more the better. Ling Luochen, Xi Xi, go catch some wild game. Gong Yangmo, go follow them."

Yao Haoxuan hurriedly raised his chest to volunteer himself. "Elder Xuan, what about me?"

Elder Xuan glared at him unhappily, "You? Just stay there obediently. Do you think this old man will eat something that a bastard like you spits out?"

"Urp… actually, it's very clean." Yao Haoxuan said flatteringly.

"If you don't want to stay hungry, quickly get to work. Huo Yuhao, you're the chef today. Everyone else, go find some charcoal. Don't just laze around." As he spoke, Elder Xuan sauntered over to Huo Yuhao, then whispered, "Is the roasted fish you make really delicious?"

Huo Yuhao scratched his head. "It should be quite decent."

Elder Xuan nodded, "Then this old man will stay hungry for a bit to try your work. If I'm not satisfied, humph humph, I'll make you wear tiny shoes in the academy."

"This…" Huo Yuhao didn't know whether to laugh or to cry at seeing Elder Xuan's expression. The latter seemed as though the heavens and the earth didn't matter compared to food.

It had to be said that the elites of Shrek Academy were absolutely impressive at completing tasks. Within a mere fifteen minutes, a sufficient amount of firewood was placed in front of Huo Yuhao, who'd built a temporary stove by using the rocks around him.

After a few more moments, Gong Yangmo, Xi Xi, and Ling Luochen returned with two hares, two pheasants, and even a plump deer in tow.

"Start, start." Elder Xuan waved his bottle gourd at Huo Yuhao, signalling for the latter to start.

As Huo Yuhao watched astonishedly, Ling Luochen revealed a delicate use of soul power. Under the effects of her Ice element, the five wild animals floated up into the air. Then, she stripped them, tidied them up, and cleaned them as though she was skillfully carving an ox. Within the blink of an eye, five cleaned up pieces of first-rate game appeared in front of Huo Yuhao.

What a powerful control of Ice! Huo Yuhao sighed inwardly in praise. Although he had an Ultimate Ice martial soul, he was much, much weaker than Ling Luochen in terms of control.

After peeling away the outer layer of wood from the charcoal, Huo Yuhao started cooking. Sure enough, he'd brought a few seasonings along with him. Furthermore, there were quite a few types of them.

Perhaps it was due to his destitute childhood, but even though he had a fixed amount of savings already, he still brought a few of these things along with him whenever he went out.

The amount of oil that was present in these animals that had grown up in the wild was sufficient, and hence he didn't need to add too much oil. However, the most important thing was still his control of fire. Just like when he was roasting fish in the past, Huo Yuhao rubbed his own seasonings on the stomachs of the animals before starting to control the fire. His roasting technique was actually rather simple. After asking Ma Xiaotao to ignite the charcoal, he took a stick of dry wood and occasionally prodded the charcoal within the stove. At the same time, he flipped the animals on the stove. The facts had once again proven that Spiritual Detection was rather good when cooking…

After a while, the fragrant smell of meat started to diffuse outwards. The wild animals on the stove had turned an even, golden-yellow colour, and hissing sounds had begun to ring out from the stove as a result of the fat dripping into the fire. However, it was at this exact moment that the fragrance of the meat was at its strongest.

Currently, Elder Xuan looked like a gluttonous child. He wasn't even drinking his alcohol as he squatted beside Huo Yuhao, waiting anxiously. Furthermore, he would even glare viciously at the others who were swallowing their saliva, as if he were claiming the area around Huo Yuhao as his own.

At this moment, Dai Yueheng and Chen Zifeng returned. From a distance, the two of them were able to smell the fragrance that came from Huo Yuhao's stove. They were greatly astonished at Huo Yuhao, who was busily working his skill in a familiar manner. He's only a second year student, which means that he isn't even thirteen. Just how is he this good at cooking?

They'd brought back the fish, and Chen Zifeng had even fashioned his outer shirt into a pocket that contained a clump of mushrooms. The delicate mushrooms even contained a few traces of last night's dew, and their fresh and tender surface resembled the skin of a young girl.

The two of them walked up to Huo Yuhao, and Dai Yueheng said, "Yuhao, we've brought the fish back." The two of them had indeed brought back a large amount of fish. The two of them had brought back a total of seven to eight kilos worth of fish, and they'd threaded them through using a string. As a result, the string resembled a bridge that separated him and Chen Zifeng by a total of five meters.

