A Subject of Payment (II)



"Ms. Carol?"

Mr. Adam interrupts in a rather serious tone, "They know each other?"

Ms. Carol shakers her head, arms raised, "I have no idea, Dean."

"Anyways, it doesn't matter. Just settle your price, Ivan. Tell us if Chris can't comply and we'll deal with him."

Everything is still messy for me but yet, I managed a nod. The dean thanks, smiles, and leaves the room.

"Well, go get along now," Ms. Carol says, "Teachers here are busy doing grades and all is confidential."

"Yes, Ms. Carol, we'll be heading out now," Chris answers for the both of us, holding a grip on my wrist, pulling me out of the faculty room.

We stood at the hallway in front of a metal railing of the balcony, the quadrangle at view.

"Well, I didn't expect meeting you here," Chris awkwardly tries to start a conversation.

I folded my arms across my chest and distanced my sight away from him. I snapped a cold reply, "Same here."

Chris' fingers intertwines with the metal fencing and fiddles on it, must be forming a cohesive sentence to say.

"Hey, no pressure," I said, still taking on the cold tone.

"Sorry," he mumbles.

"Why apologize? You didn't assigned me on this."

"So this does bother you?"

My arms drop and my brows rise. My eyes shifts unto him, "What? N-No... it's just... I had plans for summer and I didn't expect you to..." my gaze drifts down.

"To plagiarize?" he finishes my words.

I snapped my glance back at him, "Well yeah... but let's not call it that."

Both of us paused. "I know you have your reasons."

"So," Chris says, "Will you help me, Ivan?" he forces a smile with his thinned lips.

"Do I look like I have a choice?" I groan, not in a rude way though, "Come, let's go to the café, let's just talk there."

"Wait, I want to know the price first," he says.

"The café."

"O-Oh... right!" his feet then followed mine.

The bell rings as I slid the door open, making my way inside my beloved café. "Welcome– oh it's just you," Buns welcomes me. I'd fire you if you were my employee for greeting like that.

Argh, what the hell is wrong with me? I'm being grumpy right now.

"Umm, Ivan?" Chris taps a finger behind my shoulder, "Where are we talking?" he obviously refers to the seats, being fully occupied by customers. Finally, something to light up my mood.

"We're talking at my apartment, let's go," I suggested but actually commanded.

"Wait, we just got here... can't we just... get a coffee frappe or a shortcake before travelling again?"

"Really? You really have time for desserts right now?" I hissed.

"Like I said, to your apartment we go!" Chris turns around towards the door only for the hem of his shirt to be pulled by my fingers.

"Where are you going?"

"Aren't we going to your apartment?"

"I meant upstairs."


My room was just– well, a room. A bed in the middle, a small desk on the side. A sink, a small cooking area and a small bathroom at the corner. The bed was quite large though so we sat there.

"How come the room downstairs is larger compared here?" he asks.

"I live alone. No need for big spaces."

"Where does your brother live then?"

"Look," my brows furrow, "Enough with the questions. Let's talk about our deal first."

From me, Chris' glance shifts to the floor with a small frown on his pink, moist lips. "Sorry," he mumbles.

I let out a sigh, "Sorry, I'm not mad... I'm just... frustrated right now, okay?"

He nods, eyes still glued on the flooring.

"Before I set a price, how do you earn? Do you get allowance from your parents?"

"I work."

"What kind of work?"

"No need to be specific."

"Whatever," I rolled my eyes, "How much do you earn and how much is your expenses?"

"Does it matter?" his eyes flicks towards me suddenly

"Of course it is. I live alone, I know the struggle."

Chris lets out an amount for both his income and expenses [A/N: Not good with money flows. Just imagine his salary is 3/3 and his expenses is 2.5/3... meaning, the money he uses for himself is only 0.5/3 of what he earns.]

"What?!" I'm surprised in disbelief, "How am I able to give you a price?"

"Hey, you don't have to adjust to me, Ivan. You're the one that I need." He looks at me with his puppy eyes, making him seem like a topless man in a coliseum that is ready to be whipped with sharp edges.

Whoa– what did I just thought of...

