

Far away, In a world close enough to be seen but too far to reach, The Gods created a new world. A world with all manners of beings treading its land. This planet, though similar to earth, holds creatures beyond human comprehension. Creatures with animal heads and humanoid bodies laden with beastly features.

In this world, these Beastly beings are separated into tribes/clans, differentiated by what species their head is and their beast-like features. The higher clans/tribes stand at the apex of the food chain, the middle tribes/clans survive by keeping the balance, and the lesser tribes exist as slaves, dirty beings who hold zero power.

 The Phoenix tribe, worshippers of the great God Vulcan are rulers of the sky, Lord over fire and all things airborne. The behemoth tribe, lord of the land, son of Gaia, rule over the earth with an iron fist; they are feared, and none dare to disobey them. The leviathan tribe, rulers of the ocean, are giant beings, and stewards of the sea God Poseidon.

These are but three of the many higher tribes—beings at the Apex.

Of these higher tribes, there are some misfits, namely, the dragons. The Dragons are beings of high power who match the behemoth in terms of strength, and believe Phoenix lesser than themselves in mastery over fire.

Reclusive but arrogant beings, The Dragon believe themselves to be sons of the Elder God, Lord over all things that walk the land. They waged war against other tribes, hunt leviathans for food, Luans, only below the Phoenix in authority of the sky, were slaughtered  for sport, and devastate the lands out of boredom.

Retribution however, wasn't far away. The tribes soon grew tired of the dragon's savagery, banding together and forming an Army larger than the world has ever seen. The allied forces cover the sky and blot out the sun, spreading across the expansive lands.Fighting back, they waged war against the dragons.

Outnumbered and outmatched, the dragons fought a losing battle that lasted 300 years.The dragons were slaughtered and consumed as they had done to others, their corpses filled an entire ocean, their blood turned the lands red. 

Fearing extinction, the dragon king begged for a cease-fire and the allied forces, also incurring significant losses, accepted. 

The dragon tribe was reduced to a mere lesser clan. The once mightiest of all, accepted the humiliating condition imposed on them, the once strongest race, to lead a vegetarian life, never again to savor the taste of meat or blood.

The story begins from this dragon tribe.

In the center of Alliot forest, a grand city of towering walls and wide streets stood, unwavering. Large tree houses and stone buildings dotted it, and at the center, a very tall tree bearing an ancient bell dug it's root.

The great tree bell towered over the entire dragon tribe, letting out a grand sound, and the dragons took to the air, full of joy.

"The Queen has given birth!! It's A prince!!" 

The dragons took to the sky as they  roared in great joy.

The great joy however didn't pass on to the palace.

"Impossible!!" The Dragon King Novax thundered. His eyes blazing with fire as smoke and fumes shot out from his nose. 

His sight was trained on a little child in a cradle. A small dragon, his so-called son.

The child whose eyes had turned teary due to the loud sound looked towards it's father in hopes of being comforted, but it was destined to be disappointed.

'A misfit? no more like Cursed!' King Novax thought. His eyes held disgust towards the child. Different from the other green dragons, this child held a crimson color. An ominous color, one reminding them of devastating war; RED!

The King Novax lowered his sight away from the child as he looked at his claws. The king sired two daughters and finally when he thought he had birthed a true heir, the Gods played a joke on him giving him a cursed one.

"Guards!! Take this thing and dispose of it. I shall not have such an abomination in my palace" the dragon king bellowed, showing no remorse as he gave the order. One would think the child wasn't his.

"No!!" A cry rang out as a female dragon jumped out from the bed. She looked weak, as sweat filled her face but stood unsteadily in front of the child.

Her hands spread, to block the guards, she glared right into the king's eye. "How can you be so cold-blooded! This is your child! Our child! He might be different, but he's definitely not cursed!!" Please, I beg of you, let him live!"

"Nonsense!!" Fumes burst through the king's nostrils as he punched the wall angrily. The left-wing tower they stood in shook at the might of the king.

Not bothering to appease her, nor face her resentful gaze, the king held a stern face. "I will not have a child that will endanger my people in my lands! There is no home for the child here! My word is final!"

Without waiting for a reply, the king turned to leave, but his tassel was grasped by his wife Queen Sabrina.

The Queen, in hopes of getting through to her husband, got on her hands and knees, begging him "please, my king."

Her eyes moist with tears, she cut out a sorry figure: A mother trying to protect her child. "He doesn't have to die! He can do other things, please! You can have him work as a farmer. He will toil on the field, and have zero privilege meant for a prince, nor claim your throne. Just give the child a chance; he is but a harmless baby."

King Novax closed his eyes for a second; he couldn't bear to meet his wife's pitiful gaze. He cares for his people and wishes no harm to come to them, but the child is also his flesh and blood. Even the vicious vultures wouldn't devour their own offspring.

He let out a heavy sigh and relented "Fine, the child shall live. But he will not have any hope of leading the dragon tribe. I hope I don't come to regret this." His shoulder sagged as if he lost all his strength after saying that.

The Queen let out a beautiful smile, one which eclipsed the moon. She moved closer and hugged her husband. "Don't worry my king, you won't regret it."

"Drazon.." she suddenly spoke out. Confused, the king looked at Queen Sabrina.

"His name will be Drazon," she clarified, a small smile played out on her lips.

King Novax only let out a snort wanting nothing further to do with the child. Having said his piece, the king strode out angrily.

Days upon days, and soon a week had gone by after the birth of the red child.

The happy atmosphere quickly dissipated after word came out the boy was cursed. The once-great tribe had lost their might and now shivered at the hands of a baby.

The Queen's joy, however, wasn't dampened by others' gloomy thoughts, and a smile consistently appeared on her lips.