I have what!?

Unknown POV

Why is he here? What does he want? What is he implying by threatening me? I thought and grit out in irritation. Speaking of the devil, here he comes. " Hello, hello....." he faked chirped making me cringe. " How is prison been treating you old man? I bet your life in prison would be way better than your life outside it because you have me outside the prison" he said giving me a sinister look while I continued having a poker face.

" What? Aren't you gonna say something old man? C'mon this isn't fair. I am the only one who comes to visit you and you refuse to talk to a kind soul like me" he feigned hurt making me scoff in return. Kind soul? Does this idiot think threatening someone is called kindness? " Are you afraid that if you talk to me you would accidentally blurt out the place of my prey? Huh? Is that why you always turn mute whenever I visit you?" he mocked but I remained unfazed which in return made him snort.