A Battle Between Titled Douluos

Cheng Gang, the Protector Douluo, left the Grand Imperial Star Hotel. There was no need to even mention how depressed he was feeling.

The instant he had sensed the aura of the savage , he had felt as if the blood in his body was boiling. As a Titled Douluo, he was naturally aware that when a soul beast reached a hundred thousand years of cultivation, it could choose to re-cultivate to become a human. Otherwise, it could attempt to break through the exceedingly perilous bottleneck. After two hundred thousand years of cultivation, a soul beast could no longer cultivate to become a human anymore.

However, he had indeed sensed the aura that had come from Huo Yuhao's body! Spurred by his own greed, he could not help but ponder how humans did not fully comprehend soul beasts. Perhaps there was some special circumstance? Maybe soul beasts had researched a special method of undergoing cultivation?

With such a mindset, he had gone looking for Huo Yuhao this morning with an elevated heartbeat. But who knew that things would turn out to be the complete opposite of what he had expected? After inspecting Huo Yuhao's body, he had gleaned nothing from it. Even if a soul beast turned into a human, the condition of the soul beast's body would be starkly dissimilar from that of a true human being. In particular, the method of circulating soul power was something that could not escape the eyes of a powerful individual, a Titled Douluo, like him. However, Huo Yuhao body clearly reflected his identity as a real human.

As his hopes had been dashed, it was no wonder that Cheng Gang was currently crestfallen.

With his current status in the Star Luo Empire, it was relatively easy for him to obtain a Soul Bone. While soul bones were rare, there were still some that could be acquired. However, Cheng Gang was a conceited man. He had been searching for the most suitable and outstanding soul bone for himself. Ordinary soul bones hardly caught his eye. Despite this, he had yet to procured a soul bone for himself even though he had cultivated to the level of a Titled Douluo. After all, when top-quality soul bones appeared on the market, their prices were astronomical. Even though the Star Luo Empire supported him, they wouldn't go to such an extent for him.

"What luck, damn it. I hope those rascals have some tact. Otherwise, offending Shrek Academy for no valid reason won't be good for me. But then, I didn't really do anything either."

"You should be glad that you didn't do anything to harm them." A cold voice sounded in his mind.

"Who is that?" It was still in the afternoon, and the sun was still bearing down. With Cheng Gang's cultivation, everything within a thousand-meter radius would be within his range of sensation. However, he had not realized the presence of the person whose voice he had just heard.

"I am your daddy. Your daddy is waiting for you outside the west gate. Obedient child, come over now." That cold voice started to sound weird and piercing all of a sudden.

��Bastard, you dare to use a soul tool to make a fool of me." Cheng Gang's figure flashed, and he made his way towards the direction of the west gate as if he were a puff of smoke. To him, if even a Titled Douluo could not detect the presence of the other party, then the other party must certainly be using some form of peculiar soul tool to avoid detection.

He had always been a very direct person, and very passionate towards martial arts. Otherwise, he wouldn't have gone to capture Huo Yuhao. He was still within Star Luo City and could wait for Shrek Academy to leave before making a move. But right now, he was extremely down, and thus he didn't deliberate before making his way to the west gate under the prompting of the voice he had heard.

After leaving the city through the west gate, Cheng Gang became calmer. He squinted his eyes, and a weird change started to develop in his pupils. Both his eyes started to turn pure black, as all semblance of white disappeared. Following that, the pure black color in his eyes split into small pupils at an alarming rate. Under such conditions, his sensitivity increased severalfold. Although he did not possess the soul skill of spiritual detection like Huo Yuhao, his detection abilities were similar to that of spiritual detection at this point. Almost everything within his vision could be sensed by him at this moment.

However, he discovered nothing.

Outside the west gate, there was no one among the bustling crowd that caught his attention. Everything seemed to be as normal as ever. However, the more it was like that, the more uneasy Cheng Gang felt. He knew that something was amiss.

"Continue to proceed west." At this point, the voice from before sounded again.

As he focused on sensing his surroundings, Cheng Gang was shocked when he heard the voice. At the same time, a chill developed in his heart. What form of soul tool was it that could escape his detection?

