
"How much longer will it be?" Summer whines, pouting her lips next to me.

"Not long." I smirk, keeping my eye on the road. She groans, resting her head against the seat before turning her attention out the window.

I had managed to convince her parents, along with mine, to take spring break off. Even though I only had my driver's license for a few months now, I somehow convinced them to let me drive her to my parent's cottage out by the lake. It was only an hour or so away, so it wasn't that big of a trip.

"We're here." I smile as I turn the car down a gravel path leading to a wooden house emerging from the surrounding trees.

"What the?" She starts, sitting forward in her seat. "Are we going to be here all spring break? I didn't pack enough!" She starts rambling and I laugh as I park the car.

"Don't worry about it, your mom and I sorted that out already." I turn to her. "And yes, we're staying all break." By the look on her face, I knew that I did well with this surprise.


"That was great!" Ryan, the sound guy, says as I finish my guitar portion of the song. I set my guitar aside and make my way to the others.

We were currently in the recording studio today to get our song done. We had been here a few days before but came back for some finishing touches. If all goes well, the plan is to release the song later today.

We had created our YouTube channel the other day and had someone getting the video put together which consists of the album art and song like every other single that comes out. Since we are new to the industry, we went in whatever direction we were steered in by Seinne. She decided to have us do a photoshoot and pick our favorite picture for the single, album artwork. I didn't have much say in the whole matter, just stood at the sidelines as everyone else talked about what they wanted. 

We only had two uploads on our channel which consists of song covers we often did at the party. People were buzzing about us. Corrupt Youth was on everyone's minds around the school.

Seinne also made calls to get us different brand deals to post in pictures on social media to pay off our first song. She had had a whole presentation going over how we were expected to post to Instagram and how to keep out of the bad light of the media. I tried to listen but, I couldn't really keep up. I didn't like that I was expected to be this whole other person just to please our 'soon to be' fans and stupid paparazzi.

"I think the song is all set guys!" He smiles, motioning us to come closer. "Do you want to hear the final product?" Ryan says once everyone stands behind him.

Ryan hits play, showing the different tracks start moving as the music picks up on his computer.

The song was beyond what I had expected it to be, and I absolutely loved hearing myself play as much as the strumming itself. Everyone was awestruck after it comes to an end, this was the first time we've heard it outside of while playing it.

"Damn." Ash says turning to the group.

"I know." Reese buts in. "That's definitely gonna be big."

"We'll see." Ryan laughs at Reese, while everyone nods in agreement. "I had the video layout sent over earlier so in about two minutes it'll be ready to launch."

I take a seat near the back of the room as I wait for Ryan to finish up. I couldn't believe that everything was happening so fast.

"What's going on? " Kevin comes in just as Ryan says 'done'. We all crowd his laptop as he sets everything to upload to YouTube.

"Everyone ready?" Ryan says while we nod in anticipation.

"Ash, you do the honors since you wrote the song." Ryland says referring to clicking the upload button.

"Only if you insist." He shrugs and we all push him towards the computer. Ryan scoots out of the way and, clicks the mouse. We all stand closer waiting for it to fully go up. Once it does, we all hug and congratulate one another.

"It's official, Gone Away will be everywhere by next week." Ryan stands from the chair as everyone celebrates.

"I'm going to post it on Twitter." Ryland says pulling out his phone, and the boys nod in agreement to share the video. I didn't have much of a following, so I just share the video on my Facebook for my family to spread.

The all-time plan was to make a single and release it then the week after putting it up on iTunes and everywhere else to buy online. And if it's a big enough hit, we're aiming to get out an album by next month by, of course, the name: The Line.

Seinne already set up advertising and plans to send the song to local radio stations to gain more publicity. 

"My tweet's already been shared over ten times!" Ryland smiles down at his phone. I could only imagine it being fellow classmates. But besides that, in no time our song will be known out of town.

"Guys, let's all take a picture!" Ash pulls us to him as he holds his phone out in front of him. I smile my first real smile in a while, glad that I was a part of something, but also frightened of what was to come.

After he takes it he uploads the picture to Instagram making my phone light up with the notification. We're all stood tightly together, Ash in front with Ryland and Reese in back with me pulled in at the side in front of the booth we recorded the song in. He captioned the picture with a link to the song and telling everyone to check it out. I heart it before locking my phone and placing it back in my pocket.

I was happy for once and I hoped that nothing would change that, but I knew with my luck, it would. I just hope that this takes a turn for the better and not the worse.