Chapter 21: Jumps onto Astef

Astef: Looks like I won, so the game was finished

Kierra: Yep!

Astef: But there's no bet, prize, or gamble involved....

Kierra *yawns* I feel sleepy now, so.. Goodnight I guess...

Astef: Same... *smiles a little*

Kierra (Huh?! Did he smiled?!)

Astef: I've really enjoyed your company, Ms. Javier... Kierra....

Kierra: Great then! *smiles cheerfully*

Astef (She's moron yet nice...) Goodnight Kierra *whispers*

They both fall asleep

But suddenly Kierra heard a sound that looks like scary....

Token! Gekk-Gekk! Poo-Kay!

Kierra: Eek! *run towards Astef without even thinking about it*

And then... She jumps onto Astef...

Astef: Whoa!!

Bam! Boom!

Astef: What the.... Kierra... You're shaking... *troubled*

Kierra: I-I heard so-something sca-scarryyy... *scared*

Astef (This... Our position... Sh-she's hugging me...) *turns away, badump* Uummm....