
"I'll told you, you could do it!" Natalie exclaims once I show her my grades. I had kept them secret from her since we first started our little sessions. At first, it was out of embarrassment, but then it built into me wanting to make her proud.

We had continued to study together through this month, graduation was set for the end of this month, which was only about a week away.

I had gone from really bad, failing grades to the middle B's and even an A. Yeah, B average isn't that great but in my eyes, it was as if they were straight A's.

"I couldn't have done it without you." I smile up at her from my bed. I had invited her over to 'study' but it was really just to share the good news that I'm now able to graduate now.

"I'm sure you would've been able to do it on your own." She steps between my legs and smiles halfheartedly as she takes my shoulders into her hands.

"We both know that's a total lie." I lean into her touch, laughing at the obvious truth I spit out as she shakes her head at me.

"You need more faith in yourself."

"Maybe you can help me with that." I pull her with me as I lean back on my back, her on top of me with her knees on either side of my hips.

"Maybe I'll take you up on that offer." She smirks getting close to my neck. "What's my payment if I do?" Her breath fans my neck sending shivers down my spine.

"How about a kiss?" I playfully suggest.

"How about two?" She says right before smashing her lips into mine. The kiss gets heated after a few moments and we pull away out of breath. It was only then that I noticed another presence in front of us.

The look of clear hurt and disappointment clear as day on her face as a tear slides down her face. I couldn't stop the slight frown that erupts on my lips at the sight.

"What's wrong?" Natalie asks, snapping me back to reality. "What are you looking at?" She turns to see if my staring was justified or not.

She would never see what I'm witnessing so why even confess and look like a crazy person? No. She wouldn't want to be with me anymore...

"Nothing." I say shaking my head to clear my thoughts. Forcing Summer to the deep depths of my mind, I force a light smile on my lips and roll myself over so that I was now on top.

"The deal was two kisses, right?" Her confusion was replaced instantly with a lustful smile.

"Then what's taking you so long?"


After Natalie had left, my mom took it as an opportunity to play twenty questions.

"Are you two dating?" My mom gets right to the point.

"No, mom."

"I saw you guys kiss you know, you don't have to lie to me." I stare at her appalled. I had kissed Natalie sure that she wasn't lurking around.


"You're still under my roof, I have rights to know what you're up to." She shrugs as if it was nothing.

"That doesn't give you the right to spy on me." I scowl at her, mad that she was snooping in on me. It made me question what else she had seen over the years. The thought made me shudder.

"My bad." She smiles sheepishly. "She seems like a nice girl." A great change in subject, mom. I roll my eyes, ignoring her comment.

"She's not giving you any trouble?" She asks after a few brief moments of silence.

"Natalie would never." I defend right away.

"Does she know about Summer?" Her name put a frown on my face right away. Was she kidding me right now?

"No. Conversation over." I say, pushing my way past her.

"Sweetie, I know you're still hurt over it." She grabs onto my upper arm, halting me in my tracks before the staircase.

"I'll never be over her." I say shrugging her arm off. I give a light smile to her so she knows I'm not mad at her and continue the venture to my room.

I could see in her eyes she wanted to ask me something else but she held herself back. I didn't want to press further into the matter, I was scared of what she would ask and I wasn't ready to find out.

I had only been with one girl and that had obviously been Summer. She made her way into everyone's hearts and I guess that is why my mom is so skeptical about Natalie.

Nobody liked change, but sometimes you can stop it. I've fallen for Natalie and she was going to be around more often. I just hoped that my parents will be willing to welcome her with open arms.

"She'll find out about me sooner or later." Summer says once I enter my room. I sigh as I make my way to my bed. I just wanted to sleep the guilt and hurt away.

"Go away, please." I whisper, eyes closed.

Natalie wasn't at our school when Summer and I were together. She had only moved here into our junior year.

Barely anyone brought her up so I wasn't surprised that she didn't know anything. If it were up to me, I'd keep it that way forever. I'd rather not have her pity me anymore.

Why did life have to be so complicated? Why do we have to be hurt constantly and have our lives filled with drama? It made no sense. I just wanted peace. Peace from my mind, and the terrible things I constantly belittle myself with.

I needed to start over.

"Fine, but I'll be back." Summer disappears like a cloud of mist before me. It was a weird sight to see, but I didn't dwell on it long. She was gone and that was all that mattered. Now only if she'd disappear forever.