A Frail Farewell

Third Person's POV

"Speaking" Jenny hushed as she slowly descended the stairs. She stopped at the foot of the stairs and looked around. When she spotted no one in the living room, she started making her way out of the house taking careful steps.

" I am out, " said a gruff voice from the other end of the call.

" Didn't I tell you to not meet me at home? Why don't understand? If anyone spots you here, they will immediately know you" Jenny clicked her tongue and started taking long strides to the garden where she usually meets him.

Looking back occasionally, she made sure her moves were discrete. It's a different story if people from outside saw her conversing with him, but if it were to be someone from her household, it would be a complete disaster. People from outside might find it difficult to grasp his oddly familiar features but that wasn't the same case with her family. They will figure him out in a heartbeat. Especially, her mother in law.