A Genius Food-type Soul Master? (3)

"I know that you have yet to use your real strength," Situ Yu said in a grave tone, "thus, as the captain of the Cloud Luo Academy team, I hope to have a fair match with you. I want to see the real difference between the two of us. If you manage to beat me, then there won't be a need to fight the remaining matches. As such, I hope that you'll use your actual strength to win my respect."

Xu Sanshi narrowed his eyes. Even though he was only fifteen years old, the environment he'd grown up in had allowed him to mature much faster than his peers. Even if Situ Yu was older than him, it didn't mean that he was more experienced.

"As you wish." Xu Sanshi said after pondering for a moment. He then smiled as he had been previously; he wouldn't let his opponent influence his mood.

The referee stepped forward at this point and said in a grave tone, "Both of you, retreat."

Situ Yu backed up while gazing carefully at Xu Sanshi. His eyes became fiercer and fiercer as he retreated. A sharp, threatening aura was now emanating from his body. How could someone that was able to lead Cloud Luo Academy through that terrifying first elimination round, and lead them to this robin-round phase, not be powerful? Situ Yu was both the captain and the core of their group!

Xu Sanshi also slowly retreated. More than half of the thin cigar in his mouth had disappeared by this point. However, he still had a lazy expression on his face as he withdrew. It seemed that he didn't attach too much importance to his opponent.

In the waiting area.

Wang Yan had a relaxed expression on his face. Since they were quite near the platform, they had heard the conversation between the two of them.

Huo Yuhao, on the other hand, felt a bit depressed. After several attempts, he'd discovered that his Spiritual Detection could indeed get past the protective barrier. Nevertheless, the spiritual power required to do so was enormous; the consumption rate of using the AOE Spiritual Detection through the barrier was the same as when he focused it in a single direction normally. If he were to use it to assist one of them, his soul power would rapidly deplete. As such, it was impossible for him to keep it active all the time.

However, Xu Sanshi didn't seem to be in trouble. Hence, he decided not to take any action. Even Huo Yuhao had yet to experience Xu Sanshi's real power.

Aside from Wang Yan, Bei Bei was also calm. However, the nearby Jiang Nannan was currently staring at the platform, the scissors in her hand continuously snipping. At this moment, her beautiful face was expressionless, and no one knew what she was thinking.

On the platform, Xu Sanshi and Situ Yu had already retreated to their respective sides of the arena.

The referee looked at both of them, then shouted, "Start!"

Situ Yu, who had been standing still a moment ago, suddenly appeared to grow a thousand hands in the blink of an eye, while his body began to emit several loud mechanical sounds. The scene that played out was similar to Huo Yuhao and He Caitou's first encounter: A large number of metallic pipes emerged from his body. Situ Yu's body almost doubled in size in just a few breaths' worth of time.

His stout and powerful legs now had three support-like metal shapes each. These three fingernail-like objects were as thick as a small arm, very sharp, and after popping out, immediately burrowed into the ground to form a very stable base. Afterwards, a large number of assault-type soul tools began to emerge from his calves.

Huo Yuhao was continuously monitoring the situation on the platform, thus when these soul tools were released, he discovered that six places on Situ Yu's body had begun emanating different types of lights. Next, a large number of soul tools began to pop up all over his body.

These soul tools hadn't been installed on his body beforehand, but instead were activated just now.

Three short metallic pipes proceeded to then grow out of Situ Yu's calves. At the same time, a thick and heavy metallic shell wrapped his body; he now looked like a fortress. Huo Yuhao was able to see at least thirty metallic pipes on his body. The largest number were concentrated on his chest, which were emitting a pale dark-gold light; it was a concentrated soul cannon with more than a 1.5 meter calibre.

Right now, Situ Yu looked even scarier than the fully armed He Caitou that Huo Yuhao had seen. In fact, he looked like a killing machine. Those pipes made of pure metal gave off a cool feeling. Four soul rings, two yellow and two purple, had also appeared beneath his feet. A white light also appeared behind his body, then changed into a huge fan. It almost seemed as if he were carrying the huge fan on his back.