Huo Yuhao looked up, then revealed a look of happiness as he looked at the mushrooms in Chen Zifeng's bosom, "Two seniors, I need a wooden wok. Sister Ling, I'll have to trouble you to help clean these fishes. You don't have to descale them, just cleaning their innards is fine."

"Okay." Ling Luochen nodded. Unexpectedly, she revealed a seldom smile as she looked at the serious Huo Yuhao. Her impression of her seemingly-omnipotent junior brother grew increasingly deeper, and she couldn't help but think of her own naughty little brother.

The problem of the wooden wok only needed two minutes to be resolved. Dai Yueheng used brute force to overturn a large three, then allowed Chen Zifeng's Soulchasing Sword to carve it up. Then, a perfectly round large wok appeared in front of Huo Yuhao. However, Ling Luochen quickly used her Ice element to clean it up as a result of the bloody smell coming from the Soulchasing Sword.

At this moment, the five wild animals were nearly cooked. The first of which to be finished were the two pieces of chicken.

The moment Huo Yuhao took them off the grill, he instantly felt his hands lighten. A figure had already run off into the distance with two chickens in tow, only leaving behind the words "I'll leave the rest to you guys."

Yao Haoxuan couldn't help but sigh at this scene. "A wild chicken's still a chicken! Elder Xuan should be called Elder Chicken."

"Are you trying to die?" An unclear voice suddenly exploded out like a bolt of thunder. Right after that, Yao Haoxuan was sent flying into the air, landing in the fork of a nearby tree as he let out a miserable wail.

Xu Sanshi let out a muffled laugh with his hand covering his mouth. "Senior Yao actually called Elder Xuan a gay dude. Isn't he just waiting for a calamity to befall him?"

Bei Bei nodded in agreement. "Right. The gay dude's clearly you."

"Bullshit, this brother of yours only likes girls. I like girls with big butts!" Xu Sanshi said indignantly. However, he didn't expect to see Jiang Nannan's murderous eyes again after he spoke. She humphed angrily, then left to the side.

"Fuck! Bei Bei, this old man wants to fight with you." Xu Sanshi ran towards Bei Bei, red in the face.

"Then you'd better not think of eating my junior brother's roasted meat." Bei Bei said calmly.

Xu Sanshi's hand was about to touch Bei Bei's body, but he instantly stopped. He angrily stayed his hand. "I'm gonna take care of you once I'm done eating. Bei Bei, do you know what I hate most about you?"

Bei Bei shook his head in a very serious manner, "How is a man supposed to know what a pig is thinking?"

"You…" Xu Sanshi had no choice but to stay indignant due to Bei Bei's threat, "This old man hates the fact that you keep spouting bullshit with an innocent look on your face. You're clearly an evil bastard. I really don't know why Xiao Ya likes you."

Bei Bei instantly replied, "Because mine's bigger!"

"Bullshit." Xu Sanshi immediately rose to his feet. "Is yours as big as this daddy's?"

Bei Bei raised his index and middle fingers towards Xu Sanshi. "First off, I won't compare myself to shelled peanuts." Afterwards, he put down his index finger, which left only his middle finger extended. "Second, I was referring to my age."

"I can't take it anymore!" Xu Sanshi finally bared his fangs and pounced towards Bei Bei. However, it was at that exact instant that Huo Yuhao's voice distracted him.

"The rabbit's done."

To a human, being ripped apart by five horses was definitely one of the most miserable tortures they could suffer. However, the most appalling tragedy that could occur to two wild rabbits was being divided amongst ten or so people.

The instant that Huo Yuhao spoke, the two rabbits were torn apart and scattered. This was a classic example of there being too many wolves, yet too little meat! The funniest thing that Huo Yuhao took away from this was the fact that his seniors even had to compete with each other in terms of strength while eating…

Ma Xiaotao was the strongest of the lot, and was also the quickest. As such, she was also the first person to make her move. Dai Yueheng wasn't much slower than her, thus the two were able to split one of the roasted rabbits amongst themselves. The rest of them, on the other hand, had to split a single rabbit amongst them.

Xu Sanshi was once again the most miserable of the lot. As an extremely slow defense-type soul master, he was only able to obtain a rabbit head.

Of course, there were still a few people who were a bit worse off than him. Wang Dong and Xiao Xiao, who had the lowest cultivation levels amongst the fourteen, didn't get anything. However, Huo Yuhao had managed to keep two rabbit legs for them when Ma Xiaotao and Dai Yueheng had grabbed the first rabbit.

