Mom In Black

Rahul's POV

I kept on rewinding the video on my laptop. What is this? I am not getting it at all. It was the video where that bastard and Diya collided. I think she enjoys colliding into others. I have seen this video earlier, there's nothing new in it. However, now that I am looking at it with audio, it makes me more confused. What is he talking about? Their conversation seems personal rather than professional? Maybe she was... telling the truth. In the video, she doesn't sound like a person talking to her boss though. It seems like they know each other personally.

" Where have you been all these while? Do you know how worried I became? It was like you disappeared in thin air after that unfateful day"

" Arjun....I-I was helpless after that day. Everything seems blur whenever I try recalling that day. It took me several days to regain my senses. I-I.."