A shred of discomfort caused him to retreat one step subconsciously.

"Are you trying to escape? Are you not afraid that I will tear down Star Luo City?" A wave of might suddenly swept across him. With Cheng Gang's cultivation, he felt as if his blood was solidifying along with this sudden might that swept across.

It was pertinent to note that he was a Titled Douluo! Ever since he had become one, he had never felt such fear before. However, the pressure that was being exerted on him now was very obvious. What left him even more stupefied was the fact that everyone around him did not seem to react at all. This meant that the frightening pressure being exerted on him was only targeted towards him.

This was the most terrifying part. To be able to control one's might to this standard, even Cheng Gang could not do so.

"Who exactly are you?" Cheng Gang replied to the other party through the communication bridge in their spirits that the other party had set up.

"I'll be waiting for you in the west. If you don't come, I will make my move on Star Luo City. I shall give you 3 seconds to consider. 1, 2…"

"Fine, I'll go." As the Protector Douluo of the Star Luo Empire, Cheng Gang naturally could not allow this unknown, yet powerful individual to make a move on the city. When a Titled Douluo unleashed all his power, he had the daunting ability of causing mass destruction! Furthermore, through his interaction with this mysterious individual, he could clearly sense the fury that this person contained, although he had no killing intent.

Cheng Gang did stall any further, and proceeded west immediately. That voice did not appear anymore. At this point, he did not reckon that the other party was using any form of soul tool anymore. When the might of the other party had swept over him just now, he had realized that the other party was an outstanding Titled Douluo just like him. However, he was fearless. He yearned for competition against those at the same level as him. He believed that this was the only way that he could improve himself. While the other party possessed a mighty stature, Cheng Gang was aware that some unusual martial souls specialized in reflecting such mighty stature. This didn't mean that the other party was necessarily more powerful than him.

After advancing for roughly 10 miles, Cheng Gang stopped in his tracks. He did so because he saw someone sitting in the middle of the road not far away from him. It was an elderly man who appeared to be greasy from head to toe, and who had unkempt hair. In his left hand, there was a chicken drumstick, and in his right hand, he held a wine gourd.

Cheng Gang sensed that the elderly man was only an ordinary person. However, this elderly man was enjoying his food and wine in the middle of the road.

"Come over!" The elderly man gnawed on the last fragment of meat on the chicken drumstick as he lifted his head towards Cheng Gang and looked at him.

Cheng Gang shivered with fear. His ability to hide his aura was rather exceptional! "Who are you? Why did you lead me here?"

The elderly man leapt up from the ground, "I called you over so that I can wallop you." As he spoke, the drumstick bone was already flung towards Cheng Gang.

Cheng Gang squinted both his eyes. As he whipped his right hand up, he deflected the chicken bone away.

"Snap—–" The chicken bone was turned into powder, but Cheng Gang was forced one step back too. He felt an agonizing pain in his right palm, and the back of his hand even showed with a red mark.

What powerful soul power!

Neither parties had even released their martial souls, but Cheng Gang's opponent was able to force him back just by using a chicken bone. His cultivation must be very immense!

"I recall that your title is Immense. Come, show me how powerful you are. As long as you are able to withstand 10 attacks of mine, I will let you off."

In the face of this unpredictable elderly man, Cheng Gang remained calm as he said in a deep voice, "Elder, are you from Shrek Academy?"

The elderly man snorted, "You're not dumb. Do you really think that Shrek Academy is such an easy target to be bullied?" Who else from Shrek looked like that? It was naturally the Taotie Douluo, Elder Xuan.

Elder Xuan hadn't even sent by Shrek Academy. After being reprimanded by Elder Mu, he had run out on his own. He couldn't stop worrying about the little fellows!

As for the competition before, he had been watching it secretly. When Wang Dong supported Huo Yuhao and Bei Bei to seize victory, he had been so emotional that he had teared up, even though he hadn't been so impassioned for a long time. At that point in time, he even had the urge to burst up to the arena to compete himself!