He Caitou moved next to Huo Yuhao, then said in a low voice, "Junior brother, take a good look. That's the fortress formation: The pinnacle of attack and defense amongst us soul engineers."

"The fortress formation?" Huo Yuhao asked, somewhat confused.

He Caitou nodded and said, "Yeah, that's the fortress formation, also known as the soul tool fortress. An armor-type soul tool is currently protecting his body, which sharply increases his defense. Furthermore, several more soul tools are equipped all over his body. Amongst these, there are also some auxiliary soul tools to recover soul power. Considering all of this, both the defense and attack of a soul engineer will skyrocket. They'll be able to utilize a great deal of power for a short while. Beneath seven rings, a soul master will hardly be a match for someone of the same rank using a soul tool fortress.

"Why didn't teacher tell me about this?" Huo Yuhao asked, surprised.

He Caitou laughed and said, "The soul tool fortress consumes a large quantity of soul power; only after obtaining your third ring will you be able to completely display its power. Your current level of soul power is too low; you can't use it quite yet. Furthermore, our teacher doesn't like this sort of thing very much."

Huo Yuhao eyes widened and he asked, "Why?"

He Caitou replied, "Junior brother, just think about it. Aside from the great offensive and defensive power, what other feelings do you gain from this fortress?"

Huo Yuhao thought for a bit, then said, "It's reliable and stable."

"But it lacks mobility," He Caitou continued, "a soul tool fortress has to display a lot of soul tools, including the formations to recover one's soul power. As such, the weight and volume of your equipment will greatly increase. Thus, if you want to equip the soul tool fortress and display its full power, you'll have to sacrifice your mobility. In times of war, it is indeed extremely useful, but if you lose your mobility in a 1v1 fight, you'll just be passively beaten. However, it's not too bad here, as the contestants can only act within the bounds of the platform. The Ultimate Soldier Plan, developed by our Soul Tool Department, will not make use of this kind of approach; after all, it isn't something that can last for very long. The radiance you see emanating from his arms, legs, neck, and chest belong to his stored up soul tools. However, it's very difficult for soul engineers specialized in this fighting style to advance. Just think about it; if you want to upgrade so many soul tools, it would take you at least one year's worth of time. How would they even have the time to increase their soul power? Furthermore, that large fan on Situ Yu's back should be his martial soul. I'm sure that it doesn't have any particular skill. All soul engineers specialized in this sort of style all hope that their soul skills will have the ability to increase their soul power and let them display the complete strength of the soul tool fortress."

Huo Yuhao was able to comprehend many things after He Caitou's explanation, and was enlightened. This time, a huge pressure was weighing down on their shoulders, but they were constantly learning new things from these real battles. After seeing Situ Yu stand on the platform equipped with a soul tool fortress, Huo Yuhao became lost in his thoughts. The world of soul tools was full of mysteries!

While these two were talking, the battle on the platform had also begun.

Compared to Situ Yu, Xu Sanshi seemed extremely frail. He was merely holding the Shield of the Xuanwu Turtle in his hand and was lazily standing still. He hadn't even released any of his soul skills when the referee had announced the start of the match. He advanced with large strides while still holding the thin cigar in his mouth and quickly reduced the distance between him and Situ Yu.

Situ Yu raised both his arms, then pressed his elbows against his ribs. The metal junctions began to combine when he did so. Once they'd connected, the six metal pipes on each of his arms began to emit a strong white light. At the same time, his four soul rings began to glitter in an alternating pattern. The huge fan on his back also released several layers of white light at the same time.

Countless balls of white light instantly shot outwards from him. Each ball of light was big enough to be a threat. In the next instant, all of them madly charged toward Xu Sanshi.

