Rahul's Pov

Seriously, where the hell is this girl. Since I exited the room in a hurry I forgot to bring my damn phone. If I had brought it, at least I could have called the person who I left in charge to have an eye on her. Damn it. While looking for her here and there my mind started to get clouded with all the possibilities for her disappearance. My heartbeat started to rise in fear. Did someone kidnap her? What if they hurt her? What if they molest her? Did she got knocked by a car? God.....I always knew this place was never safe for girls. Anger made me become blind and I didn't realise what I was doing at that time. I accept I hate her but I never wished anything bad to happen to her. I am still not convinced that she might be innocent but looking at the odds at the moment...I am having second thoughts. No Rahul what are you thinking? If she was really innocent what was she doing with that Arjun? She might not be behind that trap of a deal but I am sure she is not innocent. Yeah, that's right.

Yup, keep saying that! Whatever makes you sleep at night dude.

I brushed off my conscience not giving it second thoughts. While looking for her, I became oblivious to the things happening around me. Within seconds, I was pushed to the ground with a forceful blow and there was a car that went passed me on high speed. The fuck what just happened? Then I heard someone wincing and groaning beside me. I snapped to my left and found none other than Diya, holding her hand hissing in pain. My eyes travelled to her forearm...and it was bleeding heavily. Shit!

"I-" before I could even say anything she cut me off. " Where were your damn eyes idiot? You could have gotten yourself killed!" she yelled at me throwing her hand in the air after getting off the ground. That took me off guard. I can't believe that she actually took the effort to save me even after going through all the troubles that I put her through. The girl that I was searching frantically under the rain minutes ago stood there in all her glory. I sighed in relief but I frowned looking at her arm. I grabbed her other arm firmly but gently and started dragging her away from the rain. " Let go of my hand you freak! Don't make me regret saving your life" she shrieked trying to pull back her hand.

" We're getting you to the hospital"

" What!"

" I am sure you heard what I said"

" Of course. But why? Have you found another way to torture me by bringing me to the hospital" she yelped

" I don't need a hospital to torture you" I deadpanned. She snorted and successfully pulled her hand off my grip. " I am not going anywhere with you. If your so-called punishment is over, hand over my belongings and I will be on my way to home" she gritted out glaring at me. " Look you are hurt. You need medical attention. Let me help you" she raised her eyebrow being confused with my calm and composed tone. I won't blame her even I am surprised with how it came out. She stared at me for like a minute and sighed. The sky was roaring with loud thunder and the lightning was flashing making the dark sky turn bright. The rain was so heavy but she didn't waver or cower away from me nor the whether.

Aren't girls mostly afraid of thunder? While I was having second thoughts about her feminity, she started talking breaking the silence.

" Do I look so pathetic at the moment for you to forget your hatred for me and sympathise on me? I really don't need your help. As I said before give me my belongings and I will be on my way" this time she didn't sneer. She told me like how a mother would explain to her child about the importance of education. Too bad, I ain't a child and she is not my mom. I ignored whatever she said and resumed my caveman behaviours and continued dragging her away from the rain.

" FOR GOD SAKE, CAN'T YOU UNDERSTAND? I DON'T WANT TO BE ANYWHERE NEAR YOU ASSHOLE!!!" her voice boomed through the entire parking lot making me flinch internally. I immediately let go off her hand and she made sure there was a half metre gap between us. She scrunched her nose as if she was disgust with my touch. No, you did not do that....does she takes my presence for a rubbish can!?

" EVEN I AM NOT DIEING TO BE ANYWHERE NEAR YOU BITCH!" I snapped at her. She was absolutely being an ungrateful brat. Yes, a agree. I should have not behaved like a maniac earlier today. But isn't she doing the same? Yelling and shouting like a stupid kid throwing tantrums. She was hurt in an attempt of saving my life. So I wanted to help but being the ungrateful brat that she is she keeps declining my help. Why? Oh, why??????

" Great!!!! Then let me go. I am so done with all your drama" she said glaring at me. " DRAMA!!" I snarled at her talking predatory steps towards her. Even though she acted strong. I could sense fear swirling in her orbs. However, she stood her ground staring at me with equal intensity. " You call this DRAMA," I said pointing at my drenched form. " Even after knowing you having connections with my enemy, I am here trying to help you out of humanity but you are just being an ungrateful bitch" I spat while gripping the sides of her arms in a firm grip.

" Are you out of your mind? First of all, I don't even understand the reason I am getting punished. Second, I don't know any of your enemies. Third, I never asked for help in the first place. Get this through your thick skull. If you still don't get it, I would personally recommend you to a renowned psychiatrist to get your sanity checked" she sneered trying to wiggle out of my hold but I didn't budge. I need answers.

" Then what were you doing with that bastard Arjun earlier today? Answer me damn it!" I said in an accusation tone. She was silent for a minute. The stupid idiot is probably formulating a lie to escape the situation. She was in deep thoughts while I looked at her with my eyes forming into slits. " Cat caught your tongue?" I mocked having enough of her silence.

" You mean...A-Arjun...Arjun Singh Raizada? H-He is your enemy?" she asked hesitantly.

" Yes! Arjun freaking Singh Raizada. Now tell me what were you doing with him this morning. What were you guys scheming against me?" I snarled shaking her shoulders harshly.