Today, he had witnessed the entirety of Cheng Gang's actions. He had watched from the side. If Cheng Gang had had the murderous intention to kill both Huo Yuhao and Wang Dong, he and even the Star Luo Empire wouldn't have been spared.

Cheng Gang lamented in his heart. From what he knew, Shrek Academy's teacher that had come this time should have only been in the Soul King level!

"I was a little reckless. However, if a soul beast converts into a human to cultivate, it will pose a huge threat to the human race. That's why I…"

"Shut your trap." Elder Xuan bellowed in anger, "Cut your flowery words with me. Are you not just being selfish? Let's not even talk about the fact that a soul beast can't turn into a human. Even if a soul beast could, it would just become a human after it succeeds in its cultivation. What has that got to do with you? Are you not eyeing the hundred thousand year soul ring and soul bone? Stop trying to spout nonsense to me. On account of the fact that you did not attempt to kill them, I shall only teach you a lesson today. Remember it."

Cheng Gang was the Protector Douluo of the Star Luo Empire, and it'd been a long time since he had been admonished like this. His face turned red, and he retorted in fury, "Come on then, show me what you have to teach me."

As he said that, his left leg stepped forward slightly. Following that, a beam of glowing concentrated black emanated from within his body. When this black glow appeared, it had an earth-shaking effect. The entire earth seemed to tremble slightly.

Cheng Gang's body began to show obvious changes. To a Beast Soul Master, the higher his cultivation, the greater the changes his body would experience when he unleashed his martial soul. Right now, this was the case with Cheng Gang. His skin turned dark and glimmered with light, as if it were a crustacean that was coated with a layer of black. The most intriguing change that he experienced were in his brows. Both sides of his eyebrows grew longer at the same time before they curled up. Eventually, they reached over 20 centimeters in length, as if they were two tentacles that were pointed upwards…

Two yellow, three purple, four black. A total of nine rings appeared on his body. Following the rhythm of the soul rings, the frightening aura of a Titled Douluo burst forth ceaselessly.

The earth-shaking sensation became stronger and stronger. It seemed to have been influenced by Cheng Gang's martial soul. This was the pressure of a Titled Douluo. A Titled Douluo who could cause mass destruction! Because of the presence of Titled Douluo, a soul engineer had always been unable to surpass a soul master.

As he howled, Cheng Gang stepped forward abruptly. At the same time, the earth in front of him undulated and rose more than 10 meters tall like a tidal wave. Following that, the plot of earth that rose up started to slam down on Elder Xuan.

This wasn't any earth-type power, but a pure force. Cheng Gang wasn't even using a soul skill right now.

Elder Xuan snorted, and stepped forward with his right leg too.


Just that simple step caused a huge impact, as if a meteorite had crashed or an earth dragon had risen from the ground. The earth that Cheng Gang had lifted was instantaneously crushed. Not only that, but the frightening force was converted into a fan-shaped yellow shockwave that was conducted towards Cheng Gang's feet.

Cheng Gang could only feel a wave of irresistible force being transmitted to him from beneath his feet. When he wanted to use a soul skill, he discovered to his shock that his soul power had been repressed. After that, he was heaved into the air.

As Elder Xuan stomped with his right foot, he appeared in front of Cheng Gang in a flash.

"The forte of the Ant Emperor is its strength. Let this old man see how strong you are." As he spoke, Elder Xuan's hand was already pressing on Cheng Gang's shoulder.

From the moment he leapt from the ground to the instant that he pressed on Cheng Gang's shoulder, only a brief period of time had passed. However, Cheng Gang felt that this brief period of time was as long as a century.

When Elder Xuan's figure flashed, Cheng Gang must have had thought of at least five ways to escape his opponent's control. However, he was unable to perform any of them. As they were pulled closer, a startling pressure was exerted on him. He was stifled by this pressure, and could not even use a single soul skill. He froze in mid-air.

Since he had become a Titled Douluo, and even since he had become a soul master, he had never experienced such a situation in all his years!