It was the six-barrelled miniature soul cannon. This gadget was extremely powerful amongst soul tools of the fourth rank, and was excellent at laying down suppressing fire. It was one of the preferred soul tools of armies, as even if there were only ten Class 4 soul engineers equipped with a six-barrelled miniature soul cannon, they would still be able to suppress several thousands of soldiers in a certain area.

However, the strong and weak points of this gadget were very clear. The strong points lay in explosive strength, wide coverage, and high attack power. However, there was only one notable flaw, which was a critical one: it consumed a large amount of soul power.

A Class 4 soul engineer could use a six-barrelled miniature soul cannon for five minutes at most before they had to stop to recover their soul power.

Facing this attack, Xu Sanshi used the most simple way to deal with it. Facing an all-out attack from a six-barrelled miniature soul cannon, the only way out for most Soul Ancestors was to run as far away as fast as possible. The soul cannon couldn't attack from too far away; its attack range was more or less only about a hundred meters. Therefore, if there was a certain distance between you and them, you wouldn't be in great danger. However, right now, they were on a platform, and there weren't really any places to hide. Furthermore, even if he started running, Xu Sanshi wouldn't be able to outrun artillery shells made of soul power.

He simply raised his Shield of the Xuanwu Turtle and placed it in front of his body. Afterwards, he squatted down and shrank behind it, completely hiding himself behind his shield.

Powerful explosions continuously struck the Shield of the Xuanwu Turtle; at the same time, a black halo spread out from it. Xu Sanshi seemed to have fallen into a passive state; he didn't budge from his original position. However, the Shield of the Xuanwu Turtle looked like an impregnable fortress; there wasn't even a scratch on it.

Shang Yue, who had reached her waiting area, opened her eyes wide and cursed, "Bastard!" She was absolutely furious! The attack power of the six-barrelled miniature soul cannon was even higher than that of her dual blades. In particular when all the attacks were hitting the target like in this situation. However, even under this barrage, Xu Sanshi didn't budge. Therefore, when he was running away from her before, it had just been bait.

What incredible defensive power!

Situ Yu's pupils shrank as he felt a great pressure weighing down on him. They were both Soul Ancestors, he should have had a distinct advantage when fighting on the platform with his soul tool fortress. According to conventional wisdom, a soul master specialized in defense should have been completely suppressed and defeated. But even with this crazy barrage, he wasn't even able to make Xu Sanshi retreat.

Of course, this wasn't the limit of Situ Yu's skills. Three thick metal pipes came out of his shoulders and quickly adjusted their position thanks to his muscles. Next, several fist-sized white balls soared toward the sky with a 'puff' sound. These balls were moving slowly in a concentrated cluster. They assumed a parabolic trajectory, aiming at Xu Sanshi, who was hiding behind the shield.

One couldn't attack for too long when using two powerful soul tools simultaneously. Sooner or later, even Situ Yu would have to stop. Xu Sanshi took advantage of this pause and stood up.

At this moment, he couldn't rely on Huo Yuhao's Spiritual Detection. Therefore, he took action when he felt that no attacks were hitting the shield.

He dashed forward as soon as he stood up, and his second soul ring also lit up.

If those six white balls in the air had kept following their original trajectory, they would have completely missed Xu Sanshi. However, it seemed that they had locked onto their target. Now that Xu Sanshi was now leaving them behind, they changed their trajectory and started to pursue him. But Xu Sanshi, who was rushing forward hadn't yet realized anything.

I won!

Whenever Situ Yu would encounter this situation, he had always obtained victory. All the metal pipes forming his soul tool fortress suddenly lit up. His entire body was so brightly lit up that it seemed to be engulfed in white flames. Dozens of white lights exploded and shot toward Xu Sanshi.

At this time in the waiting area, Bei Bei suddenly said to Huo Yuhao in a low voice, "Look carefully."

His voice had yet to fade when something unexpected happened on the platform.

Facing this simultaneous attack from the front and rear, Xu Sanshi seemed to be at a dead end. If he were to use his shield to block the attack from the front, he wouldn't be able to defend the attack from behind properly. The strength of the white balls could be easily deduced by how concentrated they were.

