It's all started when James hurt his admirer way back 7th Grade. That clumsy, fat admirer confessed her feelings in the middle of court where James and his teammates having a practice. Not to mention the popularity of those basketball players, crazy fans, and stalkers. James hated girls doing the first move so he humiliated that girl, he said a lot of unforgivable things to her that made her life miserable. But the saying 'What Goes Around Comes Around' is really true. 20 years after that unforgettable disaster moment, they meet again. Things are really different now. She's not that clumsy fat girl anymore. She's not that irritable admirer/stalker anymore. And worst of all, she's no longer a GIRL ~ she's now a TOMBOY, arrogant tomboy.
Credits to Luizclas and King Siberia on Pexels