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Drazon ran towards Lum, causing Lum to start to panic a little as one of his tricks did not work, so he had to think of something else to stop Drazon. Drazon charged towards Lum with a fiery fist as he jumped up in the air and swung his fist at Lum. 

Lum used his hands to block as he didn't think that Drazon had enough strength to push him away since he had quite a big body and thick skin as all seals did. Still, he started to feel the heat coming from that attack and panicked. 

He used his shape-shift ability to shift his body into a smaller version of himself, avoiding the rest of the attack and dove into the water to get the heat off of him. Drazon frowned when he saw that Lum had escaped and quickly chased him down into the water as he also fell into the water. 

The Kings were making a note of all of the abilities Drazon had so far. They noticed Drazon had used fire and electricity. Drazon used fire to attack and used electricity to boost his speed. The Kings wondered how many more tricks Drazon had up his sleeves. 

The battle went on as Drazon was now underwater, and he couldn't use his fire element to attack, so Lum was wondering what he would do next. Just when Lum was about to attack Drazon, Drazon started smiling, making Lum stop his attack and wonder why Drazon was smiling so brightly. 

Electricity began to surge around Drazon's eyes as he unleashed a blast of electric shock, this attack shocked the whole pool of water and Lum was in the middle of this attack as the water made the electricity more dangerous. 

Lum was shocked until he had finally passed out as the referee quickly stopped Drazon from continuing his attack. Drazon had almost killed Lum, the person that was trying to kill him. 

Drazon had noticed that earlier, some of the ice cube attacks from Lum had dangerous aura's around them as Lum had made little sharp icicles to avoid the naked eyes. Thanks to Drazon's sensory skills, he was able to avoid them but not without noticing how dangerous it would be if it were to strike him.  

Drazon got out of the pool as the announcer announced the winner. The crowd cheered as Drazon waved back at the crowd. The Seal King and his son were furious that their level 3 champion had lost, and Drazon was still living well. 

Drazon taunted them by saying, "who's next," it was then that the Polar Bear Kings champion came out saying," I'm the one who'll be next and facing you." He walked over to Drazon on the stage; this level 3 champion was called Big. 

The reason why he was called Big was that he was bigger than most polar bears. At birth, he was as big as a human 6-year-old male, which shocked their whole community because that was the same size the Polar Bear King Sus came out as when he was born. 

The Polar Bear Clan thought this guy was going to be a champion of champions, so they started nurturing him at a young age as he grew up battling non-stop every day and training, so he was more durable than most. When Big heard he was given a chance to win an Ice Fruit, he got a little excited about that and decided to go all out. 

If Big was able to defeat Drazon, then he'll be able to get the fruit, so now Big was more motivated as he towered over Drazon to start the battle. Big was acting extremely cocky, thinking Drazon would be weak, but he had no idea what Drazon was capable of.