
I hadn't heard from Ash all week, I was unsure if I should message him first. I didn't want to pressure anything though. Everything seemed to be just fine, for the most part, nothing out of the ordinary. My mind was easing little by little every day that passed.

Looking at the time on my phone it reads nine at night. Chloe was supposed to be back an hour ago. She works at a local bookstore in the opposite direction of my job. She usually messages me if she's going to be late so I don't lock her out. She has a bad habit of leaving her keys behind since both of us are used to walking to work and pretty much anywhere within walking distance.

I sent her a couple of texts but I hadn't received anything back and I was starting to get worried. My pessimistic side was coming up will all sorts of ideas of things that could have happened. I couldn't battle the voices any longer, I unlock my phone to call the store to see if she was still there.

"You've reached half off books, how may I help you?" A voice picks up a few rings later.

"I was wondering if Chloe was still there at work? This is her roommate." I say trying to keep my voice steady.

"She left an hour ago after her shift ended, sorry if that doesn't help you." The words I dreaded.

"Okay. Thank you." I hang up the phone and toss it aside. I had no idea where she was. Maybe she met up with someone? No, she would definitely tell me. That girl has a big mouth.

I stand up from my spot in the kitchen and head towards her room. I take a breath before entering her room, it felt wrong snooping but I needed anything to give a clue of her whereabouts.

her room is neat, the only clutter was clothing on the chair in the corner and a bunch of papers on her dresser. As always her keys were sitting on the edge right next to a crumpled piece of paper. Something was definitely off.

I grab the paper and open it. It was a note telling her to meet at some bar and to go alone. I run to grab my phone quickly to search the bar. It was a block away from the bookstore. Something didn't feel right about this.

A knock at the door startles me and I drop my phone on the carpet. I hurry to the door praying that it was Chloe but when I open the door no one is there. I step out but kick a box at the corner of the door. I reluctantly pick it up and open it. A single tracfone is all that's in it.

I jump again when it starts ringing, I stare at it wide eyed. what the hell? I inspect it before making the call.

"H-hello?" I sheepishly answer not sure what to expect from this.

"Summer." A deep voice answers. I knew that voice, all the hair on my body stand up and I jump back into my apartment and lock the door behind me.

"What did you do to her!" I spew out in horror. He took her and is pinning that against me.

"Nothing yet." He chuckles. "I'll return her safe if you come back to me."

"What?" He can't be doing this.

"You heard me. You have 24 hours to surrender." He hands up the phone and I'm left dumbfounded. Why wouldn't he just take me to begin with? She had nothing to do with this.

I throw the phone at the wall in angst. I was sick of him controlling my life. I didn't know what to do in this situation, I didn't want to go back to Brad but I didn't want Chloe to be hurt either. It was me or her.

Panic was flowing through my veins at a steady rate increasing with each second. I felt trapped and I couldn't dig myself out. Before I realized what I was doing, I was dialing Asher's phone in hopes he'd help. His phone continues to ring and I get no answer. I try again as tears fall from my cheeks, soaking the hem of my shirt.

"Hello?" Bryson's voice answers, throwing me off guard. My eyes well up more at his voice and I couldn't form any words through my broken sobs. I hear him fumble with the phone a bit before he answers again. "Summer?"

"Bry." I whimper, "I'm in trouble and I don't know what to do."

"What kind of trouble?" He says right away, concern filling his tone. "Tell me."

"He took her!" I cry out, panic flooding back at me. "He wants me back, he said he'll hurt her if I don't."

"Who? Who are you talking about?" He asks, but I didn't know how to tell him. I cry harder at the thought. I couldn't tell him over the phone, it too personal. "Where are you? I'm coming over."

I dreaded those words. This isn't how I imagined seeing each other again but I had no choice. He would come no matter what I'd say. "I'm at my apartment."

"Text the address, and don't move." He speaks sternly before hanging up.

I send him the address and toss my phone once again. I had successfully dragged everyone down in this mess with me. I knew it would happen just not like this.

It wasn't even a half-hour before another knock was heard at my door. I crack the door to make sure it's safe before opening it all the way.

Bryson closed the gap between us rubbing his thumb across my cheek. I stood unable to speak again. All I wanted was to be in his arms again. His gentle touch calmed me.

"What's going on?" He softly asks me and I fall into his arms. I couldn't hold myself back any longer, I missed being held by him so much. He catches me and he guides me to my living room so we could sit.

"Summer." He tilts my chin up so we're looking at each other. The pain in his eyes stabs me in the heart knowing it was me that caused it.

"I was kidnapped three years ago." I start the story. I hadn't said it out loud to anyone before, it sets in how heavy the whole situation was. His eyes get misty when I tell him what he's put me through, I spare the horrible parts not wanting to inflict that emotional trauma on him. I show him the note I found and the phone that I threw earlier explaining that he wants me to sacrifice myself for my roommate's safety.

"You're safe now." He hugs me closer and for a split second, I believe him.