His Haunting Past

Diya's POV

Wait...is that...is that Tina??? What is she doing here? That too with a man who looks like a daylight burglar? Why is he wearing a mask covering his mouth and nose? I get it that its rainy sessions and it's easy for you to get infected by the circulating viruses but I don't see others in here being that health-conscious. Perhaps he is sick...but then if he's sick shouldn't he be at home and taking freaking rest?

Duh... I am probably thinking this way too much. Hence, scoffing to myself, I was about to turn away but then before I snapped my head from there, I saw Tina, taking out a bundle of notes from her handbag and discreetly sliding it to the guy sitting in front of her while looking to her left and right making sure no one was looking her way.


I immediately ducked down when she was about to look my way.

The heck is this girl doing?!