His Proven Loyalty

Enzo's POV

" Pull the damn trigger, if you wish to see the next sunrise" I can't believe this is happening again.

Where the fuck did this hooligans came from!

" Now don't be a pussy. We know you're new to the crew, these bastards have enough sins on their list to get them a straight ticket to hell. Either you pull the trigger on your boss or we pull it on you. The choice is yours" I saw Alberto fumbling with a gun as two guys pinned him down with his knee to the floor.

Another three of them were holding me back, restraining me from reaching towards boss. I feel so unnerving. Why isn't Lucifer defending himself? He looks too calm for a situation like this. I can't believe our private jet has been high jacked. For fucks sake, we just ran a security check like 2 days ago. Also, I was there to make sure everything went well . Then, how the heck did this happened?