I come from Shrek, and from the Tang Sect!

All of their hands trembled a bit when they heard themselves called up. When Bei Bei raised his head, the lazy smile that was normally present on his face had vanished. Resolute determination now filled his face as he took large strides towards the stage.

He Caitou followed immediately after Bei Bei, while Xu Sanshi, Jiang Nannan, Xiao Xiao, Huo Yuhao, and Wang Dong all trailed behind him.

Right. As of this moment, the seven of them were now representing Shrek Academy. As of this moment, they were the current generation of Shrek's Seven Monsters. The halo of their ancestors seemed to envelop their bodies, alongside the halo of the Tang Sect!

The radiance of the Tang Sect and Shrek Academy seemed to ignite within them at the same time, and when it did, their emotions reached an unprecedented level of excitement.

Their breathing had become somewhat rushed amidst the cheers that had encompassed them, and their faces had become flushed. Their soul power had also begun rapidly circulating throughout their bodies due to their excitement. As a result, they all felt as if they had an unlimited amount of energy.

Finally, they neared the tall stage that they'd be participating upon. However, when they did so, Bei Bei didn't rush to step onto it. Instead, he turned towards his companions and said in a low voice, "We can't just win this match; we have to do so overwhelmingly. We have to show the glory that belongs to Shrek Academy. Yuhao, we'll be relying on you."

Huo Yuhao forcefully nodded. He naturally understood what his senior brother was implying.

Only when he saw this did Bei Bei turn around and take large strides towards the tall stage in front of him.

The seven members of each team gathered at their respective corners of the stage and looked towards one another. When the students from the Tian Ling Advanced Soul Academy saw that Shrek Academy had actually sent out such a young line-up, they were involuntarily stunned. Has Shrek Academy sent its preparatory team up? But, but this is the knockout round! Aren't they scared that they'll lose?!

A similar question appeared in all of the spectator's minds as well, including those of the participating academies. Even the Sun Moon Imperial Soul Engineering Academy was left dumbstruck.

At this moment, even Xiao Hongchen was doubtful of his own judgement. Wasn't Shrek Academy being too brazen? Regardless of how strong they were, would they be able to beat a team of soul masters who were near twenty years old with a team that had an average age of fifteen? One that even had a few members that looked eleven to twelve years old? There were no second chances if they were to lose!

The Star Luo Emperor also had a stunned look on his face. He asked doubtfully, "Just what is Shrek Academy doing? Why aren't they sending out their main force? Why isn't Dai Hao's son coming up on stage?"

However, a competition was a competition. No matter how doubtful they were, the competition still had to go on.

The referee sent by the Star Luo Empire had already taken his position. He motioned for both parties to step forward.

The seven students from both teams gathered in the center of the arena. The closer they got to each other, the more the Shrek's Seven Monsters were able to see the unsightly faces of their opponents. Countless years of history before them had already proven this; the result of meeting Shrek Academy in the first round was obvious.

On the other hand, the interest of the students from Tian Ling Advanced Soul Academy were piqued by Huo Yuhao, Wang Dong, and Xiao Xiao as they got closer. What's more, Bei Bei and the rest were clearly very young! This was undoubtedly their preparatory team. Furthermore, it was a preparatory team that had an average age that was lower than fifteen. Sure enough, Shrek Academy was completely deserving of its nickname of an academy for monsters. Just what were they trying to do?

"The first round of the knockout round is a team fight." The referee said solemnly, ���Both parties can use a large majority of their soul tools during the fight. However, if one party admits defeat during the course of the fight, the other party cannot continue attacking. Soul engineers cannot use stationary soul tools which have a high degree of killing power. Do you understand?"

"Understood." Bei Bei calmly took the initiative to respond.

The leader of the Tian Ling Advanced Soul Academy's team was a slender youth who looked around twenty. Among the seven they were pit against, his expression was rather ordinary. He responded as well, following Bei Bei.

Although they were only fighting against Shrek Academy's preparatory team, it was just as Ma Xiaotao had said. Shrek's reputation in itself was a powerful weapon. As they looked at the menacing gazes of Huo Yuhao's seven, the students from the Tian Ling Advanced Soul Academy felt even weaker.