What could one do in this situation?

Xu Sanshi gave the answer.

He doubled his speed in an instant. The spectators only saw a flash, and his body disappeared. He left behind dozens of afterimages, and two-thirds of the light beams and artillery shells coming from the front missed. In addition, four of the white balls behind him were destroyed by the attack he had just dodged.

That wasn't all. The Shield of the Xuanwu Turtle 'broke' and split into many small shields the size of a palm as they scattered in all directions. Every shield accurately protected him from the attacks he couldn't dodge. The two white balls at the rear were no exception.

Thunderous explosions were echoing around him, and yet, not a single attack hit his body. With this sudden acceleration, Xu Sanshi had dodged the heavy fire and arrived in front of Situ Yu.

Situ Yu was extremely surprised. How could a defense-type soul master move so quickly? But he was still Cloud Luo Academy's captain, despite being surprised, he didn't forget to attack with his soul tool fortress.

That Rank 4 concentrated soul cannon lit up. He hadn't used it before due to its excessive consumption of soul power. But at this time, it hardly mattered. He mustered all the soul power in his body, which was amplified by the martial soul behind his back, and poured it inside the concentrated soul cannon.

Everyone could see the mouth of the cannon starting to light up. The white light coming out of the cannon suddenly began to turn darken. At the same time, the air on the platform started to become restless.

Situ Yu had a frenzied expression on his face. At last, he attacked.

At this moment, if one could see Xu Sanshi's expression from close up, they would notice that his carefree expression had disappeared. Instead, a cold light was flashing through his eyes.

All the small scattered shields reunited once again into the Shield of the Xuanwu Turtle. Then, when the Rank 4 concentrated soul cannon fired, he took a quick step to his left.

This single step changed everything. The concentrated soul cannon could lock onto an enemy, but with this move, Xu Sanshi wouldn't take the hit head-on, but from a slanted angle. At the same time, the Shield of the Xuanwu Turtle released a black light as it morphed into a shining mirror.

The terrifying attack of the concentrated soul cannon hit the shield. However, it did so at an angle. This caused the blazing white light to be reflected towards the protective barrier above the platform.

Xu Sanshi's feet were like two huge boulders as he stood firmly in place. But he wasn't done yet. After reflecting the attack, he pounced forward like a lion and ruthlessly smashed into Situ Yu's soul tool fortress from the side.

With a thunderous boom, Situ Yu, who was not far from the edge of the ring, was sent flying. The base he had dug into the earth was also uprooted. Situ Yu slammed against the light screen of the protective barrier and collapsed to the ground.

After using the soul tool fortress, Situ Yu's weight had surpassed 250kgs. But when Xu Sanshi hit him, he was immediately sent flying without the slightest resistance.

It was truly a beautiful collision, a showdown of pure brute force.

Xu Sanshi, who was standing at the edge of the platform, had that carefree smile on his face once again. He looked at Cloud Luo Academy's waiting area and said to the dumbfounded Ma Yingjun, "I didn't trick you. I went easy on you."

"Yes, yes." Ma Yingjun nodded repeatedly. There was nothing else he could do anyway.

Xiao Xiao said in a low voice, "Senior Xu was actually this strong."

Till now, Xu Sanshi hadn't left a deep impression on the other members. After all, he was a defense-type soul master. You wouldn't expect him to have any explosive or powerful skills, and on top of that, he spent most of his time pestering Jiang Nannan. Only today, after he defeated three opponents in a row, was everyone able to see his real power.

He defeated a Class 4 soul engineer while being a Soul Ancestor with four soul rings. This alone was enough to make his strength clear. Not to mention that he had easily defeated three opponents in a row.