Cheng Gang was completely out of sorts now. He had never thought that someone so powerful existed in this world. It was also at this point that the frightful momentum disappeared. Both Cheng Gang and Elder Xuan landed on the earth again. Elder Xuan's huge hand was still pressing on Cheng Gang's shoulder.

"Come. I will not use my soul power, but only my pure strength. Whatever you have to do, I will let you off if you can shrug my hand off your shoulder." Elder Xuan looked at Cheng Gang in disdain.

As a Titled Douluo, Cheng Gang was normally an arrogant person. Furthermore, the strong suit of his martial soul was its strength!

An ant might be minute, but it was able to lift heavy objects up to hundred times its weight. Moreover, Cheng Gang's soul skills were targeted towards increasing his strength still further. He could be considered a pure strength-type Titled Douluo. His opponent's soul power was immense, and he knew that he could not resist it, but he did not believe that he could not match up in terms of strength.

Therefore, Cheng Gang expended all his strength and used all the soul skills he had which could increase his own strength. He struggled mightily.

The frightening strength caused the earth beneath him to crack, and fissures extended through the earth for several thousand meters around them. It was as if an earth dragon was really going to rise from the ground.

However, the hand that was pressing on his shoulder was very strong. No matter how hard he tried, he could not shrug it off.

Cheng Gang's veins were already popping out. He had already tried his best, but he was still unable to free himself.

No, that's impossible. That's impossible. Cheng Gang was unwilling to believe it no matter what. As a Titled Douluo, he could not even struggle against this opponent of his who had yet to even unleash his martial soul, and who was not even using his soul power right now. This was unthinkable.

His confidence was slowly being crushed, and his dignity was gradually being degraded. He struggled less and less as time passed. Eventually, there was only a look of dejection left on Cheng Gang's face.

Elder Xuan picked his brows and asked, "Can you do it?"

Cheng Gang shook his head helplessly.

Elder Xuan retracted his right hand, "This is a lesson to you. As a Titled Douluo, you need to possess the ego and pride that belongs to a Titled Douluo. As someone with nine rings, you went to bully those two kids with only two or three rings. This is a humiliation for you. I don't want your life either. Forget this matter after you've slapped yourself a hundred times. I also don't want to dirty my hands by beating you up."

Cheng Gang's body shivered. He'd rather die than slap himself. However, everyone was scared of death. He was not an exception either. In Star Luo Empire, he possessed great authority. How could he be willing to die? In front of this elderly man, he had no other choice, as he was helpless against him. He was filled with regret now! As he had been blinded by greed, how could he have thought of the pride and ego of a Titled Douluo? However, it was too late for regrets now.

"Piak—" He slapped himself hard, "Piak, piak, piak…"

As he saw Cheng Gang slapping himself, Elder Xuan counted every slap seriously. After more than 10 slaps, Cheng Gang's face had already swelled up. With Elder Xuan around to scrutinize him, he did not dare to let himself off lightly.

As Cheng Gang slapped himself, Elder Xuan's face became much more appeased. He had finally done something for those little fellows.

It did not take long for Cheng Gang to slap himself a hundred times. Very soon, Cheng Gang had completed this humiliating task. Right now, his cheeks were already swollen like two huge peaches. Blood flowed down from the edges of his lips continuously.

Elder Xuan nodded and said, "Enough. Scram now."

"Elder, are you an Ultimate Douluo?" Cheng Gang asked in a blur. The physical pain that he felt was not comparable to the agony he felt in his heart.

A long time ago, Cheng Gang already knew that there were huge gaps between the cultivations of Titled Douluo. But after he became a Titled Douluo, he reckoned that his own abilities were very powerful and forgot this. When he was slapping himself earlier, he had become much clearer in his mind too.

Every major level of a soul master was divided into ten different ranks. When the lowest soul scholar reached Rank 10, he could become a soul master after obtaining a soul ring. Because of that soul ring, a soul master was much more powerful than a soul scholar. In the soul master level, every increase in rank would increase one's soul power by at least 10%. At the stage of a soul grandmaster, the gaps between the ranks would become even greater.

However, the gap in soul power between Titled Douluo was the greatest. This was after 90 ranks.