" He...he is my friend," she said in a very vulnerable tone. Her lips started quivering and she bit her bottom lip so hard trying to prevent the sob that was threatening to burst out. I expected to see fear and anxiousness in her eyes, thinking about how I had caught her red-handed conspiring with my enemy behind my back. Instead, I saw hurt and void in her orbs which left me utterly confused. Her form started to tremble in my hands and her eyes started to pool with unshed tears and she seemed to be lost somewhere.

God... it's so hard to decipher what is she thinking. I have never seen here like this. Not even when I did everything in my power to break her. She faced everything without an ounce of fear and weakness like a fierce tigress. Then why is she trembling to hear his name? Did they had a relationship in the past? Did that bastard break her heart? Is that why she became vulnerable after hearing his name. But how is that possible? I have been with him since junior high school. I have never seen her with him nor heard about her from him. He never said he was involved in a relationship before he met us. God....this is so fucking confusing.

A loud thunder brought me back from my thoughts making me swiftly look at her. Guess the thunder also brought her out of whatever she was thinking because she kept looking here and there not meeting my gaze which made me frown deeply. " Do you even listen to yourself? You're his friend? Do I look like a fool to you? Huh?" I snapped at her.

" I don't care whether you believe me or not. You asked me a question and I answered it. It's up to you whether you want to believe it or not. I don't think it's necessary for me to prove myself" she said after taking in a deep breath in a nonchalant tone. " Yeah, of course, you don't you lying bitch. Now cut the crap and tell me how much did he pay you to sleep with him and to give away my company's details" I bit back and within seconds there was a hard blow to my face making my face whip to my left.

Yes! She fucking slapped me. A hard one.

I slowly turned my head throwing a menacing look at her and her expression was nothing less to it either. Gone was the trembling and vulnerable Diya. Now she was seething with anger and her nostrils were flaring.


" SHUT UP. JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP! HOW DARE YOU BELITTLE ME WITH YOUR FILTHY TONGUE AND FUCKED UP MIND? HUH?" she seethed in a very dangerous voice coming near me and grabbing hold of my collar while I stood there gobsmacked.

The look she is giving me makes me want to gulp audibly. I think that made me a bit intimidated. No no no! What the fuck Rahul, you're the one with balls here so quite pissing yourself and act like one. Therefore, I stood there with a blank face, pretending as if her yelling at me and her close proximity had no effect on me at all while, in reality, my heart rate increased in anticipation. For what? Heck, I had no clue!

"You have been doing the talking all this while. Now it's time for you YOU to listen and for me to TALK! So listen very carefully because I am not gonna repeat myself again. Do I make myself clear!?" I nod my head up and down like a kid agreeing to finish his homework in order to save his ass from getting whipped by his teacher.

" Good. Now listen very carefully! I have no intention in ruining your company or you if that's what you have been thinking. Even though the latter sounds very tempting to commit" she said giving me a stink eye followed by a snort.

What does she mean by tempting!? I am the one supposed to ruin her not the other way around. Is she even listening to herself? She will ruin me? Me? I am assuming she is high on weed if she thinks she has the power to ruin me. Delusional fool!!

" All these while I have been bearing with you solely because of your good for nothing useless contract. However, if working for you because of that stupid contract means putting my dignity and self-respect at stake, I would rather choose going paragliding with a malfunctioning parachute" she said letting go off my collar with hatred seeping through each and every pore of her skin.

*scoff* Dignity? Self-respect? Does she even know the meaning of these words? Where was her dignity when she threw herself on that bastard like a cheap slut? Where was her self respect when she traded my companies details with that bastard? What about MY dignity and self-respect? I was literally embarrassed out of my life earlier today when I lost the deal. Yeah, yeah I get it! It was a trap but what if it was an actual deal? Is it fair for me to care for her dignity and self-respect when mine gets tarnished because of her infidelity to my company?

Dude stop building a house which has no framework! You don't have proof against her. So it's best for you to suck it up for the time being until she is proven guilty.

I have no mood to argue with my conscience. Therefore, I tried maintaining a poker face but with all the thoughts swirling in my mind, it was becoming difficult.

" I don't care what YOU think of me. I could care less but I would rather kill myself than working in a place where I am constantly being ACCUSED and ABUSED for something that I have no idea about. So Mr RAHUL SINGH RANAWAT, fuck your contract and fuck your stupid company! I don't care about the consequences that I might have to face for breaching the contract. It can go to hell for all I care! " she deadpanned saying the last sentence and made me frown in confusion.

How dare she? She makes me sound like I am the bad guy here! Are you not!? *eye roll* What does she mean by not caring about the consequences?

" I know it's a lot for your poor undeveloped brain cells to take in so, to wrap it up....I Q-U-I-T!" she said answering my unasked question by spelling out the word QUIT.

Undeveloped brain cells!? Just because I decide to remain quiet until she finishes her ramble, does mean she is allowed to say whatever she wants without thinking!!!! You.....

" Our meeting ends here and I assure you from my side that this will be the last time you would be breathing the same air as me," she said with utter determination like that's going to her life goal until her last breath.

As if I am dying to be in your presence! I snorted internally. "I have no faith in God. However, if me praying to all the gods from all the religion around the world would make me never meet you ever again, I would gladly claw my eyes out and serve them on a silver platter to all of them" she spat venomously.

How course you won't see me or anyone for that matter. You will be fucking blind after that! Stupid bitch!

" Bad bye!" she hissed and stormed out of my sight taking long strides living me dumbfound and gaping like a fish under the heavy rain. Right now I am not sure whether the storm is outside me or inside me. I stood there for the very first time not knowing what to say. All these while there was only one thing that kept on bugging me.

Is there by any chance I might have misjudged her?