Bei Bei smiled faintly and said, "Since he always acts shamefully, you guys must have forgotten that when you entered the academy, he was already in the sixth year. If you think about it, he should have already entered the inner courtyard by now. However, he was so dead set on Nannan that he lowered his grades on purpose. I remember that his teachers were so angry that they nearly spat blood. Moreover, he is the most talented defense-type soul master I've ever seen. Anyone would pay the price for looking down on him. Amongst our group of seven, he ranks first when it comes to cultivation level. After all, you can't measure the strength of Shrek Academy's students with the number of soul rings alone, right?"

Bei Bei was speaking the truth. You couldn't properly measure the strength of the students of Shrek Academy just by looking at the number of soul rings they had.

Xu Sanshi had entered the academy when he was very young, and when he was fifteen, he could have graduated from the outer courtyard and taken the test to enter the inner courtyard. One could imagine how high his cultivation was. How could someone that was hailed as the number one genius of the outer courtyard together with Bei Bei be so simple? When making a proper evaluation, you had to take natural talent, strength, fighting capacity, and other various aspects into consideration.

Xu Sanshi's Mysterious Xuanwu Turtle martial soul was one of the strongest defense-type martial souls in his generation. This martial soul allowed the owner to possess an eternal and everlasting defense. In all these years, Bei Bei had never heard of any fellow student being able to break through Xu Sanshi's defense.

"Brother, you should keep your word." Xu Sanshi told Situ Yu. Situ Yu had fallen from the platform and was slowly getting up with great difficulty.

What Situ Yu feared the most was exactly what had happened. The soul tool fortress covered his whole body, and many soul tools had been damaged after the fall. His own body had also received quite the shock as he was bleeding from both nose and mouth. With the help of his teammates, he was finally able to get out of the mountain of soul tools.

He carefully raised his head and looked at Xu Sanshi. Then, he nodded and said, "I lost, and I'm sincerely convinced. Our Cloud Luo Academy admits defeat."

Xu Sanshi laughed heartily, "You actually kept your word. You're a real man. Your offensive power is not half bad. However, I advise you to join the army. You won't be able to achieve much with this technique in 1v1 matches."

As soon as he finished speaking, he looked toward his own waiting area and raised his hands.

Shrek Academy had obtained victory in their first match. Just like last time, they had only used one person. However, the situation was a bit different from last time. This time, they had sent out a defense-type soul master with four soul rings.

This soul master had single-handedly defeated a soul engineering academy. Even if he had only faced three opponents, anyone could tell they were Cloud Luo Academy's strongest students. The remaining team members were merely Soul Elders with three soul rings and had no way of achieving victory.

Under these circumstances, one could say that Xu Sanshi had defeated a team of seven people alone!

"The winner is… Shrek Academy!"

As soon as the referee announced the winner, the audience exploded in cheers. The disappointed masses had completely changed their attitude. Even if Xu Sanshi had resorted to trickery in the first two matches, he had fought fair and square in the last one! Although they didn't know what kind of ability he had used, the fact that Shrek Academy had obtained victory with just a single participant was undeniable.

No one sitting in Sun Moon Imperial Soul Engineering Academy's resting area dared to utter a word. When they saw that the student sent by Shrek Academy was just a Soul Ancestor, they didn't take him too seriously. Hence, they received a huge psychological blow when they saw his domineering performance.

Xiao Hongchen furrowed his brows; no one knew what he was thinking. Then, the young girl sitting beside him, who had a very similar face, whispered, "Elder brother, what are you thinking about? If we were to take his place, we would be able to do it too, right?"

Xiao Hongchen shook his head and said, "I don't know. We are both soul masters and soul engineers. When fighting, we'll continuously consume our soul power. In the 1v1 matches of the Continental Advanced Academy Soul Duelling Tournament, there is no time to take breaks. Do you really think you can defeat seven opponents despite continuously consuming your soul power?"

The young girl said somewhat unwillingly, "But he didn't defeat seven opponents either. He only fought three!"

Xiao Hongchen said, "But he still managed to win. Did you see the footwork he used just now?"

The young girl was startled. She shook her head and replied, "It was too sudden. I wasn't able to see."

