The New Stalker

Third Person's POV

The morning veered in as soon as she closed her eyes. It was indeed a long night for her. And the blaring alarmed only made her turn around from the annoying sound and bury her face deep into the pillow.

She had no mood for office today. It was 8 am and she still had plenty of time to wake up and go for work but she was too exhausted to even move a muscle in her body. All she wanted to do was getting cosy with her soft bed and go back to sleep and if possible she wished to never wake up.

But the promise made to Arjun, meeting him for lunch, knocked at the back of her eyelids, disturbing her peaceful slumber. Groaning, she got up and propped herself on the headrest of her bed.

She picked her phone and called a day off from office. She was in no mood to face Rahul and his irritating antics of seeking for her so-called friendship. Hence, she decided to ask for a leave and chill at home until it was lunchtime.