Who's the real Conspirator?

Around 2 in the morning, the imperial palace shook with harmonious running footsteps of soldiers. Rows after rows crossed over each other while passing through the walls of palace and taking their positions. It was still dark. Sky was showing a tinge of brightness, too dim to be regarded as a morning though, but soon people would be waking up to start an early day as usual. The main gate opened for dozens of Messengers to leave who immediately turned to different directions while a letter with emperor's stamp was hiding under their cloaks.

Three hours later, in the vast and brightly lit corridors of the palace a procession of ministers and royal relatives followed the extravagantly dressed handsome man with determined eyes. His face Expressions were serious and not giving away his thoughts. With every determined step he took, his followers felt dread around the corner.

From afar, they could now hear drummers beating drums continuously in the city and making announcements. However they were too distracted by current situation to focus on the announcement they made. They were all going to be a part of a lie. It was going to be a disaster if turned wrong. Everyone felt their eyes drifting at the back of the youth moving ahead. After turning around a corner they came across emperor's chamber. The guards standing outside saluted and gave way for the procession to pass inside. The broken door had been fixed over the course of hours and inside one could see the emperor sleeping soundly, if only it were real. The imperial healer bowed to crown prince and stepped aside to let him have a look.

"How's his condition?" Noah asked in a cold tone.

"Yy.. your highness I used some herbs to keep the body warm and look like paralyzed. That's an ointment prepared by my grandfather, he accidentally used it during a war on southern hills to a soldier dying of cold. It was supposed to heal the wounds temporarily and cover them so the soldier won't feel irritation. However it's effects made the soldier's body warmer and brought him back to life. You can see the results yourself, we can't bring his highness back to life but we just need to apply these herbs every four hours to keep the body look like alive one. We can easily go with the pretense that his highness fell a prey to paralysis due to the drug added to his drink by a traitor." Imperial healer stuttered a little before shooting an explanation under the cold gaze of the crown prince.

"Good." Prince Noah replied as he turned around to face people.

"By now, the news must be delivered to most parts of the empire. We won't wait for everyone to get here and start the coronation ceremony tomorrow at 12pm sharp."

"As you please your highness." they all shuddered under his authoritative voice and bowed in submission. What prince Noah was implying wasn't easy to get along with. But the sudden change and authority in his demeanor shook them to the core. Imperial family's most innocent member's overnight transformation scared them to death. In fact most of them were continuously hanging on Adam's statement and pondering, if the crown prince had always been this witty and dangerous and had been playing innocent all along. Although his suggestion was hard to comply with, his authority threatened them to hold on to their dear lives and give another suggestion. They all agreed to show that prince Noah's coronation was being secretly planned for a long time but current Emperor's sudden paralysis called for immediate action and rushed the ceremony. It's not like they had any choice anyway. The empire was in a vulnerable state and they had to take a decision to save it.

Since it was a grief that the current emperor's health wasn't in the best condition, the ceremony therefore was scheduled in emergency and won't be lavish but simple. Satisfied with their answers he turned to leave and go to check on royal Court's arrangements.

Behind him, all the ministers heaved a sigh which they didn't know they had been holding.


It felt damp and cold. The air was filled with the smell of blood and excretions. From the main door of the dungeon some dozen stairs went down in the vast hall. In the middle of the great hall a table with different torture devices laid while on the both sides there was a series of little rooms made for prisoners. Someone opened the door of the dungeon slowly and soon footsteps were heard. The new comer was wearing an imperial guard's uniform and his face was unclear in the darkness.

A lot of prisoners tried to peek at the new comer from their half closed eyes while sticking to iron rods of their cell door and went back to their posture lazily upon confirming that a regular soldier was out on visit. The said person kept walking to the end of the dungeon in the right row with minimum noise possible. As he came in front of the last cell, the prisoner leapt towards cell door.

"How was it? Did you like my performance?"

Adam asked in an enthusiastic voice. No worry or grief was visible on his face. The person cloaked in imperial guard's uniform moved closer and whispered.

" It was awesome. You did a great job."

Adam smiled evilly. "I'm always awesome at what's my obligation. Any news?"

"The crown prince suggested instant coronation to 'save the empire'. Preparations started already." the mysterious person spoke with a smirk.

" I knew it." Adam said in a satisfactory voice. "That fool has always been thinking about his people's good and based on his crazy father's teachings it wasn't difficult to guess so. Are our preparations completed?"

" Of course, just one day to go. Coronation takes place tomorrow at 12. Till then please bear with this all."

Adam smiled again in a reassuring voice. "No problem at all your highness." A wink followed the statement and a suppressed laughter escaped the prince's mouth.

"That fool..... not bad Adam uncle." he spoke with a hint of amusement in his voice.

Adam bowed down his head in an artistic way to accept the praise.

A great conspiracy was around the corner for sure. But the person listening all of this conversation from the neighboring cell couldn't figure out if it's the prince who created all this situation or someone else. Because if it's the crown prince, why would he let Adam tell their plan to everyone. And if it's not the crown prince then why's Adam calling him highness and the said person calling Adam uncle.

"I hope the head guard visits soon so I can tell this all to him." He mused hearing the leaving footsteps of the intruder. He was a regular guard who sneaked in the empty cell next to Adam's on head guard's command to keep an eye on him. who knew he'll come across such disturbing news. It was dark in here and thanks to his no sound training as a soldier, Adam and the intruder hadn't been able to hear him. However their conversation was enough to keep him threatened.

"Who's this highness?" he thought again.