The referee nodded, "Good. Both parties, move back to your corners. Once I give the command, the battle will start. Before I announce the start of this match, you are not allowed to release any martial souls. Otherwise, you will be punished."

Both parties started to slowly widen the distance between them. As they retreated, Huo Yuhao turned around and whispered, "Later, everyone stand according to my arrangements. After that, fight by following my Spiritual Detection."

Huo Yuhao had no confidence in commanding the team members of the official team. However, he was closely related to a large portion of the preparatory team. The team leader, Bei Bei, was his senior brother; the second eldest of the lot, He Caitou, was also his senior brother. There was no need to even mention Wang Dong and Xiao Xiao. He'd gotten closer to Xu Sanshi and Jiang Nannan over these past few days, but more importantly, everyone was convinced by his Spiritual Detection.

Over on the other side, the Tian Ling Empire were taking a very defensive formation. Quickly, both parties arrived at the edges of the arena.

The referee who stood at the center of the arena slowly raised his right hand. At this moment, the Star Luo Plaza filled with several hundreds of thousands of people instantly quieted down. Every single spectator was staring at the spacious stage with their eyes wide.

This was the first round of the tournament, as well as the first knockout round. Moreover, it was a match that had the continent's number one academy participating! Shrek Academy's participants were very young, but they still carried the glory of Shrek with them. Everybody wished to see what they could do.

As the referee raised his hand, both parties immediately took their positions. At the same time, the hundred and eight soul masters from the Star Luo Empire pressed their hands to the metal pillars in front of them.

The hundred and eight metal pillars lit up simultaneously, causing rays of white light to surge into the sky. They carved out arcs as they gathered in midair, twenty meters above the stage.

When the hundred and eight rays of light were gathered together, a white curtain of light rained down, covering the entire field. The protective barrier had been completed, signifying that the Continental Advanced Academy Soul Duelling Tournament was about to begin.

Over on the Tian Ling Advanced Soul Academy's side, the seven people quickly arranged themselves into a traditional battle formation. Three soul masters stood at the very front of the formation, and the fact that they were either assault or defense-type soul masters could be seen with a glance. The two soul masters who stood slightly behind them should be agility-type soul masters. The last of the soul masters stood in a single line, one in front and one in the back, and according to the traditional layout, it was clear that they were respectively control-type and auxiliary-type soul masters.

This was the best seven-man formation that had been devised after countless battles. If they were focused on attacking, the three people in front would be assault-type soul masters; if they were focused on defense and stability, there would be one or two defense-type soul masters.

A traditional formation like this one was called the 3-2-1-1 formation.

However, not many people were currently looking at the Tian Ling Advanced Soul Academy team. Practically everyone was focused on Shrek. Furthermore, they involuntarily cried out in surprise due to the scene in front of them. The ones who cried out the loudest were actually the hundred-plus Advanced Academies that were participating in the tournament. This was because Shrek Academy had revealed a formation that they were simply unable to comprehend.

Huo Yuhao stood at the very front of the formation, and his still-infantile face was currently filled with an arrogant look. On the other hand, the six people behind him maintained a fan-shaped formation behind him, making it seem as though the stars were cupping themselves around the moon. As a result, he was made the most prominent of the lot.

What was this formation even called?

The Advanced Academies that could participate in this tournament all had a certain amount of reputation within the continent. They had each conducted research into military strategy with regards to soul masters, but not a single academy had ever created a formation like this one.

A formation like this made it seem as though the other six were just there to cheer for Huo Yuhao, as if they were letting him go out and fight by himself. This was an incomprehensible scene! After sending out its preparatory team, Shrek Academy was giving everyone another surprise.

Even the referee was somewhat dumbstruck. The fact that he was able to become a referee of the tournament showed that he was naturally a high-ranking soul master who had been specially chosen by the Star Luo Empire.

The host of every single tournament was an empire, and this was also a time where the various countries were able to reveal their strength to the outstanding elites coming from the various academies. Naturally, they would do everything to the best of their abilities. However, even this referee had never seen a formation like this in a team fight before! He even forgot to put down the right hand that he had lifted earlier.