There were too many wolves and not enough food. As such, Huo Yuhao's busy job had just began. He didn't begin roasting fish immediately. Instead, he had Ling Luochen fill the wooden wok with ice, then had Ma Xiaotao heat it till the ice had melted and begun to boil. Afterwards, he added the mushrooms that Chen Zifeng had brought back, then threw two fish into it.

Ma Xiaotao's current appearance was definitely enough to overturn a country. In one hand, she held one half of a rabbit and ate it heartily, with her other hand she heated up the wooden wok using her phoenix flames. Her control over fire wasn't any less than Ling Luochen's control over ice, thus the water within the wooden wok gradually began to boil. Due to her meticulous control, only the outer layer of the wok started to blacken; there were no signs of it being burnt.

Huo Yuhao was even more skilled at roasting fish than they were at controlling fire. The stove was large enough for him to roast four fish at once.

A fragrant smell soon began to diffuse outwards. By this point, the plump deer had almost was almost done.

Even Teacher Wang Yan, who usually didn't have many requirements regarding food, was moved by the smell. He retrieved a few leather bags, each of which contained some black-colored foodstuffs, then passed them to everyone present.

These were the prepackaged meals that inner courtyard disciples usually ate when they went out on assignments; they were made using more than ten different types of medicinal herbs, alongside several refined ingredients that were highly nutritious. They had an extremely high amount of nutritional content, and could help one recover their physical strength in an extremely short period of time; they were very useful to inner courtyard disciples. However, there was just one problem with these foodstuffs: They didn't taste very good…

Considering the fact that Wang Yan had tagged along this time, their current mission was relatively difficult. Not only did he have to serve as the leader of the team for the Continental Advanced Academy Soul Duelling Tournament, but he also had to deal with the logistics for the students. Considering Elder Xuan's personality, would he be the sort of guy to do something like this? The importance of his appearance was more to act as a deterrent.

They all ate lunch together, beaming with joy. They had originally planned to rest for only an hour or two, but in the end, they stayed for over three hours.

Everyone ate until they were filled to the brim. Both the fish's size and Huo Yuhao's cooking technique were more than enough to sate everyone's appetite. Once everyone had finished their meal, the seven seniors from the inner courtyard and the seven students from the outer courtyard immediately gathered together, which caused their relationships to improve by a decent amount. This was especially true for Huo Yuhao, who had become the most popular of the bunch now.

The thick soup that had been made with mushrooms and fish was also delicious. Huo Yuhao had only added a pinch of salt, but the soup tasted very good. The funniest thing was that, Elder Xuan hadn't been able to finish his soup because he'd already eaten two chickens and four fish. However, he'd taken out a large calabash and proceeded to pour half a wok of the soup into it, supposedly to finish it during their journey. Everyone else couldn't help but think of the phrase 'If you can't eat it all, you'll have to take it home', but nobody dared to say anything about it after what had happened to Yao Haoxuan.

"Yuhao, I'll carry you this time. I'm not much slower than Dai Yueheng." Yao Haoxuan laughed cunningly.

"Forget about it," Chen Zifeng said unhappily, "it's already good that you can keep up with the rest of us. It'd be best if an assault-type soul master like us did it instead. Junior brother, following your brother Chen can't go wrong. Don't worry, I'll take care of any ingredients you need in the future."

"Ice is still more suited to be with Ice. I can also take you along with me." The normally-cold Ling Luochen unexpectedly spoke up. The moment her words rang out, the entire place turned silent. The Ice Lady, who was famous in the inner courtyard as such, had never spoken such nice words to a male before; she'd never even been to a formal marriage interview held in the inner courtyard! Yet, she seemed to treat Huo Yuhao somewhat differently.

In the end, Huo Yuhao ended up continuing onwards with Dai Yueheng. His reasoning was sufficient: One, his strength; secondly, to continue with his arrangements from the morning.

The fourteen students were truly quite quick. Even though they'd rested for such a long time, they'd still obtained a sufficient amount nutrients. They finally arrived at the border between the Heavenly Soul Empire and the Star Luo Empire after two hours. When they arrived, a large army camp blocked the path in front of them.

Dai Yueheng put Huo Yuhao down, then entered the barracks by himself. Huo Yuhao rapidly learned why Dai Yueheng had been so secretive in the morning.

They didn't enter the barracks, yet Dai Yueheng borrowed more than ten military-grade flying-type soul tools.

If a soul master wanted to fly, the only way for him to do so other than having a martial soul that could fly would be to wait until he'd become a seven-ringed Soul Sage. However, one could only rely on pure soul power to fly short distances at that rank. Only Titled Douluo-ranked super experts were capable of flying extended distances.

