
At this moment, Bai Chuan also saw the exact situation of this pack of wolves. In addition to the alpha, saliva dripped from the corners of their mouths. Their eyes were green, and their abdomens were empty. There were even traces of ribs. It was obvious that the wolves had been hungry for a long time.

This time, things might not end well. Bai Chuan thought. Moreover, the surrounding environment was relatively empty. Once he was surrounded by the wolves, he would probably be exhausted to death by them bullying him.

Looking at this scene, he had an idea.

In the next moment, without waiting for the wolves to attack first, he accumulated strength and erupted. He aimed in a direction and shot out like an arrow from a bow. In the blink of an eye, he fled far away.

"Howl?" This unexpected change made the wolves unable to react for a moment. They howled in confusion. There was something wrong with the snake's speed! Then, under the lead of the alpha wolf who was the first to react, they chased after him.

In an instant, a chase happened in the entire forest.

A five-meter-long python used the ground as leverage to erupt in an extremely strange posture. It leaped forward step by step. From afar, it looked like an agile flood dragon flying low on the ground.

Behind him were seven hungry wolves chasing him crazily. They were slowly spreading out to outflank him.

"This can't go on." Bai Chuan looked at the approaching wolf pack behind him and knew that he would not be able to hold on if this continued. Although he was fast now, his physical strength as a snake was not his forte. Moreover, because his body structure did not have legs, the manifestation of his Agility ability was different from others with legs.

Instead, it appeared to be an instantaneous explosive advancement. It was a short burst that drove his body forward the moment his body touched the ground.

There were pros and cons to such a display. The pros were that his explosive power was extremely powerful now. The cons were that it made things worse for his snake-type stamina, which was already insufficient. He could not last long at all.

And now, his speed could not exceed the wolf pack, so he could easily be exhausted to death by the wolf pack.

As Bai Chuan pondered, he looked around and suddenly saw a tall forest in the distance. He was delighted. Then, looking at the approaching wolves, he suddenly erupted and quickly darted out again. Then, he crawled into the tall bushes.

Immediately after, he changed his crawling posture. Instead of flying explosively, he turned into a silent slow crawl and began to quietly snake towards the tree trunk.

Not long after, the alpha wolf rushed into the forest first, followed by the other six hungry wolves. At this moment, the forest was silent. Perhaps because their chase had caused too much commotion, all the animals had run away.

The alpha's ears perked up as he listened to all kinds of movements. His sharp eyes sized up the dense forest left and right, trying to find traces of the prey from before. Then, it growled and gestured for the wolves to scatter and search. It did not believe that its prey had escaped without a trace in such a short period of time.

As long as the wolves spread out and searched carefully, as long as one of them found it and called out, the snake would be doomed.

However, Bai Chuan, who was hiding in the dark and saw this scene clearly, expressed that this was exactly what he wanted! He was not afraid that they would spread out to search for him, but he was afraid that the wolves would not disperse. One had to know that this forest was his hunting ground.

The snake's tongue quietly flicked, capturing all kinds of obvious auras. Soon, he picked the furthest and thinnest gray wolf. His thick and long snake body began to move forward with the help of the dense tree branches.

Speaking of which, Bai Chuan couldn't help but be glad that he had trained hard to move on the tree for a period of time when he left the initial area. Otherwise, he wouldn't be so agile and hidden now.

Soon, he approached the thin gray wolf and carefully checked its search area. Then, he quietly moved in front of it and lowered his height under the cover of the hidden leaves. He calmly waited for it to enter his attack range.

The moment the thin gray wolf approached, there was a sound of air being torn apart. Then, a snake kiss with sharp fangs fell from the sky. After a soft whimper, the gray wolf could no longer struggle.

On a closer look, it was Bai Chuan's huge snake head that had locked onto the gray wolf's neck, making it unable to make a sound. Not long after, the poison quickly took effect and the thin gray wolf began to stiffen. Only then did Bai Chuan let go of his mouth.

After dealing with the first one, Bai Chuan hid himself again and searched for the second one.


The second… the third… the fourth…

As the gray wolves were dealt with one by one, the faint smell of blood began to spread under the wind. The wolves also felt that something was wrong.

However, it was too late. After discovering that the wolves had begun to sense it, Bai Chuan no longer waited for the poison to act up before loosening his mouth. Instead, he took advantage of the fact that they had yet to gather.

He relied on his explosive speed to quickly approach his opponent. Then, he injected the poison with his teeth at an extremely fast speed and quickly escaped. In just a few minutes, the next few wolves were poisoned and died.

Of course, Bai Chuan did not have it easy either. A few of the scales on his body were broken, and a few scratches and bite marks were obvious. Dark red blood slowly flowed out. Fortunately, these wounds were only minor compared to Bai Chuan's huge snake body.

The alpha was the only one left.

The moment the alpha wolf rushed over from afar, it saw its clansmen lying on the ground, twitching. The snake that was supposed to be their prey was still safe and sound. In an instant, it understood that it no longer had any clansmen. It was the only wolf left in the entire wolf pack.

The snakes that they had eaten a few times in the past had actually killed them now. At this moment, its pride as the Wolf King did not allow it to escape. It pricked up its ears and bared its sharp teeth. It lowered its body, its wolf eyes filled with killing intent.

It was obvious that it was prepared to fight to the death.

Although there was a language barrier, Bai Chuan still understood the wolf king's determination. He also stood up vigilantly and made a "hu hu" sound. This was the nature of the King Cobra Clan.

This was like a cornered beast fight.

Bai Chuan sighed in his heart and began to focus on his opponent. At this moment, he could not afford to be careless. His body began to move around non-stop. However, at this moment, an unexpected action stunned Bai Chuan.

The Wolf King ran away… ran away…

Bai Chuan could not believe it and was stunned. He stared blankly at the Wolf King, who was leaving with his tail between his legs. For a moment, he could not react.

What was going on? A moment ago, he had made the move of fighting to death, and now he was suddenly running away? Was this reasonable?

It turned out that this wolf's acting skills were so good. Bai Chuan had really learned something new.

Looking helplessly in that direction, Bai Chuan retracted his gaze and turned to look at the wolf corpses on the ground. Without a doubt, Bai Chuan was not prepared to eat these. It was not that he could not eat them. He could still barely eat them if he wanted to.

However, this wolf corpse was too big. If he ate it, it would be detrimental to his mobility. His combat strength would definitely be greatly affected.

However, he could not let go of the wolf's ability model. It seemed that he could only scan it.