Only after obtaining a soul ring could one's soul power transcend Rank 90 and reach Rank 91 through the power of the soul ring. Between Rank 91 and 92, there was a twofold increase in soul power.

Of course, the powers of a soul master could not just be determined using soul power. The strength of one's soul skill, the effectiveness of the soul rings on one's body and even differences in soul bones could make up for the differences in cultivation between two different people. Hence, a Rank 92 soul master might not find it particularly easy to defeat a Rank 91 soul master.

However, there was definitely a gap in soul power. Every time one's cultivation increased a rank, the difference would increase too. When Rank 95 was reached, there would be a huge bottleneck. A Rank 95 Transcendent Titled Douluo possessed a cultivation that could resist 10 lower ranked Titled Douluo. If a Titled Douluo's cultivation could reach Rank 99, he would be recognized as an Ultimate Douluo.

In the entire history of the Douluo Continent, there had been very few Ultimate Douluo. The period of time when there was the greatest concentration of Ultimate Douluo was during the generation of Tang San of the Tang Sect. Not only did Ultimate Douluo appear then, but Tang San and his wife, as well as their rivals, even became Gods.

However, very few Ultimate Douluo had appeared on the Douluo Continent since then.

"I'm not." Elder Xuan shook his head and denied Cheng Gang's words.

"You are not? Can you tell me your title then?" Cheng Gang continued to ask indignantly.

Elder Xuan twisted his mouth and said, "How did you reply to those little fellows? I shall reply you in the same way. You are still not fit to ask what my title is. You don't have the right to. Scram now." As he said that, he kicked Cheng Gang in the torso. Cheng Gang felt as if he was flying above the clouds as he was kicked out. But this kick wasn't important. When he controlled his body to cushion his landing on the ground, the slovenly elder had already disappeared.

While his face was flushed, his heart was cold at this point.

He shook his head and wiped the blood off his lips. Cheng Gang muttered bitterly, "I am a frog in a well. I am really a frog in well! After I became a Titled Douluo, I thought that I was the most outstanding. But I didn't expect that I'd be nothing against someone who is truly powerful. Shrek Academy, what a Shrek Academy! I have to shut myself in and cultivate again."

Huo Yuhao and Wang Dong did not know that Elder Xuan had avenged them. After eating, they went to visit Xiao Xiao.

However, the two of them only remained at the entrance of the room to take a look at her situation. They did so because it was not too appropriate for them to enter, given the situation inside.

Xiao Xiao's room door wasn't shut and was half-opened. From the opening of the door, Huo Yuhao and Wang Dong could see a burly figure sitting at the bedside. This person was meticulously feeding Xiao Xiao porridge with a small spoon.

"Caitou simmered the porridge himself. After simmering it for half a night, he only scooped up the rice oil on the surface, which was the essence of the porridge. I didn't know that he's actually so meticulous underneath that cloddish appearance of his." Teacher Wang Yan commented after he appeared behind Huo Yuhao and Wang Dong suddenly.

"Brother Caitou is such a nice person!" Wang Dong complimented.

Wang Yan chuckled and said, "When all of you returned, all of you conked out, so you didn't see what Caitou was like. He muttered one sentence repeatedly. He said that no matter what happens in the future, he wouldn't let Xiao Xiao be hurt because of him. He swore to protect her. Let's go, it's fine since Caitou is here to take care of Xiao Xiao. Xiao Xiao has also just awoken, so let's not disturb her." As he said that, he gently shut the door and dragged both Huo Yuhao and Wang Dong to his own room. He had many doubts in his mind, and needed to interrogate both of them.

After they arrived in Wang Yan's room, Wang Yan gestured for both of them to take a seat on the sofa. Following that, he stared at them with a serious expression on his face without opening his mouth for a whole minute.

Huo Yuhao and Wang Dong began to develop chills on their skin after being eyeballed by Wang Yan. Wang Dong got tot point where he could no longer bear it, and asked, "Teacher Wang, why are you staring at us?"