However, flying-type soul tools first began to appear in the Sun Moon Empire following the rapid development of soul tools. Their appearance brought about enormous trouble to the neighbouring Heavenly Soul and Star Luo Empires. The two countries used almost all of their strength to obtain the blueprints for the Sun Moon Empire's flying-type soul tools, then manufactured their own.

A flying-type soul tool could naturally only be utilised by soul masters, and it also had a relatively high cost of production. Normally, only soul masters with at least four soul rings could use one. The army didn't have many of these soul tools either; after all, four-ringed soul masters were simply too few in number!

Despite this, Dai Yueheng had managed to borrow more than ten flying-type soul tools in one go; this wasn't something that a normal person could do. This made all sorts of feelings well up in Huo Yuhao's heart. Right! Dai Yueheng's father was the White Tiger Duke—the commander of the Star Luo Empire. If he used his identity as the eldest son of the Duke's first wife, what did borrowing a few flying-type soul tools amount to?

Huo Yuhao clenched his fists when he thought of that person. Fortunately, a large part of his attention was drawn to the flying-type soul tools, thus he didn't lose his composure in front of everyone else.

The Star Luo Empire's flying-type soul tools were somewhat cumbersome. The main body of the soul tool was a meter-long, half-meter wide, and one-foot thick metallic box. The two sides of the box were connected to a set of folded wings, which would have a four-meter wingspan when they were unfurled. These ensured that the user would have enough buoyancy in midair.

This wasn't their first time that the inner courtyard disciples had used a flying-type soul tool. However, Dai Yueheng patiently gave a simple tutorial to the students from the outer courtyard.

The most important step in using a flying-type soul tool was the take-off, during which the user had to pour their soul power into the soul tool and shoot it towards the ground. The user could unfurl its wings once they'd risen into the air, then could rely on the turbulence in the air to float. After that, they only needed to convert their downwards propulsion into a parallel one via the soul tool to be able to accelerate in midair.

However, there was a certain difficulty involved in the usage of a flying-type soul tool. Only a soul master with four or more soul rings could use one due to the amount of soul power required to reach an altitude of a certain level. If the user wasn't that strong, they wouldn't be able to reach that height, which in turn meant that they wouldn't have enough buoyancy to even float in the air, much less fly.

At that moment, a problem arose due to Huo Yuhao, Wang Dong, and Xiao Xiao's cultivation levels. However, there was a more pragmatic solution to this, which was relatively simple. That solution was for them to let someone else bring them into the sky, then let that person fly using the flying-type soul tool.

Of course, it was somewhat simpler for Wang Dong, as he could fly in the first place! It wouldn't be too hard for him to rely on the Radiant Butterfly Goddess' wings to rise into the air, then fly forwards with the flying-type soul tool. Thus, the real problem lay with Huo Yuhao and Xiao Xiao.

He Caitou didn't use the flying-type soul tool that Dai Yueheng had brought over, as he'd brought one himself. Furthermore, his one was much more compact and delicate. His was only half the size of the Star Luo Empire's, while its wings were somewhat smaller. Despite this, it was clearly more effective. Not only had he brought one for himself, he'd also brought one for Huo Yuhao as well.

Wang Yan said, "Students from the outer courtyard, go practice using your flying-type soul tools for a bit. Students from the inner courtyard, you're responsible for teaching and protecting them."

Dai Yueheng had originally planned to help Huo Yuhao, but he now had no choice but to extinguish this thought when he saw He Caitou helping the latter get used to the delicate flying-type soul tool made by the Soul Tool Department.

As He Caitou helped Huo Yuhao put on the flying-type soul tool, he said, "Yuhao, once you reach a higher level of cultivation, our teacher will teach you how to make a flying-type soul tool. The soul tools made by our Soul Tool Department only need their users to have three or more soul rings, and they're more economical with their use of soul power. However, these aren't the most advanced types of flying-type soul tools on the market. Supposedly, the Sun Moon Empire has managed to add a special gem that's capable of storing and replenishing soul power to their flying-type soul tools. Even a one-ringed soul master is able to use them once it's stored enough soul power."

Huo Yuhao was astonished. "Can soul power even be stored in a soul tool?"

He Caitou smiled bitterly. "Exactly. Currently, this is the greatest gap between us and the Sun Moon Empire. However, it isn't that easy to complete this piece of research. The Sun Moon Empire wants to allow ordinary people to use soul tools, however if a day like that truly comes, a great war would be inevitable."