Xiao Hongchen sighed and said, "Neither could I. And although he wasn't able to completely dodge the attack when he used that footwork, it sent chills down my spine. Moreover, during his three matches, he only used two soul skills. To be precise, his second and fourth skills. He didn't even need to use the remaining two. From start to end, he gave the impression of doing things half-heartedly, but despite all that, he still managed to win. A person of great wisdom often seems slow-witted. That guy is most definitely a top-level defense-type soul master. Five years later, we'll have to face this powerful opponent!"

The young girl pouted her lips, still unwilling to accept what he said.

Xiao Hongchen sighed once again. "Shrek Academy is really Shrek Academy. Both in this and the previous battle, they managed to deal a huge blow to my morale."

The young girl chuckled and said, "Give me a break. Your morale received a huge blow? I don't think your morale has ever wavered. No matter who your opponent is, you've always been confident in your own victory."

Xiao Hongchen laughed, "Alright. You're not wrong. I really want to have a good fight now. I wonder what the real strength of that boy from the first match is."

The young girl snorted and said, "That boy can't really have six hundred-thousand year soul rings, right?"

"What do you think?" Xiao Hongchen asked with a smile.

The young girl stuck out her tongue and said, "I think it's impossible!"

Xu Sanshi returned to his friends with a satisfied expression on his face. Everyone warmly congratulated him. After all, it was their first win in the round-robin phase.

"Senior Xu, I didn't expect you to be so strong!" Xiao Xiao looked at Xu Sanshi excitedly. "Later, you have to give me a few pointers about defense. Even if my Threelives Soulcrush Cauldron is a control-type martial soul, it excels the most at defense."

"Sure. I'm always happy to help my fellow students." Xu Sanshi said smugly.

Wang Yan stood up and patted Xu Sanshi's shoulder, "Come, let's go." Following which, he led the team outside.

Shrek Academy's members once again left Star Luo Plaza under the gazes of the masses.

On the city walls of the inner city, the emperor also stood up. He had a faint smile on his face as he muttered, "So it was this boy. I know who he is, and he really has huge guts! Despite embarrassing me like that, he still came to participate in the competition. Anyway, what a pity…"

After mumbling to himself, the emperor headed toward the innards of the inner city. It seemed that he too had no interest in watching the next matches.

Outside Star Luo Plaza, Huo Yuhao arrived beside Wang Yan and asked in a low voice, "Teacher Wang, shouldn't we look at the next matches? At the very least, we should watch Sun Moon Imperial Soul Engineering Academy's match. They are in the second group and will also be fighting today."

Wang Yan shook his head and replied, "Instead of wasting time here, you should go back and cultivate. I alone am enough to observe the other teams. Right now, you should preserve your strength and stay in top condition. Xu Sanshi did a great job today. He allowed us to win the first match while simultaneously hiding our true strength either. We'll have to maintain this secrecy for a few more matches. After Xiaotao and the others recover, things will be easier."

Huo Yuhao had a weird expression on his face. He felt that there was something wrong with the current situation. It felt as if Wang Yan was hiding something from then, his sixth sense as a spirit-type soul master was telling him this.

After returning to the Grand Imperial Star Hotel, Wang Yan made them return to their respective rooms to rest. Huo Yuhao and Wang Dong went to the former's room. Upon entering the room, Huo Yuhao furrowed his brows. Suddenly, a golden radiance flashed through his eyes. He gestured to Wang Dong to stay silent, then turned his body, facing the door of the room.

Powerful spiritual waves spread through the air. Then, that golden radiance quickly disappeared from Huo Yuhao's eyes.

"As expected, there is something wrong." Huo Yuhao said quietly.

"Yuhao, what's wrong?" Wang Dong asked curiously.

Huo Yuhao said, "Don't you think that that Teacher Wang is purposely not allowing us to watch the other matches?"

Wang Dong nodded and replied, "But didn't we agree on that beforehand? We need to save as much time as possible to practice and must also continue to maintain our aloof status in everyone else's eyes."