Wang Yan sighed slightly before replying, "I have been cultivating since my youth. Only when I reached 20 did I realize that I'm not innately talented. Then, I turned my attention to the research of martial souls. I toiled, and eventually cemented my place in Shrek Academy today. I am 41 years old this year, and I've been studying martial souls for a good 35 years now. In Shrek Academy, there's never a lack of talents. However, my understanding of what a 'talent' constitutes has been redefined repeatedly when it comes to your batch. I have even seen the occurrence of many situations that have until now only appeared in myths and legends."

"Initially, I believed that Dai Huabin was the most outstanding among your batch of students. Although he's only 13 years old, he possesses soul power up to Rank 37. It's almost conceivable that he can reach the cultivation of Soul Emperor when he's 20 years old, under the meticulous guidance of the academy."

"Maybe the both of you are unaware, but we've something known as 'seeds' in the academy. They refer to students whose cultivation can reach 6 rings even before they're 20 years old. Right now, there are only 4 'seedling' students remaining in the entire academy. They include Ma Xiaotao and Dai Yaoheng, whom the two of you have seen before. Achieving 6 rings before the age of 20 is also publicly recognized in the continent as the criteria to be called an unrivaled talent.

"I used to think like that in the past too. However, after I got to know the both of you better, I have been reminded through your actions that this theory is fallacious. The class of one's soul power is not everything. There are even more crucial components and situations apart from the class of one's soul power. Let me explain to the both of you. Yuhao, I shall talk about you first."

"You are the one who surprises me the most. In terms of diligence, you are among the top 3 of all the students that I've seen. As for your talent, you are the only one with an ultimate martial soul that I have ever seen. What's even more unbelievable is that it's a twin martial soul. Your second martial soul awakened after the first. These few conditions of yours are all suitable to be the subject of my research. Even till now, I have not grasped some of your mysteries. As for your will and resilience, you are without a doubt the toughest person I have seen among those in your same age bracket. I am certain that your achievements will be above Dai Huabin's in the future. In the competition yesterday, you displayed two abilities at the end. Don't tell me that they were skills derived from your first soul ring. If I am not recalling wrongly, your first soul skill was your soul bone skill, which is a powerful soul skill that resembles the power of a domain. Logically speaking, with your condition, you shouldn't have been able to possess such a skill. And when you displayed that skill at the end which forced Ye Wuqing off the arena, I could feel the frightening aura of that soul skill even though I wasn't even in the arena. Furthermore, Ye Wuqing had already freed himself from the restraint of the Golden road. With his cultivation as a Soul King, you couldn't have beaten him simply by consolidating your soul power. At that point in time, I felt that your control of soul power became much greater. Can you explain to me how you were able to do that?"

In the face of Wang Yan's doubts, Huo Yuhao groaned inwardly. Teacher Wang was indeed very astute in his observations, as his questions were all on point.

However, Wang Yan did not press him to answer immediately. Rather, he turned to Wang Dong, "What about you then? Your situation is even more interesting. Twin martial souls, am I right? If I'm correct, that black light of yours that was shaped as a hammer should belong in the strength-type category. That means that your body contains a second martial soul that's in the strength-type category. You have concealed it quite well! Although I'm shocked, I can still accept it. However, I am interested to know the method that you used that led to Shangguan Can's fourth soul skill losing effectiveness and even triggering such an intense backlash. Your victory was not determined by that last hammerstroke of yours, but through the instantaneous backfiring mechanism that you initiated. You actually repelled the soul skill that even Bei Bei was controlled by. How did you do that?"


Wang Dong was similarly speechless. Just like Huo Yuhao, he had his own secrets, and more than just a few!

As he looked at the both of them, Wang Yan chortled. "Alright, I won't put the two of you on the spot. I'm just pointing out the mysterious conditions both of you have. Everyone has their own secrets, especially for soul masters like us. Honestly speaking, I have developed a sense of surrealism towards the word of soul masters because of your appearances. Since when did twin martial soul become so readily available, such that there are three of them now? Moreover, each one of them is greater than the preceding one. All of you are indeed phenomenal! However, I remember a phrase shared by the dean that I concur with. If things go wrong, there must be something strange. Our academy is blessed with three twin martial souls at the same time. Perhaps a heavy responsibility will land upon the shoulders of the few of you. Hence, I hope that the few of you won't waste this gift that you have been blessed with. Putting effort into your cultivation to achieve the special abilities that the few of you were meant to have will be the best choice that the few of you can make."

