

After traveling for a few hours, King Lar finally arrived at the sealed cave. He dove right in not caring about the deep hole within it; he flew down for a few seconds before landing on his feet, not feeling any kind of pain from the long fall. Right behind him were The Scorpion King, The Owl clan, and The Manticores chasing after him as they went down the hole. 

The Undead King panicked as he thought, "I can never go back there again, I don't want to get experimented on, and my level is too low." But at the same time, he wanted to live on, so he continued to run away from them as he went deeper and deeper into the cave.

Eventually, when he reached the fifth level, the others had finally caught up to him due to The Undead King's level being a little bit low; he ran out of energy quickly. But the others kept going because they had a few potions on them to recover their strength. The Undead King was lying in the middle of a big room tired, drained out of power, and breathing heavily. 

The Undead King looked upon the arriving pursuers. The Owl Clan members said, "We are in a hurry, but since he is undead, we cannot kill him unless we have solar powers." That was when they decided to seal him within that cave. The pursuers noticed that when they had arrived, there were a lot of Undeads within that cave, and they thought that they could use them as experiments.

The owl clan representative didn't know if they killed The Undead King or whether his subjects would also die, so they decided to keep him alive. The Scorpion King told them that they should kill him anyway. He might escape one day, and if he does, they'll all be doomed, but The Owl Clan representative insisted that they keep them alive for experimental reasons. King Lar was pretty depressed that he was being tossed around with no control over his own life, but the thought of getting a second chance at life excited him.

As soon as King Lar saw that they were going to seal him in this little room in the cave, he got angry, but he was too weak to get up and charge towards them. They started putting up multiple barriers around the room, using magical signs the owl clan representative finished sealing the place after a whole week. The seal was finally done, and everybody left. King Spar left dejectedly as he said quietly, "this won't last very long, and that guy inside there is going to get stronger every time."

When King Spar said that nobody heard it, King Lar heard him as he was enlightened. He can use this opportunity to train and get to a higher level. That way, in the future, he will be able to exact his revenge on all those that did him wrong.

King Spar was leaving as he saw the smile on all The Undead. He shivered as he said, "I will also grow more robust and wait for your return." Now on this day, a few hundred years later, The Undead King had come back and was ready for his revenge.

A few years before Drazon's time, The Undead King could be seen sitting cross-legged in the sealed cave. He had been sealed and trapped within this cave never to be seen again, so he decided to bid his time and do some training. He closed his eyes as he started to feel the energy within him. All of a sudden, he began sensing others within the cave, purple lights, and green lights were showing all over the cave as they moved slowly towards the barrier.

The Undead King was surprised by this and wondered if he could communicate with the other Undead that was within the cave. He remembered one of the Undead that he could communicate with, and they could also talk back, so he tried by sending out a signal, and then a few hours later, the message came back. The Undead King was shocked by this as he told the Undead that responded to his communication to go to the barrier. The Undead replied by saying, "we're already on the way." The Undead King Lar was confused. As the Undead said, "you summoned us all to the deepest end of the cave." That's when King Lar remembered what happened. A shockwave had occurred while he was in his meditation mode.

He smirked and said, "this is great I have control over this Undead, and it seems like they're willing to do anything for me, it looks like I have become The Undead King." He laughed evilly as King Lar said, "a King deserves an army." He then slowly started accumulating his energy and passing it to the other Undead. They had all gathered at the barrier. The Undead all enjoyed the power that was passed on to them as they slowly grew in strength, especially the ones that had more power within them. They were later on known to be the captains of The Undead Kingdom.

                                    END OF THROWBACK 

Currently, Lar, the Undead King, was extremely excited. He was finally freed from his prison and two levels higher than before he was imprisoned.

A few years later, he was running towards the exit and slaughtering anybody that wasn't Undead on his way.

Drazon and Dory were also in the cave running for their dear lives. It would take them a few hours before they reached the entrance, but before they could even get any closer, the Undead King was in their path, looking at Drazon with a critical look in his eyes. King Lar ran towards Drazon and Dory. Drazon was more of his target since he was of the Dragon clan.

Drazon was about to be attacked when Dory stepped in front of him as she pushed him away. Dory was stabbed right in the chest as the Undead King pulled out her heart and ate it. He was smiling with a mouthful of blood & Dory's heart after he was done, he swallowed the heart. 

Drazon was shocked beyond reasoning, and King Lar looked at Drazon as his next victim. He said, "that was quite spicy, I wonder how yours would taste like." Before Drazon could do anything, the Undead King was before him looking to take his heart out. But before that could happen, Drazon had fallen into a black portal that came under him, disappearing from King Lar's sight.