The Unexpected Email

Diya's POV

" Diya! Diya! Wake up. Don't you have work today? C'mon sleepyhead wake up...." Khushi exclaimed, shaking my shoulders, trying really hard to make me meet Mr Sun. I fluttered my eyes and stirred from my beauty sleep.

I gave her a dazed look. " Why are you looking at me as if I have grown two heads? " Khushi said in an indignant tone.

I know why she is mad at me.*Sigh* I couldn't attend the dinner last night, where I was supposed to meet her man. Last night, I texted her saying I won't make it to the dinner and asked her to have fun with her boyfriend. I didn't give her any explanation for my absence and neither did I waited for her reply. I just switched off my phone, came to my apartment and went to bed. Last night, I really had no mood for another argument after what happened at work.

" Uhmm....nothing babe," I said while yawning and rubbing my eyes.

" Don't you babe me okay. I demand an explanation Diya" she said while frowning like a school teacher waiting for her student's reply to not attending her class.

"About what Khushi?" I feigned ig my best not to bring up that topic.

" Don't play dumb Diya. You know exactly what I am talking about. Why didn't you come for the dinner yesterday? I am really disappointed Diya. If you had something really important to tend to, you could have told me. I was so worried about you yesterday and you didn't even pick up my calls nor reply my texts" Khushi said while letting go a deep sigh.

" I am really sorry Khushi. I promise, next time I won't disappoint you" I said while lightly squeezing her hand to assure her.

" You are not getting away that easily missy. Now be a good girl and spill it out" Khushi told sternly.

After knowing Khushi very well, I decided to tell her whatever happened at work because I know that she won't stay put until she gets what she wants. So, I narrated the whole story from the interview to the fight I had with my so-called 'ex' boss.

To say that she was shocked would be an understatement. She kept on blinking her eyes several times, trying to process what I had just said a while ago.

" So....*hit* much had *hit* happened and you..... have * hit* been keeping me....* hit* in dark all the... while *hit*, " Khushi said while hitting me continuously with a pillow.

" Khushi....ahh * duck* listen!, I * duck * didn't mean to hide anything from you," I said while miserably trying to miss her attempts to hit me. Which I terribly failed at the end.

" C' mon Diya, I can't believe that you still consider me as a stranger," Khushi said in a sad tone.

" No! Don't say something like that. You're not just my friend. I consider you as my sister. I didn't want to make you worried and tensed. That's why I kept mum all the while. Believe me Khushi" I told Khushi giving her a puppy face. Khushi shook her head in disagreement and gave me a disappointed look.

" Okay, so what are you going to do now?" Khushi said while shoving my shoulder.

" Hey, don't push me like that. What if I fall down and break my arm? " I said trying to enlight her.

Khushi gave me an are-you-for-real look. I chuckled at her.

" I have quit the job Khushi. I am no longer working there. Never!" I said confidently while getting up from my bed.

" The only thing that I have to do now is to print my resignation letter and mail it to his secretary. Then, I would be finally done with the stupid job and the freaking company" I said while searching for my laptop.

Things just don't appear whenever I really need them. Where in the world is my damn laptop?

Finally, when I found my laptop, I entered my password and started typing out my resignation letter. After, about 20 minutes I was done typing by letter hence, I logged into my Gmail account and send my letter to Mr Jerk face's secretary.

Being satisfied, I finally went to take my shower. After a long relaxing shower, I went through my closet and settled for casuals. Suddenly, I heard a 'PING' on my phone. It was a notification showing me that I had a new mail in my mailbox. Seeing the name of the sender, made my eyes bulge out. IT WAS FROM RAHUL. I immediately swiped open my phone and went through his mail.

After reading his mail, my whole body was shaking due to anger.

How dare he? You are gonna pay for this Mr Ranawat and I will make sure that that happens.

I rolled my sleeves and exited my room taking long strides. My jaw was clenched and my hands were fisted. I was literally restraining myself from killing him.

" Diya.....where are you going? I thought you have quit your job " Khushi yelled from the kitchen.

" I am going to settle some unsettled scores Khushi," I told Khushi in a dangerous death tone.


Rahul's POV

This is going to be really fun. I thought while rubbing my hands together.

Did she really think that quitting the job is going to be that easy? You have mistaken me angry bird.* smirk*. Joining the company and leaving the company both only, ONLY happens with my approval. You really thought that a single resignation letter will save you from me. Let's see what you're gonna do now. * smirk*

Come out, come out wherever you are Angry bird.

As on cue, I saw her entering the company through the CCTV camera.

Now that's the spirit. So you have finally decided to face your worst nightmare.* smirk*