Million Dollar Question

Third Person's POV

The morning ray, that was slowly seeping through the parted curtains of her apartment, grazed her soft features making her eyelids to twitch involuntarily. Feeling an imaginary duet that had made her feel safe and comfortable being removed, she slowly fluttered her lashes taking in the picture of her room which was basking in the morning glow.

She narrowed her eyes after realising something soft being placed on her forehead. Touching the soft yet slightly wet material, she realised it being a cloth. Confused, she propped herself slowly leaning towards the headboard with her eyes still being closed as the morning light was hurting her eyesight.

After, settling into a comfortable position, she scanned her room and started thinking how in the world did she even manage to get into the bed. Because the last time she remembered, she was lying on the sofa. So, the mystery of her lying on her bed perplexed her.