"Bye Sahra, I'll see you at school tomorow!" I say while waving and smiling to Sahra
"I better see you there Adeline, or else your going to be in big trouble!" Sara says in a jokingly matter while smiling.
Hi my name is Adeline and i go to Worlens high. I'm 18 years old and an only child. I live with my Adopted parents in Zuhlu district. That was my bestfriend Sahra we have been friends since 5th grade and basically inseparable, i guess that are personalities just click, like two puzzle pieces and we share everything together, or at least most things.
As Sahra leaves, the smile on my face quickly disappears and although today is April 27th, or my birthday, today is still going to be the same as every other day in that ratched house, or at least that is what I thought.
As I stand on the porch to where I live, I take a moment to look at the house I live in, although it's small it still looks pretty cozy on the outside with a sort of beige color for the base of the house, a nice dark green for the outer walls, a black rooftop, and two small windows. Judging from the outside you would think that whoever lives here would be comfortable and cozy, but it's the complete opposite. On the inside the first thing you walk in to is the livingroom with a blue carpet full of stains and covered with junk and a torn up couch. The house is always in a mess because of my adopted parents.
After a while I close my eyes and open the door to the house "I'm home!" I yell but what I open my eyes to, completly shocks me.
I see a man who looks around my age based on the masculine of his body wearing a tight black jacket, black pants, and a black face mask, with his hoodie covering the top of his head, and black latex gloves holding a knife with blood on it. By his feat lay both of my adopted parents. I looked him in his eyes and he gave me a cold stare with his beautiful green eyes. I droped my bag and approached him, I could tell by the look in his eyes that he was a bit suprised to see me approach him but what i said shocked him more. "Thank you" I whisper in his ear. I then stood on my tip toes and kissed him on the cheek.