"As your Teacher, I won't question your commitments. But my purpose in calling the both of you here today was to tell the both of you that you can feel free to approach me if you have any doubts. After all, I am more experienced, and I know more than the both of you. With the ten thousand years of heritage that Shrek Academy has, my knowledge is bound to be richer than the both of you. I can aid you in skipping some unnecessary bends along the way. If it involves your secrets, I can guarantee with my character that I will preserve them."

As they saw the sincere expression on Wang Yan's face, both Huo Yuhao and Wang Dong appeared much more relaxed.

Huo Yuhao said, "Teacher Wang, I do have some questions that I would like to ask you."

"Shoot." Wang Yan nodded his head towards Huo Yuhao.

Huo Yuhao said, "Teacher Wang, you have seen both our martial souls, which are vastly different from each other. My first martial soul is the spiritual-type Spirit Eyes, whereas my second martial soul is the ultimate ice martial soul, the Ice Jade Scorpion. As for Wang Dong, his first martial soul is the light-type Radiant Butterfly Goddess, and his second martial soul is of a strength type. I can fairly say that these four martial souls that we possess are completely dissimilar. However, how are our martial souls so compatible with one another, such that we were even able to exhibit a martial soul fusion skill?"

"I remember that you taught us before that compatibility between martial souls happens very rarely. It's even rarer to witness a high degree of compatibility between martial souls. Generally speaking, compatibility between martial souls is achieved if they are of the same type, or if their carriers were of the same species. For example, Lan Susu and Lan Luoluo managed to achieve martial soul fusion through overlapping their entirely similar martial souls before achieving compatibility through their identities as twins. The same goes for the fusion between Dai Huabin & Zhu Lu, the White Tiger and the Netherworld Civet. At least their martial souls both belong to the Felidae family. Furthermore, one represents positive energy, while the other represents negative energy. This means that it makes sense that they are compatible. But between the both of us, where does the compatibility originate from?"

This problem had been bugging Huo Yuhao for some time. In the past, he had not known what Wang Dong's second martial soul was. He even assumed that their second martial souls had some form of connection. But now, he realized that the second martial souls the two of them possessed were completely unconnected. Despite this, there was still a high degree of compatibility between their martial souls, to the point where they had even obtained the Haodong Power. which was a force that could be used to cultivate and improve together.

Wang Yan laughed bitterly. "It's indeed tough for me to answer your question. I have been pondering it too. Regarding this, I've pored over a lot of materials in the academy. However, I'm still unable to give you a precise answer."

"The fusion of twin martial souls has never appeared before in the records of the academy over the past ten thousand years. I can even say that there's no relevant information regarding this in the entire history of the continent. Thus, no one can be sure about what's going on with the fusion of both of your martial souls. We can only guess."

"I thought about it last night, and came up with a few possibilities. The first possibility relates to the quantity of martial souls. While it's true that both your martial souls are different, it's also crucial to understand that your martial souls are both twin martial souls. Twin martial souls are very rare. For two to appear, and even achieve compatibility like the both of yours, is even rarer. Your two twin martial souls represent one similarity between the both of you."

"The both of you must be wondering why Xiao Xiao can't fuse with you. This relates to my second possibility, which is also the most probable reason. The two of you are complement each other."

"For two martial souls to fuse together even though they are unconnected to each other has happened before. The reason why they can fuse together is due to their complementary existence. As both martial souls complement each other, they will fuse together, just like Yin and Yang, developing a martial soul fusion skill in the process."

"Huo Yuhao's two martial souls of the spiritual type and ice type. As for Wang Dong, your martial souls belong to the light-type and strength-type categories. All four of your martial souls are different, but no one can be sure whether they are complementary to one another. Maybe, for some reason, your martial souls fused together because they are complementary."