"Referee, we can start now." Huo Yuhao said to the referee in an extremely unperturbed manner.

He wasn't old, and even his voice was in the midst of cracking. Thus, his puerile voice was somewhat coarse. However, he was now the main focus of the entire crowd after standing in front.

Only then did the referee come back to his senses. He swung down his right hand, then shouted, "Match, start!" No matter what formation they were using, all he needed to do was ensure that the match went smoothly.

Following the referee's shout, both parties simultaneously released their martial souls.

The seven from the Tian Ling Advanced Soul Academy couldn't be considered weak at all; their soul rings were mainly comprised of yellow and purple ones, and flashed with dazzling light. Of the seven, five of them had four soul rings, while the other two had three soul rings. The four soul rings of the youth who led the pack flickered dazzlingly. Clearly, he had already reached the later stages of the Soul Ancestor rank. Reaching a stage like this at the mere age of twenty was relatively decent.

However, simply nobody would pay attention to the state of the Tian Ling Advanced Soul Academy at this moment. All of the spectators were focused on Shrek Academy's side. More accurately, they were all focused on Huo Yuhao, who was taking large strides forward.

At this exact moment, an indescribable yet terrifying aura impressively appeared on the tall stage.

In that instant, a blood-colored light lit up the entire tournament stage. Filled with icy, cruel, slaughtering, berserk, and other types of terrifying auras, it suddenly exploded out…

One, two, three, four, five, six… a full six blood-red soul rings had appeared beneath the seemingly thirteen or fourteen-year-old Huo Yuhao.

Red. What did that represent? It represented the pinnacle of soul rings, a terrifying level of power. It represented… a hundred thousand year soul ring!

Six hundred thousand year soul rings simultaneously appearing on a single person was something that ordinary people would never dare to imagine. Cries of surprise and alarm rang out from the mouths of several hundreds of thousands of people like a raging wave. The ear-splitting sensation coming from Huo Yuhao was simply too strong. Even the emperor of the Star Luo Empire himself, as well as his empress and officials, simultaneously stood up from shock.

The first thought that appeared in their minds was that this was impossible. It was completely impossible for a situation like this, in which a soul master was completely filled with hundred thousand year soul rings, to occur, let alone in such a young child. However, the aura of his hundred thousand year soul rings was still so terrifying, and so real. Furthermore, Shrek Academy was already an existence akin to that of a legend in many of their hearts!

One of the six blood-colored soul rings suddenly lit up, and the seven students from the Tian Ling Advanced Soul Academy let out a muffled groan at practically the same time.

The sudden appearance of six hundred thousand year soul rings was already astonishing to the spectators below the stage, let alone to the originally nervous students from the Tian Ling Advanced Soul Academy who were standing on the stage itself.

The moment they felt that completely horrifying aura, practically all of them retreated hurriedly. As a result, they were all bunched up together. However, Huo Yuhao's mysterious Spiritual Interference appeared at this exact moment.

The students from the Tian Ling Advanced Soul Academy were originally tensed up. Combined with the visual stimulation caused by Huo Yuhao's soul rings, their minds were only a fine line away from collapse. After receiving another tiny stimulation, they were like startled birds; their reaction to his Spiritual Interference was much greater than he had imagined. Looks of terror simultaneously appeared in their eyes, and their bodies were directly frozen by his Spiritual Interference.

At this exact moment, an enormous pair of bluish-golden wings appeared behind the dazzlingly bright Huo Yuhao. The colors of blue and gold fused perfectly with each other, releasing a beautiful golden flare. Within the blink of an eye, it was the focus of the entire arena.

The two figures instantly merged together, and the blood-colored soul rings instantly vanished. Instead, an enormous, vertical golden slit replaced it.

The resplendent colors of blue, purple, and gold covered half the arena within the blink of an eye. The ray of light struck the seven from the Tian Ling Advanced Soul Academy who were bunched up together perfectly.