I... felt my blood rushing to my... cheeks. As fast as lightning, I turned my back towards him with a small squeal. "H-Hey... no biggie. I don't want to be another reason for your struggle!"

His hand holds on top of my shoulder, "Hey, me too. So name the price and I'll figure something out. I'm the one here who is in need."

"Of what?" I just mentally facepalmed myself because of the question I spewed out with an obvious answer. Of course he's going to say "of you." GOSH, IVY WHY ARE YOU RAMBLING SHIT IN YOUR MIND LIKE THIS.

"Of your teaching," he replies.

Well that was unexpected.

"N-No prob," my shoulders stiffened.

"Hey, are you breaking down or something?" he attempts to turn me around with his grip on my shoulder.

"Nope, d-don't worry about me..." I tried shoving his hand away.

"Hey, let me see, are you okay?" he persists, strengthening his grip on my shoulder, making me double the force to counter his.

"Ivan... Ivan..." he keeps on pulling me.

"F-Fuck off, Chris...." I said, trying to shoo him away.

"What? You want to f—"

"H-Hey, I'M N-NOT– WAAHH–" The both of us fell when I tried to shove him away but ended up reaching the edge of the bed and I accidentally pulled his arm to stop my descent but failed to do so. The next thing I knew, I was laying on the floor, eyelids shut tight. Although my eyes are closed, I don't need sight to feel that a hand is still on my shoulder...

Oh God, please tell me he's still sitting on the bed and he's just reaching down to my shoulder...

I glanced slowly to my left, eyes still shut. I want to know if he's laying right next beside me. With all the courage that I had, my eyes opened for a very small gap.

"Are you alright?"

"OH MY GOD DON'T KISS ME!" My head flicked to my right because of the centimetric distance that those few gaps saw, burying my red face on with one of my palms while the other was pushing Chris away.

"Hey, Ivy, where do I put this coffee jar– WHY ARE YOU DOING IT ON THE FLOOR?!" Buns suddenly barges in, holding a jar of coffee beans that fortunately didn't drop from his grip. His eyes are wide open and his mouth hung agape.

"B-B-BUNS... IT'S NOT WHAT YOU THINK," I jolted upwards on a sitting position.

"I knew it since I saw that guy here so early! Gosh how have I been so dumb!" he mumbles to himself, "Anyways..." coughs "The bed... is big..." coughs "And wide... I have some lubr–"

I slammed the door even before he could finish that fucked up sentence. What the actual fuck. I leant back on the door, dramatically sliding my back on the firm, white wood.

"Well... that... escalated... quickly..." says Chris with weird smirk on his lips

"You think?!"

What he did next made my heart feel like it was to pop out. He rushed towards me, slamming both of his hands on the door, trapping me in his arms. What the actual fuck is happening...

"Didn't know you like men," his lips is still with that annoying fucking smirk.

I could feel my knees trembling, ready to give up on me and let me fall to the floor. "I'm not interested in you," I hissed.

His tongue wiped across the front of his teeth in such... a seductive manner. Shit that's hot. His face leans closer to mine which I know is like cherry right now.

This was a perfect time to see his gorgeous blue eyes, his clear, pore-free skin. His perfectly aligned teeth, and again, his moist and pinkish lips, now even wetter because of that reddish tongue of his that brushed through. Is he Adonis?

He moves his head towards me, making my eyes close shut and my hands block my lips. I opened them both when I felt him going for my ear, letting out a whisper.

"Let me ask you a question," he whispers, nose brushing against my ear, leaving me an uncomfortable chill down my spine.

"When's the last time you had sex?" he asks.

"N-Never... never had..." I mumbled, stuttering. Am I in a sauna? Cause my whole body feels hot right now.

"How about I..." his tongue pokes out and touches the side my ear, giving it an upward lick, "Do you... every session as payment?" He moves backward with a sexy grin on his face.

I don't know what he meant... actually, I do, I just don't know what to respond right now. My thoughts are beaming everywhere while I try to shush my rapid and intense breathing and heartbeat... "D-Do me?" I ask.

He lets out a deep exhale, "What I meant is..."

"... fuck you."

I think I'm about to faint.