Rahul's Outburst

Mitra Singh Ranawat

I was on my way to our mansion after dropping off Diya at her apartment. She is one of a kind. I was amazed by her humanity, kind heart and her politeness. The way she cared for me today made my heart to swell. I was completely moved by her kindness. I started going into my own reverie about the girl that I met moments ago. Then something clicked in me and I started thinking about the things that happened at the temple.

( A/N The scene after this might sound absurd but it's just to give the story a more dramatic effect. Forgive me if it sounds ridiculous)

At the temple

"pandit Ji( priest), is there any offerings that I could offer to the God for my children wellbeing and for their future," I asked him hopefully. " Maa Ji, you don't have to do any offerings to the god for his blessings. This is not a place where we make a deal with god giving him offerings. Its a place where we give ourselves to god via our devotion. Maa Ji, our temple's Mata Ji ( Indian goddess) is very powerful. If you ask her something with a pure heart and good intentions, she will grant your wishes" the pandit Ji told me gesturing towards this temple's Mata Ji's idol.

" Je pandit ji," I said moving towards the idol. I started praying with my eyes tightly closed. The only image that appeared after I closed my eyes was my Rahul's face. Tears started to prick at the end of my eyes as I started thinking about my  Rahul beta's future and his marriage. " Mata Ji, people usually say that money can buy anything but its not at all true. It can't buy peace, happiness and fulfilment. We live a luxurious life but I can't come with peace when I think about my beta and his future. I am so worried about his lifestyle and the rumours spread about him. I want him to settle down and have a happy family. If that never happens my soul can never find peace even after I die. Mata Ji, I beg you. Please show me a way. All I want is my son's happiness and I can't make him understand the importance of marriage. Please show me a way to my son's happiness" I said while tears started trickling down my cheeks.

After I was done ranting my problem to Mata Ji, as on cue it started to wind heavily making a 'woosh' sound. The trees around the temple started to sway back and fort responding to the heavy wind and all the temple bells started ringing due to the wind as well. Thinking that it was a sign from Mata Ji for my prayers, I wiped away my tears happily as new streams of tears started forming due to happiness.


I guess god as answered my prayers. I thought thinking about Diya. But the price that I had to give for it was a bit too much. I thought looking at my injured form. But its okay, anything for my kids. I closed my eyes in contentment thanking the god.

Rahul's POV

" I don't give a damn about that f*cktard! Does that pathetic Razaida think he can overpower me? F*cking b*stard. I don't care whether he is dead or alive but I want his f*cking signature on that paper by hook or crook even if it takes you to burn him into ashes" I boomed at my PA and hung the call.

How dare he! B*stard. Does he think he can over smart me? The great Rahul Singh Ranawat.* smirk* That Pathetic rat thinks he can snatch that property from me? He needs to be taught a lesson. Wait and watch my next move f*cker.

I thought making evil plans in my mind. Arjun Razaida is my long-time business rival who once used to be my partner in crime during our schooldays. But now he is my sworn enemy and I have my own reasons for it.

I was pulled from my trance when I hear the sound of doors opening. Vimal rushed into my cabin with a worried expression on his face." Rahul, I heard that Arj-" Vimal started but I beat him to it. " Never. I mean never take that b*stard's name in front me" I snapped at Vimal while throwing the vase on the floor breaking it into pieces.

Vimal flinched but I started throwing everything around me in rage. He stopped me when I was about to throw my laptop. He pulled me by my shoulder and snatched the laptop from my hands. " ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND RAHUL! For god's sake stop hurting yourself by hurting him. Rahul, I don't know how to make you understand but just remember that taking revenge will never give your soul peace. I hope you understand this before you learn it the hard way" Rahul said in his hard tone while I jerked my hand from his hold. " How could you say that Vinay? Out of all the people out there, how could 'you' say that? HOW?" I yelled at him losing my control." You know exactly why I wanna chop that b*stard's head! He ruined everything Vimal. He betrayed our trust but still, you are siding him. Did you f*cking forgot what he did to us?" I said shaking his shoulders. " I never forgot what he did nor will I forgive him but don't you think while taking revenge from him, along the way you have also become just like him" Vinay retorted.

" Don't compare me with that f*cker VIMAL?" I said and pounced on him while someone entered my cabin without warning. Both of us who were currently engaged in a heated fight snapped our head to look at the intruder.

That, someone, was none other than Diya. She was standing there with a horrified expression on her face after dropping the file in her hand while me and Vimal were stupified. Vimal, who was on top of me pulled away and started adjusting his tie. " Uhm Hi! I am Vimal Singh Raichand" Vimal said and forwarded his hand in front that angry bird for a handshake after dusting his attire.

She was speechless. Shocked. confused. But nevertheless, she shook her hands with Vimal. " I am Diya Sharma. Mr Ranawat's PA" she said retrieving her hand. " I am Rahul's bestie," Vimal said which instantly made Diya's eyes to go wide. " I know what you are thinking Ms Sharma but trust me, he loves me," he said winking at me while I snorted hearing that.

Diya was snickering which made her gain a hard glare from me. " Ms- " Vimal started but he was cut off by Diya. " Sir, please. You can call me Diya" she said which made Vimal grin from ear to ear. " Then, you have to start calling me Vimal not sir" he grinned again.

" You have a very nice name Diya. Please don't get me wrong but I think I have heard your name somewhere. I just don't remember where" he said scratching his light stubble making him look like he was in deep thinking. Wow. Is he hitting on her. And I heard someone was already committed. I thought and rolled my eyes internally.

" Uhm...I have no idea si..I mean Vimal. But I think even I have seen you somewhere..." Diya trailed. Annoyed with their flirting session, I finally started to speak up. " Oh Woah! Isn't that amazing! Since the feelings are mutual, let's get you guys married"  I said sarcastically while Vimal glared at me and Diya muttered asshole under her breath which did not go unnoticed by me.

" If you are done flirting with my friend who is already 'committed', can you do me a favour and tell me why you f*cking entered my cabin without knocking" I snapped at her. She sucked in a deep breath and picked up the file that she had dropped after seeing us rolling on the floor and forwarded it to me. I snatched the file from her rudely and scanned the contents. Even though I was satisfied with her work, I wanted to taunt her, insult her, degrade her. I wanted to release all my pent up anger which was mainly due to that b*stard Arjun for ruining my life, Vimal who couldn't understand the motive behind my action and finally Diya who.....I don't why. Just looking at her makes me angry and frustrated probably because she had caused a dent to my ego.

I closed the filed angrily. " WTF is in this shit of a file Diya! It's all crap and bullshit. DID YOU THINK THAT I PAY YOU TO F*UCK UP MY COMPANY'S PROJECT!" I snarled at her and threw the file on her damn face. That got Vimal's attention who was busy scrolling through his phone while Diya closed her eyes tightly due to the sudden impact on her face which she wasn't prepared for.

" The f*ck man!" Vimal made his way towards us but  I paid no heeds to either of them and stormed out of my cabin slamming the door with a thud.