An instantaneous feeling of panic appeared in the hearts of every single person who saw that golden vertically-slitted eye. Right after that, the arena seemed to be cleaved in half by that dazzling ray of light.

This ray of light neared seventy metres in length, and was three metres wide. After bursting forth, the three differently-colored halos of light slowly rose into the air. None of the seven from the Tian Ling Advanced Soul Academy were able to dodge it. When the tricolored flare finally vanished, a long, two foot-deep Golden Road that flickered with a resplendent golden light had been left on the arena.

Of the seven from the Tian Ling Advanced Soul Academy, two three-ringed soul masters immediately fell to the ground. The various protective soul tools that they were wearing had exploded, causing a series of lights to blow up. The bodies of the other five had been fully dyed gold, transforming them into golden statues. Their soul rings had vanished completely, and their martial souls had been sealed.

The golden eye vanished, causing the six dazzling blood-colored rings of light to reappear. Not only that, but another person had appeared next to Huo Yuhao; this was a youth who had unfurled the dazzling wings of the Radiant Butterfly Goddess. He looked even younger than Huo Yuhao, but two yellow, two purple, and two black soul rings flickered around his body. Six dazzling soul rings surrounded his body as well.

Huo Yuhao clasped his hands behind his back, his eyes filled with an arrogant look. He looked indifferently towards the completely flabbergasted referee and said, "This match is over."

"Ah?" Only then did the referee react to the scene in front of him. The students from Tian Ling Advanced Soul Academy had already grabbed the two fallen three-ringed soul masters before jumping down from the stage. Traces of golden light still remained on their bodies, and as they jumped off the stage, the hundred and eight soul masters who were in charge of protecting the arena cancelled the usage of their soul power. Clearly, the match had already ended.

The plaza filled with several hundreds of thousands of spectators, including the imperial family of the Star Luo Empire and its civil and military officers, along with more than a hundred advanced soul master and soul engineering academies, was completely silent at this moment.

The people who had previously been somewhat doubtful towards the preparatory team that Shrek Academy had sent out were now left staring wide-eyed as they stared at the deep, golden ravine that was now on the arena floor.

They were almost unable to breathe, and even swallowing their saliva was hard for them.

Practically everyone was inwardly screaming the phrase 'This is impossible!' at seeing these six hundred thousand year soul rings. However, the word 'impossible' now had hesitation, astonishment, and a terrifying and hysterical excitement to it.

Shrek. This was Shrek. The continent's number one, completely unparalleled Shrek.

Huo Yuhao slowly turned around, then looked towards the southern spectators in Star Luo Plaza. He shouted in a solemn voice, "Remember. I come from Shrek Academy, and the Tang Sect!"

With that, the six icy, blood-colored soul rings that made breathing itself difficult instantly vanished. He slowly walked down from the stage, returning to Shrek Academy's area along with the Seven Monsters. He didn't even wait for the referee to announce the results of the battle. The arrogance he possessed once again stunned the entire arena.

He came from Shrek! He came from the Tang Sect!

At this very moment, the most emotionally stirred person behind Huo Yuhao was Bei Bei. He forcefully suppressed the tears that were about to drip from his eyes, and thought to himself, Little Ya, how good it would've been if you were able to be here today to witness this scene. Right, we don't just come from Shrek. We come from the Tang Sect!

Wang Yan took the initiative to walk up to Huo Yuhao. When he walked forward, their eyes seemed to converse with each other instantaneously. Wang Yan used a seemingly rebuking tone to speak to him, "You were too vicious."

Huo Yuhao had already understood something from Wang Yan's gaze. He replied coldly, "I was already showing them some mercy by temporarily sealing their martial souls. If their men weren't able to save them in time, they wouldn't have been able to walk down from that stage alive." His voice was very loud, allowing the Sun Moon Imperial Soul Engineering Academy and the other academies behind it to hear his words.

At this moment, Ma Xiaotao, Dai Yueheng and Ling Luochen were somewhat flabbergasted. They'd never thought that this match would end in such a dramatic fashion. Although they were able to determine that Huo Yuhao's seven would be able to win from the moment their opponents released their martial souls, they'd never expected that the preparatory team would win in such a manner.

