
Blazing Pain

Everybody was surprised that Drazon was still fighting Bash to the point of cornering him to use their family's secret techniques. Bash's family was also astonished that Drazon was strong enough to rival them. Drazon wanted to learn the enhancement techniques, but he knew that it was a guarded secret, and he would have to be in a deep relationship with one of them for them to teach him, so he tried to get on Bash's right side by entertaining his antics. 

They both quickly got up as they charged towards each other once again, but this time with an only fist and no elemental energies due to them being so tired. Drazon had the edge as he was faster than Bash, but Bash was still able to get a few hits here and there due to Drazon's sensory ability drained of energy. 

Eventually, Drazon wanted to end this battle as he got a hold of Bash and flipped him over to slam him on the ground. Drazon summoned what little energy he had and electrocuted Bash into paralyzation. Bash was too tired and paralyzed to care at this point as Drazon threw Bash off the stage, making Drazon the winner. 

The king even stood up after seeing this as he started clapping his hands. The king wanted to see more out of the battle, but he wasn't expecting too much of a crazy fight since they were still kids. He wondered how much stronger they will get once they grow up. 

Bash was going to join the kingsguard as the next-generation guards since his family had been serving for a long time, But as for Drazon, the sky was the limit. The king might even have to let Judea and Drazon fight for the future seat on the king's throne. 

The king was very interested in seeing that fight as he thought if Drazon gets enough training and guidance, he will be able to surpass Judea in no time. Drazon got tired of waiting as he cleared his throat before saying,'' The cursed child has won this tournament. What will the King and Queen of this territory reward this child? 

This statement had all the dragons wild up as they repeated what he said. It was quite a show as a king stood up and had somebody deliver the Phoenix fruit to him. Before throwing Bash off the stage, Drazon took his prize that he was promised a water fruit and put it away.  

The servant gave the fruit to Drazon, who was shaken not because the servant was happy that the king's son had gotten it but angry that the king had to give away such a precious fruit to a cursed child. Some people were not too happy about this, but they had no choice but to acknowledge Drazon's strength as he had won with his power. 

Drazon accepted the fruit, raised it in the air, and gulped it down in one bite. Everybody was surprised that he ate it in front of everybody. Usually, the contestants would save it for a few days meditating on it before eating it due to the painful changes they go through to strengthen their bones and body with the elemental energies. 

Drazon felt his heartbeat as a part of him felt like it had separated and come back. His blood veins were burning up; it felt like they were being destroyed and being healed over and over again.  Drazon was in so much pain he had a fire aura around him blazing as hot as magma, the guards nearby tried to help him, but he was so hot they couldn't. Everybody was shocked because they had never seen anybody go through this kind of change.

Drazon roared from all the pain he was experiencing, that roar alone made a shockwave knocking everybody off their feet and a huge fire blast came out of his mouth. All the dragons there were shocked by the sheer power Drazon was displaying; it was beyond anything they had ever seen before.

The King was smiling from ear-to-ear as he thought what a unique child, I'm going to turn him into a weapon of mass destruction and maybe even challenge the other clans once again. 

With that much power, the Queen, on the other hand, was anxious that Drazon might hurt himself as he was expanding quite a lot of energy. 

The queen quickly asked the king if it was indeed a phoenix fruit that was given to Drazon or something else. The king shrugged as he said it was a phoenix fruit, but the queen was beyond pissed at this point she tried to hold on to her image of being a calm Queen, but it was completely hard as she watched her son suffer in pain. 

Drazon couldn't stand the pain anymore as he got up stomping on the ground and pushed past his limit as energy wings came out of his back made out of the fire. 

Everybody, there was shocked with this outcome as Drazon flapped his wings and flew off into the distance. The queen quickly ordered Put to chase after him. 

Judea, on the other hand, thought this was the perfect opportunity as she slipped away to contact the Phoenix clan to make their move right now since there was so much chaos within the territory now. 

Put and a few of the kingsguard I left to search for Drazon, the King, was searching all over the place for Judea to give her instructions but couldn't find her and started to grow suspicious of her. 

The king ordered some of the King's guards to search for her after everybody had left the battlegrounds the queen had gone crazy as she yelled at the king for not stepping down there to help their son out. 

The king quickly refuted that even if he was going to help out, that was no ordinary fire, and he probably would have gotten burned if you had gotten too close. 

The queen rolled her eyes as she said, "you are supposed to be the strongest, and now you're scared of a 10-year-old kid, I'm beginning to regret ever marrying you. How can I have married such a spineless dragon who is scared to get close to a 10-year-old dragon". 

The king didn't mind the queen because she had always had a sharp tongue, so he simply shooed her away and said:" don't disturb my peace, female." 

The queen got mad and stormed off to also help with the search. The king returned to his quarters as he replayed the battle in his head once again, getting excited at the thought of having a weapon.