Matthew 27:1-28




Date: February 10, 2020, Monday

Today's Lesson: Matthew 27:1-28

* Judas Hangs Himself

1. What did Judas do when he saw that Jesus was condemned to death?

Answer: Judas repented & returned the money he had been paid when he saw that Jesus was condemned to death

2. Define remorse, is it the same as repentance?

Answer: Remorse is a gnawing distress arising from a sense of guilt for past wrongs; no it is not the same as repentance

3. In the dialog between Jesus and the priests and elders in verse 4, what can you say about the attitude of the chief priest and elders?

Answer: In the dialog between Jesus & the priests & elders in verse 4, they realized that Jesus is sinless

4. What did the priest do with the money Judas returned?

Answer: The priest picked up the coins with the money Judas returned

5. Why was the potter's field called the "Field of Blood"?

Answer: The potter's field called the "field of blood" because to payment for the foreigner burial place

* Jesus Before Pilate

1. What can we say about Jesus' attitude when He was arrested and brought before Pilate?

Answer: I mean he is very calm and has a state of consciousness. He is willing to go with the Roman soldiers.

2. What can we learn about Jesus' attitude? Answer: in times of trouble, we should have state of mind.

3. What can you say about Pilate's decision to condemn Jesus to death?

Answer: he is a Roman leader. He sees Jesus as a threat.

4. What do you think Barrabas felt when he learned that Jesus died in his place? Answer: he is so happy. He is now a free person. When he turns to God. He became a disciple like Paul.

5. In what way the we can say that we are all like Barrabas?

Answer: yes, sometimes we became lucky like Barrabas.

What lesson did you learn today?

Answer: I learned that we should be like Jesus in times of trouble. And we should be grateful if what we have.