Wang Yan and Huo Yuhao walked back, side by side. The former touched Huo Yuhao's left hand seemingly by accident, and his gaze flickered slightly. "Do you want to stay behind and watch the other matches?"

Huo Yuhao continued putting on a cool look and said coldly, "What's there to look at? Is there anything worth seeing? Let's go back." With that, he directly went outside.

When he walked past the representative teams from the various academies, Huo Yuhao swept his glance across them in a seemingly unintentional manner. Unexpectedly, nobody dared to meet his gaze. The current Huo Yuhao was like a king examining his citizens. The others from Shrek Academy all followed behind him, and they all left just like that after the first match had ended. They didn't even greet the Star Luo Empire's imperial family.

"Who is that person? Why have I never heard his name before? Go find out. Go find out what his name is, and do so at any cost." The Star Luo Emperor's gaze followed Huo Yuhao all the way out. Shrek Academy's immediate exit following the end of the battle caused the entire tournament to pause for several seconds or so, and their exit attracted the gazes of everyone present.

A fervent look gradually appeared in every single pair of eyes in the arena. Right! This was Shrek. This was the number one academy under the heavens, the existences akin to gods in their eyes! This was Shrek Academy's strength. One of their students even had hundred thousand year soul rings! That seemingly thirteen or fourteen year-old-youth was actually Shrek Academy's true leader in this tournament.

The most stunned of the lot was still the Sun Moon Imperial Soul Engineering Academy. They currently had hideous looks on their faces. Even the extremely arrogant Xiao Hongchen had an ashen look on his face as he clenched his fists tightly. A voice rang out unceasingly in his mind.

How could this be? How could this be? How could there be a person even more talented than I am? No, absolutely not. He's a fake, a fake, a fake!

He was naturally a fake.

Huo Yuhao maintained his cold expression as he led the students of Shrek Academy all the way back to the Imperial Star Grand Hotel, and until he opened the door. After standing in his room for a few seconds, the expression on his face suddenly changed.

Without any prior signs at all, his body went limp, and he fell straight to the ground. It wasn't just him; Wang Dong, who was behind him, did the same as the two tumbled down together.

Fortunately, Wang Yan had already prepared himself for this. One in each hand, he caught them by the arms. Jiang Nannan and Xu Sanshi helped support Wang Dong, while Wang Yan hugged Huo Yuhao and carefully set him down on the sofa.

The previously monarch-like Huo Yuhao was now as pale as a child; he'd already fallen into a deep sleep.

Just why would Wang Yan have asked whether he wanted to continue spectating? When he had touched Huo Yuhao's hand earlier, he had noticed that the latter's hand was cold and trembling. He knew that he was definitely in an extremely weak state. Sure enough, Huo Yuhao immediately agreed to bring everyone back the moment he asked for his opinion. By relying on his sturdy willpower, he made it all the way till the hotel before collapsing.

Wang Yan looked towards Bei Bei and asked, "Just how did you guys plan it?"

Right! Just how had they planned it all out? This was also the question in Ma Xiaotao, Dai Yueheng, and Ling Luochen's minds. They'd seen the strength of Huo Yuhao and Wang Dong's fusion skill before, but there was still a limit to their cultivations! It was simply inconceivable that their attack had succeeded against the elites of the Tian Ling Advanced Soul Academy… and they had drawn first blood! However, wasn't there some danger in this? Would their later opponents be so easily taken in?

Bei Bei looked carefully at the unconscious Huo Yuhao who was now lying on the sofa as he said, "Our junior brother is really talented. Back then, our moods had already changed. As we bathed in Shrek Academy's glory, all our anxiety left us and we were only left with excitement. I told him that in the first battle under his command our objective wasn't just to win but to win by a landslide. In order to accomplish that, our junior brother made a series of arrangements and brought about an outcome that was beyond our expectations. Even Yuhao must not have expected that our opponents would be that pitiful. The main reason for their loss was fear. Senior sister Ma was right, our Shrek Academy's strongest weapon is our reputation."

