Matthew 27:45-66




Date: February 13, 2020, Thursday

Today's Lesson: Matthew 27:45-66

* The Death of Jesus

1. Why do you think Jesus cried out "My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?" What was happening at that moment that Him cry out to God?

Answer: he cried out to God the Father because he is going to die. He is suffering at the cross

2. List down and describe all the supernatural events that took place after Jesus died. Why do you think these events happened?

Answer; this event happened because Jesus is the Son of God. There is an earthquake, and the tapestry of the temple torn apart.

* The Burial of Jesus

1. On whose tomb was Jesus buried?

Answer: a rich man from arimathea named Joseph

2. Who were the women that sat across the tomb and was watching?

Answer: Mary Magdalene and the other Mary

* The Guards at the Tomb

1. Why do you think the chief priests and Pharisees insist that Jesus' tomb be guarded and secured?

Answer: because they heard from the other followers of Christ that after 3 days, Jesus may rise again

What verse made an impact to you today?

Answer: Verse 54 -- when the centurion and those with him who were guarding Jesus saw the earthquake and all that had exclaimed "surely he was Son of God."