Huo Yuhao shook his head and said, "No, it's not that simple. Why can't we just watch the matches? Now that we're in the round-robin phase, matches will be fought 1v1. At the very least, he should have let us see the next three matches in order to gauge the abilities of our next opponents. However, Teacher Wang made us return to the hotel in a hurry. If things were really like he said, why did he immediately rush over to the plaza after delivering us here?"

Wang Dong was startled as he said, "Were you spying on Teacher Wang just now?"

Huo Yuhao nodded and said, "Teacher Wang said that he alone would be enough to observe the matches. Therefore, he could have stayed back, there was no need for him to accompany everyone till the hotel. On top of that, he was walking very quickly, and his mood seemed somewhat unstable. The reason he accompanied us to the hotel was to make us leave Star Luo Plaza and not let us see the other matches."

"Then…" after hearing these words, Wang Dong seemed to have thought of something, "We're not familiar with the names drawn through the lots. After all, this is our first time participating in the tournament. Even if we know that our opponent is from a certain academy, we won't know what their true strength is. Which means that Teacher Wang was planning to conceal the strength of our opponents? That seems like the only possible explanation…"

They looked at each other and said at the same time, "The teams we will have to face in this round-robin phase must be really strong."

After speaking their mind, they both fell silent. If this was really the case, Wang Yan's actions were reasonable. His purpose was very simple, to protect them from having their fighting spirit crushed.

If they wanted to get past the round-robin phase, they needed to obtain five or more victories. With six victories, they were guaranteed to pass. They would have to wait for two more matches for Ling Luochen to recover. And four matches for Ma Xiaotao and Dai Yueheng. Thus, if their opponents in the next few matches were very strong, they would be under a lot of pressure.

"Let's go and take a look." Huo Yuhao pulled Wang Dong along and left the room.

Wang Dong quickly stopped him and said. "We can't. Star Luo Plaza is under the protection of the army. If try to disguise ourselves, we won't be able to enter. And if we go back without a disguise, wouldn't we ruin our reputation? We cannot destroy the mystery that surrounds us."

Huo Yuhao shook his head and said, "I'm not planning to go back to Star Luo Plaza. Just follow me." With that, he brought Wang Dong out of the room. After confirming that there was no one around, he pulled him towards the window at the end of the corridor.

After opening the window, he pointed upward and said, "Fly, and take me to the roof."

Wang Dong's eyes lit up. He had already understood what Huo Yuhao was planning, "But isn't it too far?"

Huo Yuhao said, "The Grand Imperial Star Hotel is the tallest building around Star Luo Plaza. We should have a fairly decent vantage point. Even if it's a bit far, it shouldn't be a problem. Don't forget about the properties of my martial soul. Let's give it a try."

"Alright." Wang Dong replied. He lowered his head and exited the window. The wings of the Radiant Butterfly Goddess unfurled, and he started to float in mid-air.

Next, Huo Yuhao pounced toward him and wrapped his arms around him.

"Oi, why are you clinging to me like that? You're heavy." After being hugged by Huo Yuhao, it was unknown whether it was because he was flustered or because Yuhao was really that heavy, but Wang Dong's body plunged. It took him a few moments before he was able to stabilize himself.

Huo Yuhao replied sourly, "Nonsense. If I don't cling to you, I'll fall. Anyway, you keep saying that you're a man, but why is your body so soft? It feels like a woman's body."

Wang Dong got angry. "If you keep with that nonsense, do you believe I won't fly up and throw you down?"

Huo Yuhao laughed, "Let's go to the roof."

Wang Dong flapped his wings and proceeded toward the roof. Since they were residing on the top floor, they already weren't very far from the roof. But as soon as they got there, they were dumbfounded.

"Caitou, is this gadget even working? I can't see clearly!" Bei Bei was standing on the roof and holding something in his hand while looking towards Star Luo Plaza.

Beside him were Xu Sanshi, Jiang Nannan, and Xiao Xiao. The roof was quite crowded.