"According to Yuhao's original plan, all of us had had a role to play. He was supposed to start by using his Imitation Skill to scare our opponents and follow that up by hitting them with the fusion skill. Once their martial souls were sealed, the rest of us were supposed to rush in and immediately conclude the battle with our strongest soul skills. But who would have thought that those students from the Tian Ling Advanced Soul Academy were such cowards? When Yuhao used his Imitation Skill to simulate six hundred thousand year soul rings, they were so scared that they even forgot to dodge. Upon being being hit by Yuhao and Wang Dong's fusion skill, they unexpectedly jumped down from the platform, which directly gave us the victory. I think they weren't able to use even 10% of their real power and it wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that they didn't fight at all. The first match of the tournament was such an easy victory."

Wang Yan was mildly confused, were things really as simple as Bei Bei's explanation? He was incredibly experienced regarding soul masters. At the time, he had also witnessed Yuhao release all those soul skills one after another and perform the martial soul fusion skill with Wang Dong. However, even if they were scared to death, those students from the Tian Ling Advanced Soul Academy should have been able to react when attacked!

Huo Yuhao and Wang Dong's Golden Road Amidst Withering Resplendence was one of the most mysterious fusion skills Wang Yan had ever seen. Its power was incredible, but its disadvantages were also clearly evident. It could only be used to attack in a straight line. Therefore, unless the opponent was unable to move, there was no way it could hit seven people like that!

"It's not that simple." Dai Yueheng suddenly said. His words attracted everyone's attention.

He continued, "Didn't you notice? Yuhao and Wang Dong's fusion skill has gotten stronger than before. However, neither has their cultivation increased nor have they broken through any bottlenecks. This means that they pushed themselves to the extreme and used some special means to maximise the power of their fusion skill. This is how they were able to defeat the opponents in one move. Facing such a move, the enemy must have thought that they would suffer serious injuries. This thought scared them so much that they directly jumped down from the platform."

Bei Bei nodded and said, "Classmate Dai's words are reasonable. Given their current strength, the might of their fusion skill should be pretty high."

Wang Yan stood up, his face slightly flushed as he smiled. His gaze passed across Bei Bei, Xu Sanshi, Jiang Nannan, Xiao Xiao and He Caitou as he spoke, "They preserved Shrek Academy's honor, it doesn't matter how they did it. In fact, I dare claim that this is the most satisfying victory that has ever been obtained by Shrek Academy since their first participation in the Continental Advanced Academy Soul Dueling Tournament. You let everyone experience Shrek Academy's power, and silenced all those who were questioning you. I sincerely thank all of you on behalf of the academy."

With that, Wang Dong bowed toward Bei Bei's five and Huo Yuhao and Wang Dong that were sleeping on the sofa.

This victory was incredibly important for Shrek Academy! With this win, they hadn't been eliminated in the first round and had secured a place in the following elimination round. Now only time would tell how they would continue to fare, but Ma Xiaotao and the other two were bound to recover in middle of the elimination phase. Additionally, with the strength they had exhibited today, no matter which academy they would fight next, their opponents would surely be scared.

Bei Bei took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "Teacher Wang, don't worry. As we wait for reinforcements from the academy and the recovery of our teammates, we'll try our very best to win every match."

Wang Yan nodded. "First go put Huo Yuhao and Wang Dong on the bed and let them have a good rest. They did very well today. I'll elaborate a strategy based on today's results. As long as you capitalize on this opportunity, you should have it easy in the next match."

Everyone thought little of it, but Huo Yuhao and Wang Dong ended up sleeping together in the same bed once again…

After recovering from the shock of the first match, the Continental Advanced Academy Soul Dueling Tournament advanced in full swing. However, Huo Yuhao's performance in the first match was still deeply engraved in the minds of the audience and the other competitors, along with his overbearing last sentence. The names 'Shrek Academy' and 'Tang Sect' had become hot topics in Star Luo City overnight.

When Huo Yuhao and Wang Dong woke up, it was already evening.

To be more accurate, Wang Dong woke up first, and Huo Yuhao was startled awake as a consequence.

When he woke up, Wang Dong discovered that another person was sleeping with him, and his first reaction was to kick that person!

Then, Yuhao's tragedy began. How could he not wake up once he fell to the ground on his butt?

"What are you doing?" Huo Yuhao exclaimed angrily as he climbed back onto the bed.

Upon seeing it was Huo Yuhao, Wang Dong replied somewhat embarrassedly, "I didn't know it was you! And why are you in my room anyway?"

Huo Yuhao was startled. He looked around as he hugged the quilt close to him and responded with even more indignation, "Nonsense! This is clearly my room. Not only did you sleep in my bed, but you also dared to kick me down. Do you not have a conscience?!"

"Ugh… I have no idea how I ended up here!" After a brief moment of awkwardness, Wang Dong opened his eyes wide and exclaimed, "What are you yelling for? It's not like you're going to die from falling of a bed, and you even want to be in the right after sleeping with me!"

"It's not like I want to be right; I am right. And so what if we slept together? It's not like this is the first time."


Wang Dong discovered that he couldn't win this argument against Huo Yuhao. He quickly turned his body and pressed Yuhao beneath him while separated by the quilt. He relied on his superior soul power to hold his shoulders down and sit on his body.

"Do you surrender or not?" Wang Dong asked wickedly.

Huo Yuhao laughed. "Of course not. What are you going to do about it?"

Wang Dong was startled when he realised that he really couldn't do much to Huo Yuhao. While he was in a daze, Huo Yuhao quickly took advantage of the opportunity. His shoulders were held down, but he could still move his forearms! His small arm drilled out of the quilt and gently poked Wang Dong's waist.

Wang Dong retreated as if he had received an electric shock and started laughing. How could Yuhao let go of this opportunity? He pulled his arm free and turned around, pressing Wang Dong down.

Even though the quilt was still separating them, Huo Yuhao could still feel Wang Dong's soft body. He smiled wickedly as he spoke, "Your body is very soft and even works wonders as a pillow. Do you surrender or not?"

Wang Dong copied Huo Yuhao's previous appearance and replied, "Of course not. What are you going to do about it?"

Huo Yuhao's gaze started to wander from his face to the rest of his body, and a crafty look flashed through his eyes. Wang Dong become a little nervous as he asked, "W-What are you going to do?"

Huo Yuhao smiled. "If I'm not mistaken, someone is very ticklish." As he said that, his hands that were holding Wang Dong down went lower, poking at his waist.


Immediately, Wang Dong started to laugh, and his body arched like a dried shrimp.

"I surrender, I surrender. Let me go. I won't argue with you again. I'm dying. Hahaha…"

Huo Yuhao suddenly stopped and looked at Wang Dong in a daze.

Wang Dong gasped for breath as he pushed Yuhao away from him, "J-Just wait and see! A gentleman can wait ten years to take revenge!"

However, it seemed like Huo Yuhao hadn't heard his threat. He suddenly raised his hand and said, "Wang Dong, how come your voice changed just now?"

Huo Yuhao discovered that when he was tickling Wang Dong, his voice had suddenly changed and become very pleasant to hear, reminiscent of the sweet sound of a silver bell. This was completely different from his usual voice. Huo Yuhao had known him for more than a year and during that year they were always together. Hence, he would immediately notice even the smallest irregularities,

Wang Dong was startled, a hint of fear that was very difficult to notice flashed through his eyes. He quickly said, "Nonsense. How is that even possible? You probably misheard. Moreover, I couldn't even breathe properly due to you; it's only normal that my voice became strange. You don't really think I'm someone else, right?"

Yuhao nodded seriously and replied, "That's also true. It would be difficult to imitate a stinky brat like you."

"Bullshit. I'm showering every day. My skin smells really good! You're the stinky one!"

When he saw that Wang Dong was beginning to get angry, Huo Yuhao hurriedly changed the topic, "Fine, let's stop arguing. We still have a match to win tomorrow!"

Wang Dong was momentarily at a loss. He recalled the scene where the entire nation was watching them. In particular, the Huo Yuhao that had proudly fought in front of hundreds of thousands of people… was this really the same person that was bullying him right now…? How would the rest of the competition go?